[Build 59691] Broken mobile vehicle bay

JarinJarin Los Angeles Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190184Members
edited January 2018 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
To reproduce: Swim relatively deep (100m~ish), release MVB, then repeatedly attempt to "climb" it while it's headed towards the surface. Once on the surface, the menu is accessible, but nothing will build.


  • BlargenthBlargenth United States Join Date: 2018-01-18 Member: 235210Members
    I've had the same problem. Even making a second mobile vehicle bay did not fix the problem
  • FamaFama Join Date: 2010-08-03 Member: 73445Members
    edited January 2018
    I've got the same problem. I don't remember how deep I deployed the MVB at any point, but it's possible I did it too deep. Anyway, can't build prawn suit at all now.

    Edit: Actually, my problem WAS fixed by making an another MVB. I made sure to deploy it close to the surface and waiting until it was settled before I climbed on it.
  • JarinJarin Los Angeles Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190184Members
    Fama wrote: »
    Edit: Actually, my problem WAS fixed by making an another MVB. I made sure to deploy it close to the surface and waiting until it was settled before I climbed on it.

    This fixed the issue for me. However, the original would never fix itself no matter how I redeployed it; it was permanently nonfunctional.
  • JarinJarin Los Angeles Join Date: 2013-12-16 Member: 190184Members
    This is finicky as heck. Climbed onto a MVB maybe half a second before it finished surfacing, and broke it. Very easy to do accidentally, apparently.
  • XoleumXoleum Netherlands Join Date: 2018-03-25 Member: 239494Members
    edited March 2018
    I've had this same problem, but not by climbing on it too early.

    I packed up the MVB while it was constructing a vehicle, after that it wouldn't construct anything else.
    Tossing the MVB and building another one works.

    Reproduction steps:
    1: select vehicle to build in MVB
    2: pack up MVB before vehicle is completed
    3: try building another vehicle with same MVB

    My guess is that the MVB is implemented with different state transitions (e.g. packed -> deployed -> mounted -> building -> deployed ) that get misaligned when something unexpected happens. So in my case it got stuck in the "building" state without finishing its transition to the "deployed/ready for use" state.
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