deutschland Join Date: 2017-11-09 Member: 233906Members

i think it would be a cool Idea create some sailships. I mean the Ocean Surface Looks amazing and the Skybox is very beautifull but you see them only rare. But with some Sailships you can Sail between Islands and hey maybe you will add later Stuff that we can Explore Above the Ocean, maybe a Alien Facility or small Islands, new Aliens etc.
The Sailships Should be fast and it is also important that you catch the sailing feeling properly. Would be nice if you could fish from the boat. If you add weather effects to it, the whole thing could be fun. Possibly even attacks by Huge Kraken who want to grab the boat.
i think it would be a cool Idea create some sailships. I mean the Ocean Surface Looks amazing and the Skybox is very beautifull but you see them only rare. But with some Sailships you can Sail between Islands and hey maybe you will add later Stuff that we can Explore Above the Ocean, maybe a Alien Facility or small Islands, new Aliens etc.
The Sailships Should be fast and it is also important that you catch the sailing feeling properly. Would be nice if you could fish from the boat. If you add weather effects to it, the whole thing could be fun. Possibly even attacks by Huge Kraken who want to grab the boat.
It's not the destination, it's the journey that's important man
I afraid that im not the only one that think so. I mean if i only Play for a target i stoped playing Subnautica bevore 80+ Hours. But i Build 3 bases (2 without chating and the 3rd with cheats, nocosts and fastbuild) i must do so or my real live was Screen only XD. Yes ist useless and only for Fun. I mean such a nice Ocean and no Sailing Ships? Thats wasted Potential.
The idea is nice. But doesn't make exploration interesting. Your just going to be traveling over the surface, the most you will get out of it is the floating islands, mountains, and Aurora.
1. This is a survival situation. In an environment where almost every useful thing is beneath the surface, a sailing ship would represent a colossal misallocation of resources. Truth told, Subnautica has gotten a little sloppy in this regard; survival situations should always be about the allocation of meager resources to help you stay alive. The sheer abundance of most resources already largely defeats this dynamic, but we shouldn't help the process along.
2. It's obsolete. Granted, will there be demand for sailing vessels in the future? Almost certainly. But keeping point #1 in mind, you're not going to devote database space and computing power to telling some stranded survivor how to build a sailing ship when you have powered vessels available that are faster, more reliable, and more versatile. If fuel were unavailable or the planet metal-poor, then sure, you have a good argument; this planet is neither of these things. Coupled with the fact that nearly everything you need isn't on the surface, and there's no justifiable reason for sailing vessels to exist in this context.
3. We can't afford it. It's an item that serves a single function - going from island to island - that is already well-served by two other existing vehicles. By the developers' own admission, they're running into the engine's object limitations. Something like a new vehicle - of which dozens of ideas, pleas, and demands have been made over just the past couple years - would be extremely costly from a development standpoint, possibly requiring the removal of already planned or even existing assets. In terms of game resources, a new vehicle using a new interaction and modeling mechanic is just too costly. (If it's going to even approximate sailing, then you'll need a model to determine wind direction and strength, calculate the angle of attack on the sails relative to the wind to determine thrust, and a whole raft of other headaches. The development team at Ubisoft kinda went insane building their sailing mechanic, which is why they've now used it in three separate games: AC3, AC4, and WatchDogs 2.)
4. The world's just too dang small. Sailing is fun because you get to go places. For those who've played Black Flag, you already know what I mean; you choose a spot on the horizon and chase it because you can. There's stuff out there to see and find. Now imagine sailing but you keep running into a invisiwall. Maybe not literally, but our game world here in Subnautica is, compared to that in Black Flag, tiny. In no time at all, you can drive a Seamoth from one end of the explorable world to the other. To create a ship to sail and the mechanics by which to sail her...then drop her into a bathtub...would be incredibly non-rewarding as a play experience.
All that being said, we don't know what the future will bring. Maybe the next evolution of Unity will have better resource management and they'll be able to transition platforms without too much of a headache. Maybe things aren't as dire as the developers have intimated. So...who knows? Träume immer groß.
Pretty much yeah
You build the sailboat, find it has a small locker onboard, then find a fishing pole inside. Proceed to fish.