Collections - it's interesting

DmitrDmitr Russia Join Date: 2017-08-31 Member: 232755Members
edited February 2018 in Ideas and Suggestions
Hello everybody.
I'm writing from Russia (we have a lot of players in Russia who liked this game). I apologize for my English, if I make mistakes.

First, thanks to the developers for the game. This hypnotized me from the beginning. This is one of the most interesting games that I played.

In this topic, I would like to offer one idea for increasing interest in the game. This idea will allow players to play a few more hours in it additionally.

This is collecting.
Now some players want to scan all the things and biomes in the game.
But, first, now it is not necessary.
Secondly, players do not know, have scanned everything or missed something.

I propose to make a "scale of progress collecting/scanning" in the game. This scale should show how many percent of all things are scanned/open.
t will be good if such scales will separate for fish, for plants, for technology, for aliens, for ... .

And I suggest, add a few rare fish, plants and other objects in the game. They should appear in the game in random places. The only purpose of these things is to be a purpose for collectors.
It is necessary to make so that the collector was forced to visit every corner of the map for 100% of progress.


  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    edited February 2018
    Scanned stuff appear on the PDA in the ency tab so there already is a way to tell what you can scan. Infact it is organized by degasi, Aurora, lifepods,
    alien tech
    and lifeforms. The thing I want the most is a clear all pings button for the PDA.
  • DmitrDmitr Russia Join Date: 2017-08-31 Member: 232755Members
    edited February 2018
    It's there.
    But I do not know how many percent of everything I've already scanned / opened.

    For example, I scanned X fish types. How do I know if it's all fish from the game, or is there some other fish?
    I do not know if I need to look for new fish or not.
  • jamintheinfinite_1jamintheinfinite_1 Jupiter Join Date: 2016-12-03 Member: 224524Members
    Imo it wouldn't make sense for the PDA to know when you scanned all the fish. Though an achievement keeping track of it would be fine.
  • KostriktorKostriktor Switzerland Join Date: 2017-01-08 Member: 226342Members
    steam achievement should do !
    give those collector-kids what they need !
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