Are there actually 20 PRAWN Suit fragments?
(I left my keys in the Neptune Escape Rocket when I was trying to get stuff for my time capsule) Join Date: 2018-04-23 Member: 240271Members

After playing for a while, I realized that, other than the large prawn fragments, there are smaller fragments you can get, but you would need 20 of them to get the blueprint. Are there actually 20 mini-prawn suit fragments, or are they just one of the things for the ascetic of the game, without an actual function?
Nope, it doesn't seem like there is.
I'm currently replaying the game with a twist. The Mountain (not the biome, just the island), Floating Island and the Aurora are taboo.
I've explored, if not all, most of the wrecks and have acquired 7 (out of 20) small fragments and 3 (out of 4) large fragments.
I don't know if there is some sort of randomness to the fragments distribution (I believe there is). If there is some sort of rng mechanic, then maybe I just got very unlucky. Maybe it is by design, to ensure players will explore the Aurora before going deeper.
Some of the wrecks (2 or 3) did not have any fragments at all (of anything), just some furniture (I had already scanned), one or two chests (with rations or water) and sometimes a collectible.
It does feel bugged.
Originally I thought that by combining small with large fragments one could acquire the PRAWN blueprint. In this particular case I should have obtained it with 5/20 small and 3/4 large as it should amount for a full blueprint.
Whatever the case, my game just got more interesting. It just means building a cyclops, getting to the bottom and then building a rocket. Without drilling for materials.
I don't think so. There seems to be two different "counters", one for the small fragments (where 20 frags are needed) and one for the large fragments (4 frags needed).
They do not seem to be interchangeable, either you collect twenty small ones or four large ones.
Ah, I see. Sorry about that, haven't played for a while!
Nothing to feel sorry about. I also thought it worked the way you described.