@Q_bert Got ya covered, mate.
BTW, I use a free app called Pic Collage for simple photoshops/memes such as this.If you have a mobile device I’d highly recommend it.
You can take a screenshot of them.
You just need to use f12 to take a steam screenshot or press the PrtScr Button on your keyboard. If you are on xbox, then capture card.
Reeses Puffs?
BTW, I use a free app called Pic Collage for simple photoshops/memes such as this.If you have a mobile device I’d highly recommend it.
UWE asked for it with their wacky "spam bot" prevention system
Yep, that's the sound of a dying meme thread alright.
rabbit rays and random small fish:
not a screenshot
the pain
You just need to use f12 to take a steam screenshot or press the PrtScr Button on your keyboard. If you are on xbox, then capture card.
Reaper Leviathan: I feel your pain bruh...