New Game +

kodyjaykodyjay United States Join Date: 2018-01-30 Member: 236223Members
I recently finished the game to completion, and now I'd like to play some more without having to give up everything I had. So, I was hoping some kind of New Game + could be added. You don't need to let me keep everything, but some kind of perk or advantage would be quite the boon. Perhaps it unlocks a skill tree and gives a certain number of skill points for every major milestone? With such skills as "Increased movement speed by 50% with flippers" or, "Get thirsty half as fast" and at the very bottom of the ranking perhaps something that for a new player would be game breaking but for an experienced player would be helpful, such as "Reaper and ghost Leviathans now leave you and your vehicles alone" so that we can fully explore the map without their annoying attacks.


  • angeluscaligoangeluscaligo Join Date: 2018-02-01 Member: 236483Members
    It's a nice idea and may be added later on, but for now they barely had enough time to finish V1.0 :/
  • thetawaves90thetawaves90 Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236679Members
    I love the idea of a skill tree. One of the few things I enjoyed in ARK (before ragequitting forever after some game-breaking bugs ruining weeks of cooperative progress) was the sense of player progression as you min-maxed your character to suit your playstyle. Having the ability to improve lung capacity, swimming speed, carry capacity, or crafting speed would be nifty.
  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    edited August 2018
    NG+ that could be great to improve replayability!

    But how to mesh it the narrative so it doesn't seem like an arbitrary restart?

    I'd suggest that when leaving the planet the player is given the option of experiencing a failed launch. They could then return to the planet in another lifepod but at a random location anywhere except the safe shallows.

    Obviously, this will provide very little challenge if you have comfy bases constructed everywhere. One possibility would be for the teturning player to find these aged and unsalvagable in the manner of the Degassi bases. How come? Well the PDA could explain that ten years has passed due to the relavistic side-effects of your exploding quantum drive engines (or some similar sci-fi hand waving)

    As for increased abilities, your PDA could inform you that you time on 4546B has increased your stamina in 'x' and let the player select from a skill tree.

    As for increased game difficultiy I guess that the behaviour of certain fauna might have been altered by 10 more years of Kharra infection. And maybe, considering the game's ecological subtext, there would be no game-wide resource repawn.

    What say you?
  • Q_bertQ_bert inactivelavart Join Date: 2018-05-08 Member: 240607Members
    The beans are so cool i almost got icced.
  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    I think you need youself a set of bean warmers Q_bert
  • Q_bertQ_bert inactivelavart Join Date: 2018-05-08 Member: 240607Members
    edited August 2018
    BlueBottle wrote: »
    I think you need youself a set of bean warmers Q_bert

    Wow, didn’t even think of that. I just bought one off of amazon.
  • baronvonsatanbaronvonsatan TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
    I don't know how many times this has to be said, but the game is finished. Aside from bugfixes, no new content is coming.
  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    Hi @baronvonsatan,

    Yup you're quite right there. But some of us are interested in game design and use this forum to chat about ideas. And tt's always possible an idea gets picked up in another context - maybe by a modder, or even considered in future Subnautica games. But thanks for your input.
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