If you were ANY of the Degasi crew who would you be?
Naperville Illinois Join Date: 2018-01-04 Member: 234809Members

Please comment below for your reason why you choose either Bart, Paul or Marguerit. Also don’t vote if you haven’t heard all of their voicelogs from their 3 abandoned bases just yet. I’m just wanting some people to see the full story of the Degasi to learn what what happened to them.
Not only is he the most competent of them all, as Paul is a little odd and Margaret gets happiness from physical altercations, but he also is the most nice one. He has the most heart, and the saddest story. Of course, If I was him, I would live that story, but he is just so friendly in my eyes.
Of them all, Bart Torgal represented the balance between the two extremes. There was Marguerit who was all action and no thinking, and Paul, who was all thinking and no action. Paul tried to be the voice of reason, but was so stuck in his ways that his "reasoning" - which was mainly "I am successful and therefore always right" - was inapplicable to the situation. Marguerit was so eager to come to grips with an enemy - any enemy - that she actively went out to create enemies when none presented themselves and gave no forethought to consequences of her actions.
Bart was the only one who ever analyzed the situation, determined risk-vs-reward beforehand, prioritized effectively, and actually accomplished anything of meaning. If not for the infection, he probably would've survived to meet us after the Aurora went down.
And not Paul Torgal because his name reminds me of Jake Paul. Not sure why...
Well Paul is the downer of the group, every party needs a pooper that's why they invited Paul
Marguerit, who was undeniably practical and a badass, was brawn over brains and went out of her way to maim and kill pretty much anything non-human that moved, which hindered Bart's research efforts into the bacterium. Then of course, she made the dubious decision to bring a live leviathan home. In a way, I think she's an analogue to the "where're my guns?!" portion of the playerbase who like to find new ways of killing things.