Arctic Expansion concept art megathread



  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited April 2018
    The keep copying and pasting? Is it a bot? or just someone who cant read how many times we said it is fanmade. Like, it looks longer than the Sea Emperor, no creature is supposed to be longer than the Sea Emperor (not counting the dead one in the lost river)
  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    At this point, I think this is a bot.

    Three copy-pastes is too much evidence.

  • SnoutchiSnoutchi Join Date: 2017-11-27 Member: 234144Members
    I saw this official Imperial Leviathan concept art in a video and I wanted to share it with you...
    The little lights next to it's head are from a seamoth so it's really big... :s
  • RowletAlexRowletAlex Eleventy-seven Nonexistent Street, Nowhereville, Outer Space. Join Date: 2018-03-16 Member: 239126Members
    edited April 2018
    This is RowletAlex requesting assistance! My thread is being hijacked by a copy-pasting possible bot! Weather is clear, I intend to get this thread back on track and discuss the actual concept creatures, please give them a warning or whatever else you see fit.
    My present position is this thread, my heading is the next page (if comments continue) Altitude unknown. Fuel remaining: 9...9...9...9...9 hours. Number of souls on board: 12, not including the potential bot.

    Edit: While you’re here (if you are) how does one change their profile picture (particularly from a phone, which is where I already have said profile pic ready)?
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited April 2018
    And that is enough evidence for a bot
    @Foxy we need a hammer to hit snoutchi's bot face.
  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    Not a bad looking creature, I just wish it didn't have the features of a very stretched out sea dragon. Imagine that thing coming at you in the arctic's void.
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    Not a bad looking creature, I just wish it didn't have the features of a very stretched out sea dragon. Imagine that thing coming at you in the arctic's void.

    But it aint gonna exist doe.
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    Not a bad looking creature, I just wish it didn't have the features of a very stretched out sea dragon. Imagine that thing coming at you in the arctic's void.

    That was commissioned by a youtuber... it is an artist's conception of what the extinct lost river leviathan might have looked like - but it is nothing official!
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited April 2018
    I just notice, the guy who has been copy and pasting the fan art thing. One of the sentences are missing on the last time they pasted it. So now I have a feeling it isn't a bot, and just some 6 year old spamming, or it could be a bot and they just told the bot to remove one sentence.
  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    I thought I was the only bot here!
  • TenebrousNovaTenebrousNova England Join Date: 2015-12-23 Member: 210206Members
    @AnomalyDetected @Avimimus I know guys, I was just commenting on the idea of it.
  • SkyArbiterSkyArbiter Join Date: 2018-03-07 Member: 238703Members
    edited April 2018
    I personally hope that color scheme A for the Pinnicarid is added, but I do like C. Also, I think the space penguins on the arctic reefback are actually a genetic relative to the first creature.
  • SkyArbiterSkyArbiter Join Date: 2018-03-07 Member: 238703Members
    edited April 2018
    By the way, most Subnautica youtubers these days, 98% of their titles and thumbnails are some form of clickbait. Like all this Atlas Submarine nonsense. It's kind of obvious that if they add an icebreaker submarine, they'll add the Manta.
  • SkyArbiterSkyArbiter Join Date: 2018-03-07 Member: 238703Members
    edited April 2018
  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    Nice visibility fix though
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    Ooooooh that Manta looks really cool!
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited April 2018
    Is the bot gone? All man, I wanted to see Foxy ban the bot while saying something funny and post a funny picture
  • ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members
    edited April 2018
    Kouji_San wrote: »
    @Snoutchi cite your sources please :D

    I call spambot.

    Edit: I now realize everyone beat me to the punch.
  • ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members
    RowletAlex wrote: »
    This is RowletAlex requesting assistance! My thread is being hijacked by a copy-pasting possible bot! Weather is clear, I intend to get this thread back on track and discuss the actual concept creatures, please give them a warning or whatever else you see fit.
    My present position is this thread, my heading is the next page (if comments continue) Altitude unknown. Fuel remaining: 9...9...9...9...9 hours. Number of souls on board: 12, not including the potential bot.

    Edit: While you’re here (if you are) how does one change their profile picture (particularly from a phone, which is where I already have said profile pic ready)?

    You have to go to the desktop mode, then settings.
  • ejnomadejnomad Under the Sea Join Date: 2018-04-15 Member: 240078Members
    I really like these and hope they opt to use multiple different colors of the same creature. It's not like you can't have subspecies!
  • SnoutchiSnoutchi Join Date: 2017-11-27 Member: 234144Members
    edited April 2018
    The keep copying and pasting? Is it a bot? or just someone who cant read how many times we said it is fanmade. Like, it looks longer than the Sea Emperor, no creature is supposed to be longer than the Sea Emperor (not counting the dead one in the lost river)

    Sorry my phone was lagging and I couldn't see if I posted the comment or not so I sent it again...
    I swear I'm not a bot... :(

    Edit: I am really sorry to everyone who had to repete and now that I think of it it was not agood source and it is just a fanart... sorry again...
    And I'm not 6 years old I am actually 15...
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    The messages were posted on different days. One was on the 10th, another on the 11th and two on the 12th. How does lag cause it to post over a span of 3 days.
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    Well, at least your were able to show you were not a bot before Foxy could swing their ban hammer
  • SnoutchiSnoutchi Join Date: 2017-11-27 Member: 234144Members
    The messages were posted on different days. One was on the 10th, another on the 11th and two on the 12th. How does lag cause it to post over a span of 3 days.

    Well I don't know why it was lagging so much but I fixed it so it's all right now.
    Plus, I wasn't seeing the answers and google was really laggy but I'm glad I wasn't kiked because of this.
  • ShuttleBugShuttleBug USA Join Date: 2017-03-15 Member: 228943Members

    It was a man in a bot’s skin...
  • SnoutchiSnoutchi Join Date: 2017-11-27 Member: 234144Members
    Hahaha that is really cool!
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    Snoutchi wrote: »

    Well I don't know why it was lagging so much but I fixed it so it's all right now.
    Plus, I wasn't seeing the answers and google was really laggy but I'm glad I wasn't kiked because of this.

    I 90% doubt you actually lagged for three days in a row and posted two of the same and one different message. Either way, get back on topic.

    In regards to the Arctic creatures, interesting. I would love to see the glow whales and Reefbacks. The Rockpuncher would be amazing too!
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited April 2018
    The Rockpuncher would be amazing too!

    <h1>Yeah baby</h1>

    Although, I guess the arctic version would be the Icepummeler :tongue:
  • phantomfinchphantomfinch West Philadelphia , born and raised on the playground is where I spent most of my days. Join Date: 2016-09-06 Member: 222128Members
    Kouji_San wrote: »

    <h1>Yeah baby</h1>

    Although, I guess the arctic version would be the Icepummeler :tongue:

    The icebreaker

    "Human! Let us start things of with some party games"
  • SnoutchiSnoutchi Join Date: 2017-11-27 Member: 234144Members
    edited April 2018
    I know this concept was intended to be the P.R.A.W.N. suit at the begening of Subnautica but I think it would be cool to see a new one and this one looks absolutly awsome!
    I really like the one on the right!
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