Cutting up the aurora.

Wize5Wize5 North Carolina Join Date: 2017-09-16 Member: 233075Members
edited September 2017 in Ideas and Suggestions
This was just something that came to me while playing, one of the most common resources that is needed in the game is titanium and while I was cutting into a wreck I had an epiphany, why can't I use this on the aurora to get titanium and other components that would be in abundance in a space ship like computer chips, plasteel and such. Then I thought why just the aurora when there are dozens of debris fields around. Why not being able to take the laser cutter and cutting off chucks of metal when you need some. It would give more reason to hunt for wrecks and go back to the aurora multiple times in the early game play.

Just a thought.


  • MaalterommMaalteromm Brasil Join Date: 2017-09-22 Member: 233183Members
    Oh child, don't try to use logic here...
    Soon ppl will try to convince you that you shouldn't leave vehicles at great depth, or worse...
  • Wize5Wize5 North Carolina Join Date: 2017-09-16 Member: 233075Members
    edited September 2017
    Maalteromm wrote: »
    Oh child, don't try to use logic here...
    Soon ppl will try to convince you that you shouldn't leave vehicles at great depth, or worse...

    I resent being called a child I'm 29 years of age and married :| and what's wrong with logic anyone with a lick of sense would eventually come to the conclusion "hey there's a massive chuck of burning metal over there, I've got this laser cutter. Let's make some magic happen.

    P. S.
    I have a pet peeve about people I don't know acting fimilar with me so please use my username and nothing else.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    edited September 2017
    Don't mistake the sarcasm level of some of us up in here as personal insults, it was just a jab or jerking of your chain if you will o/

    You've got a neat point there, but TBH. Right now you're encouraged to go out into the world and "find resources", adding this big chunck of metal as a huge free source for certain materials. I dunno doesn't that kinda negate the exploration part, where you have to go into the depth to get the really rare stuff and to also be forced to get certain things to go deeper and venture into more dangerous areas for the even rarer stuff.

    Which in essence works like a progression or equipment leveling system, which grows with you to allow for ever increasing depths and dangers to be explored.

    Hmm, perhaps... Certain things could be inside the Aurora, in dangerous areas... Where you also have to "level up your equipment" to get to it, but that is already in game to some extent... It's an intriguing idea, but is the Aurora really our goal, that is the real question here...

    -> Would be neat if you had to get some flight control, navigation control, booster, launch control systems and perhaps gyro mechanisms and some other space travel doodads from the Aurora's integral systems, for your rocket... I don't know if this is already the case, you know I'm on spoiler lockdown as UWE is on feature lockdown right now :D
  • Wize5Wize5 North Carolina Join Date: 2017-09-16 Member: 233075Members
    edited September 2017
    I see what your getting at, maybe there could be some "structural integrity" value placed on the aurora where the more you cut into it the more unstable it becomes and when that value hits 0 you can no longer cut into the aurora, still need some parts of it accessible for getting the launch pad blueprint. (Unless their going to put it somewhere other than the aurora)

    -> they could also add mutated variants of creatures (due to the dark matter radiation leak) that only appear in the more dangerous section of the aurora that your cutting parts from.
  • ThorusGERThorusGER Germany Join Date: 2017-09-27 Member: 233267Members
    Titanium is scattered literally everywhere around the Aurora, i never had any problems in farming scrap there.
  • Quiet_BlowfishQuiet_Blowfish Join Date: 2017-09-11 Member: 232955Members
    @Wize5, I think @Maalteromm was actually taking the opportunity to gently tug the chain of those people who bang on about bringing in more realistic depth mechanics. I can't think off hand just who those deluded fools might be.
  • KostriktorKostriktor Switzerland Join Date: 2017-01-08 Member: 226342Members
    @Wize5 remember that Subnautica uses that trash engine called "Unity". could be really hard to realize what you're asking for.
    it's no doubt a great idea, to realize those bigger base-projects of yours
    after all, if you read the Degasi logs, those guys cutted up their entire ship, transforming it into tiney bases all over the place.
  • SilveressaSilveressa USA Join Date: 2015-03-18 Member: 202279Members
    I think once you reach the point in game where you have sufficient batteries and storage space to make cutting up any wreck for the titanium it would no longer be a balance issue and just save players time compared to farming wreckage pieces near the Aurora whenever they need metal. (albeit just standing their slicing up wrecks is probably more boring than hunting for debris to melt into titanium)

    In early game both storage/transportation of a huge amount of material is hard to come by, as would be sufficient batteries to support large scale cutting of a wreck. (the amount of personal/seamoth inventory you'd have to devote to the batteries to power the laser cutter to salvage a decent amount of titanium would outweigh the gain really.) At that level in the game just farming the ship chunks from the sea floor would be more efficient.

    If one really felt a need to cut down on the tedium of hunting for common resources in late game they could just add in some sort of automated mining platform you could build over resource nodes (findable with the scanning room perhaps.) that would auto harvest resources overtime and store them in a bin for collection.

    Though really once you get a PRAWN and the drill arm + grapple getting an adequate supply of virtually any resource is relatively simple once you know what areas the huge minable chunks spawn in, at least from my experience anyway.
  • SnailsAttackSnailsAttack Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members
    The aurora has TONS of scrap metal scattered all around it, but it'd be nice if wrecks had some of it near them as well.

    Not sure what I think about cutting off pieces of the aurora's hull though.
  • Wize5Wize5 North Carolina Join Date: 2017-09-16 Member: 233075Members
    edited September 2017
    Titanium was just the biggest item on the list, to get the ball in the park so to speak, it isn't the only thing I was suggesting that could be cut out of the aurora, just one of the things. Other things that could be "harvested" from the ship would be items that fall into the electrical materials: computer chips, wiring kits, wire and ect. Maybe even as @kouji_san suggested even cutting out advanced parts of the aurora to use on the endgame ship to get off planet.
  • ZeddIsDeadZeddIsDead Australia Join Date: 2016-04-21 Member: 216029Members
    I'd agree but only with certain caveats:

    1. It would require you to go deep inside the belly of the Aurora to harvest it, which would limit the amount you could carry out at a time to your inventory space.

    2. It would require a Laser cutter, so at least you wouldn't be able to do it in very early game and it would always have an energy cost. This way it would be most productive in late game when you have ion batteries.

    3. It should yield Scrap metal not titanium, sp you'd still need to refine it.

    To be honest, considering the ridiculous amount of titanium in the Kelp/Shallows I don't expect adding one extra way to get titanium would affect gameplay at all, especially if it had a cost.

    I've always found it maddening that you can't salvage anything from the underwater pipes/electronics in the Prawn bay....not even a few measly wires. That was the biggest tease in the game imo.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    Wize5 wrote: »
    This was just something that came to me while playing, one of the most common resources that is needed in the game is titanium and while I was cutting into a wreck I had an epiphany, why can't I use this on the aurora to get titanium and other components that would be in abundance in a space ship like computer chips, plasteel and such. Then I thought why just the aurora when there are dozens of debris fields around. Why not being able to take the laser cutter and cutting off chucks of metal when you need some. It would give more reason to hunt for wrecks and go back to the aurora multiple times in the early game play.

    Just a thought.

    How about this: a large, platform-mounted beam device, that points at the Aurora.

    MASSIVE power requirements, so a few solar panels might yield a few scrap per hour. To speed it up, you would need to build a platform out of the water, then set up a few of these device, which automatically point at random places on the Aurora model, and fire a disassembly beam at it.

    To power it, you would need to pipe in power with large chains of transmitters, or put in a few nuclear reactors, or fields of solar panels.

    The Aurora model is what it is, so cannot be reduced, but this would yield materials, mostly titanium, but probably a few of the other ones as well. The obvious tactics would be large amounts of thermal generators on the nearest vents, piped into the area. Mid-game, or after a certain tech point when players start to get bored with running around grabbing scrap, and just want to build stuff.
  • thundermanthunderman bahamas Join Date: 2017-09-29 Member: 233305Members
    edited October 2017
    I'm totally behind this approach, though. :) Easy to implement, requires no reworking or extra assets, and adds realism. Three wins for no price? That's a good deal by any standard.

    what he said maybe like you find near wrecks a mine point in abundance
  • spike_minespike_mine wf3 4df Join Date: 2017-10-01 Member: 233340Members
    but when i look around on xbox i just cant find some
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