SubBZ SeaTruck Update Thoughts
Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members

Just a quick note as I started a new game after the SubBZ SeaTruck update -- thank you, thank you, for putting the compass blueprint in the game earlier at the old supply drop.
Being able to get your bearings is critical when exploring, especially when some text specifically mentions directions, e.g. "Heading further south tomorrow". I've always believed that compass blueprints should be thought of as a basic survival item just like a knife or flippers and available right at the start of the game, but the current early location is a decent tradeoff.
Keep up the good work!
Being able to get your bearings is critical when exploring, especially when some text specifically mentions directions, e.g. "Heading further south tomorrow". I've always believed that compass blueprints should be thought of as a basic survival item just like a knife or flippers and available right at the start of the game, but the current early location is a decent tradeoff.
Keep up the good work!

I have found so many SeaTruck fragments that I stopped counting at 17. I have been logging the coordinates of the fragments for future reference. I have found only six of the Aquarium Module fragments, and no fragments for the other SeaTruck modules. Does anyone know if they are included in the game, and if so, what general area in which they may be found?
Another question - is the Vehicle Upgrade Console available? I'd like to fabricate the depth upgrade for the SeaTruck. I would prefer to not have to use console commands, if possible.
I realize you need to gate it to establish progression in the game, but it feels like busywork, not an accomplishment.
Mardy, good suggestion regarding a docking port. I have fond memories of the MoonPool from the original but if it's awkward to use in SubBZ then perhaps a rework is in order.
There are two other modules available, one of which the fabricator. And let's put it like this; the SeaTruck update comes with two new biomes. You've been searching in only one of them yet. Have fun diving into the other.
Though fair warning: stay away from any plants that want to munch on you. I've found them to be insta-death if you are pulled in their maws and they aren't stopped by the stasis rifle either.
Thanks, that was a great hint! Didn't give too much away, but pointed me in the right direction (down). Taking the SeaTruck down to just above its original crush depth of 275 meters, I exited the truck and dove down from there and found the fragments needed to build the fabricator module. I upgraded the SeaTruck's depth capability to 425 meters, and then returned and explored the deep area at my leisure - if you don't count severe claustrophobia from the environment down there 'leisure'. I have now located numerous instances of SeaTruck fragments (27) and its modules - aquarium (6), fabricator (15), and storage (3).
I must say that I was disappointed in the storage module - there is barely enough storage to make it worthwhile. Come on, developers, don't be stingy. Please at least double the storage available - at least. If storage was quadrupled, that would be about right.
As for the plant in question . . . ugh. They got me a couple of times - when I was scanning truck fragments. I died twice, and was 'resurrected' back in my seabase. I had to then swim all the way down to the SeaTruck to retrieve it, and replenish my O2. I always take two (high capacity) tanks, just in case. I learned the hard way in the original Subnautica game. Being more prepared, I tried the plants again - this time with the survival knife at the ready, and was able to free myself before I got pulled in too far. I was surprised to note that this murderous vegetable wasn't scannable. There are many other items that haven't shown to be scannable either. Let's hope this changes as the game develops.
Unless I've missed something essential, the module has 2 "large" wall lockers (3x3), 2 small wall lockers (2x3) and a floor trunk (2x4) for total of 38 slots.
A normal wall locker has 5x6(=30) slots. I realise that it's possible chain multiple storage modules but still this feels kinda cramped to be a storage module for something called sea truck.
I've a hard time believing the insta-death is intentional. Not even reapers are that powerful, and reapers, at least, indicate where they are.
Thanks for the research on scanning. After my stasis experiment turned into a deathly failure, I tried getting as close as I dared and still no option to scan, but I didn't know for certain if that was a distance thing or not. It does make sense - those red "bubbles" in the DTB seemed fish to me, but I couldn't scan them either.
I do hope to see scans available asap, though I'm also still waiting for many scans in the original game over a year after release, like Grue Clusters, Jordi's Tung, Purple Pinecones, those blue trees on the FI, etc. Fingers crossed it won't be forgotten about either.
The vehicle fragments thus far are explained in that datapad you find at the dock. And I think by extension we can assume other fragments also are left-behinds from other personnel sent down to set up the stations, possibly spread around courtesy of the sea monkeys.
And if the Snowfox requires Sam to rephrase the truth, I highly doubt Robin's authorized for a Seatruck.
There's been a lot of talk that given the setting logically Robin shouldn't have to go around scanning like Ryley once did and I sorta agree and think it's one of the narrative priorities, but I also think the "dangers" of not having to scan are to be acknowledged. I did not enjoy this update as much as I enjoyed the original release because I got overwhelmed by all the things I could build as soon as the habitat builder became available. Scanning isn't just gating - it also is a means to give you time to process and possibly be pleasantly surprised you've already gathered several ingredients.
I suspect the sudden influx of blueprints is temporary. Probably not enough story beats have been completed to allow the devs to spread them out. For example, Jeffrey's sea base has a moonpool so perhaps in the final game we won't discover that blueprint until we reach the base and scan it there.
How about an empty SeaTruck module? Just two blank walls we can put whatever we want onto them, e.g. storage locker(s), battery recharger, a picture of our long-lost Cute Fish back home, etc. Saves the developers from having to guess what might want as part of our truck.
Mind that I'm not against it, but it strikes me as counter to the idea of the Sea Truck. The Cyclops is for pure customizing, while the module-type customizability of the Sea Truck is akin to the arms of the PRAWN. The limitation is intentional to create variation in the gameplay.
I'm still going over the update and the direction it draws the game in, so my opinion isn't set in stone yet, but as cute as I think the storage module is, I agree the storage potential is a bit... ??!? One argument that's come past is that you can just create more storage and that's all well and good, but right now there's (I think?) no prospectives for storing modules and that's going to affect my willingness to make more. (If anyone has tested this yet, do fishies attack detached modules?)