PRAWN/Cyclops Ergonomics - Accessing storage
Sector ZZ-9-Plural Z-α Join Date: 2017-02-14 Member: 227901Members

I didn't see this in a forum search, so here goes.
I absolutely love the combination that is the Cyclops/PRAWN Suit. Hearts-and-flowers love it. Except for one teensy thing: unless I'm missing something, you can't access the PRAWN's storage compartment when it's docked to the Cyclops. Now, it's entirely possible that I'm an idiot and it's already possible and I'm just a dolt who can't figure that out.
But in the off chance I'm not a moron, a minor redesign of the hatch covering in the docking bay would allow you to reach the PRAWN's storage compartment when it's docked. Of course, there's no such thing as a "minor redesign" when it comes to 3D models, but it's really the only problem I've had with that pairing.
I absolutely love the combination that is the Cyclops/PRAWN Suit. Hearts-and-flowers love it. Except for one teensy thing: unless I'm missing something, you can't access the PRAWN's storage compartment when it's docked to the Cyclops. Now, it's entirely possible that I'm an idiot and it's already possible and I'm just a dolt who can't figure that out.
But in the off chance I'm not a moron, a minor redesign of the hatch covering in the docking bay would allow you to reach the PRAWN's storage compartment when it's docked. Of course, there's no such thing as a "minor redesign" when it comes to 3D models, but it's really the only problem I've had with that pairing.
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I suspect this is a built in flaw - the entirety of the Cyclops is likely one singular object [Cyclops] that only uses a different graphical model for [PrawnClops] or [MothClops] depending on which is docked. This is significantly easier on both code and engine than actually coding a docking mechanism where the prawn and cyclops are attached and yet move together - just thinking of the collision physics lags my brain out. This isn't so much of a problem with the MoonPool because that's stationary.
If that were the case, it would be nice if there was some sort of console or panel created where we can access and repair/modify our docked vehicles.
Also love to see a repair option for Cyclops and Moonpool. Both should not "only" charge the vehicle but also do repairs if necessary.
Talk about an undignified way to lose the game.
Stack up a bunch of furniture in an attempt to reach submersible access panels.
Floater accidentally sticks to Cyclops hull.
Cyclops tilts.
Stack collapses.
Player breaks neck in fall. in-wall module like the vehicle upgrade station. Keep it stocked with titanium and other resources and it patches up your sub. I like it.
I see what you're going for here, but repairing vehicles requires only a Welder and a (rechargable) Battery. Using Titanium, a non-renewable resource, would dissuade players from even considering building it. However, a Vehicle Repair Upgrade module for the Cyclops could operate on the same principle, spending power to automatically repair docked vehicles.
Tooltip Example:
Uses nano technology to repair damaged vehicles when docked into Cyclops. (an excuse not to add welder animations)
This is simple and elegant, make it so! (paraphrased from Picard)
For the moonpool, it should be part of the vehicle upgrade station. Just have a slot on the other side from the module fabricator to stuff resources in like a locker.
Sure, and if you're doing the repairs yourself, it is free (except for a little battery power). But if you're going to be lazy and go for convenience, it should cost you a little.
Which is why I'd rather do the repairs myself and save the Titanium for a Filtration Machine. So yeah, anyone lazy enough to go for this deserves to pay that extra fee.
I think it should just be resource free simply because the Moonpool itself has a hefty build cost attached to it already and you could add this in via an Upgrade slot for the Moonpool itself like the scanner room upgrades, just next to the upgrade console on the wall. Build an repair module which would cost extra but then you save the manual repair if you just have taken a few percent damage. I think that would be ok. If you need to do emergency repairs you won't drive a badly damaged vehicle back to base anyway. At least I would not.
I like the Nano-Repair-Upgrade for the Cyclops idea. Got way to less upgrades for the Cyclops anyways. Does anyone know if the devs have planned some more upgrade modules for it?
I'm really glad they solved this problem (yet it does seem a bit unsatisfying as quick fix just to magic items in and out of storage).
I really hope they end up doing something to allow access to PRAWN storage & modules (and repairs) when parked in habitat moonpools.
For the moonpool, you can't, but on the Nexus (i'll link it later) there's a mod that does exactly this.
But I'm still not sure why UWE wouldn't want to fix it themselves. It's clearly sonething that needs to be patched. They seem to invite bug notifications - they've set up two systems to receive them after all. But it's like putting a message in a bottle. You find a bug, report it, then years can pass and there's no fix, nor any feedback or any indication that anyone at UWE has even knows of it. It's kind of discouraging.
Yeah it's interesting how many "no duh" things haven't been fixed. Fingers crossed!
You can access Storage & Upgrades via Panel to Port Side inside Cyclops.
It would though be great if we could do the same in Moonpools via the Upgrades Panel,
and by the same make Color / Name Changes using the Cyclops panel while likewise using either Moonpool or Cyclops "Upgrade Panel" locations for any vehicle's upgrades.
It'd also be AMAZING if we had a tab while inside a vehicle for our PDA at the bottom for on the "inventory" section to have access for our Storage Areas and Upgrades if in the Prawn Suit for its Arms.
The original post - when this was still an issue - was over a full year ago. This problem has long since been solved.
@Foxy, please consider this a request from the OP that this thread be permanently put out to pasture.