Good things come in threes: News about Xbox One Updates

SystemSystem Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond
edited July 2017 in Subnautica on Consoles


  • shane154shane154 Join Date: 2017-07-10 Member: 231742Members
    Ok I'm glad to hear that there's still progress, but how long do the people who play subnautica on Xbox one have to wait?
  • AlteredBuzzardAlteredBuzzard Norwich. UK Join Date: 2016-12-24 Member: 225453Members
    edited July 2017
    slow progress does not bother me. TBH I wasn't going to play the next few updates to keep them fresh. and i'm sure anyone would agree that they would rather a game be playable and not just a slideshow and would happily wait longer for that to be achieved.
    When I see that a major title is delayed, I'm happy because it means it will be released in a better state than it would be if it was released on time. no one wants another AC Unity.
    So take your time. I'll still be here when it's released. :)
  • teachbugteachbug Join Date: 2017-07-24 Member: 232002Members
    I love this game, I have zero complaints....updates will come when they come. I'm in no hurry, I love to farm for items, I love to make stuff, I love to organize the stuff. each thing has a locker. I don't have this strong desire to finish the game, I just enjoy swimming around looking at all the stuff to see. The thrill of finding something new is awesome. The thrill of growing things inside and outside to keep me alive fulfilling. I stay entertained for hours.
  • TylerCesarioTylerCesario Spring Texas Join Date: 2017-07-09 Member: 231686Members
    Thats fine but, some release date estimates would be great too. I've been waiting ever since it was just a single update then two now three if it hits four im going to lose all hope in unknown worlds not trying to be mean im just impatient. I wasn't impatient a month ago but this constant delay is getting on peoples nerves. I love this game. I don't love delays. I understand updates are difficult to transfer from steam to Xbox but this is getting a little ridiculous. This such a good game but if people have to wait months before we get any info about release dates then they get upset and move on. Just get these updates done guys no more delays.
  • MoxOpalMoxOpal Cincinnati, Ohio Join Date: 2017-04-12 Member: 229571Members
    It'll ALWAYS be worth the wait. Keep this strategy you got to keep both versions in sync and carry on. I will continue to wait anxiously and look forward to the content. Please don't hurt yourself. Get sleep and eat, a great game will always be worth waiting for. Subnautica is worth the wait. You all, are worth the wait. Much much love. Thank you for your dedication.
  • AlphaWinner5538AlphaWinner5538 Elizabeth Join Date: 2017-06-26 Member: 231377Members
  • SadPandaaSadPandaa United States Join Date: 2017-07-13 Member: 231807Members
    I have been playing on PC for a while now and actually just bought it on XBOX too so my kids could play, didnt realize it was that far behind but still happy to support it with a second purchase. I am sure you will get it right, and until then I can keep playing on PC.
  • NorthernBruceNorthernBruce Canada Join Date: 2017-07-03 Member: 231544Members
    It's an awesome game. Take your time and do it right. We all knew this was a work in progress when we bought Early Access. I'd much rather wait and have a great game that I'll play for years to come than something that just sits on the shelf.
  • gbuzz1216gbuzz1216 Join Date: 2017-03-09 Member: 228771Members
    Thanks for letting us know!!!
  • IsaccDMIsaccDM NC Join Date: 2017-07-24 Member: 232021Members
    Take your time Bro. From what you've given us so far it's worth the wait.
  • DonnyMDonnyM Fountain, Colorado Join Date: 2017-07-24 Member: 232031Members
    I personally appreciate all the work you are putting onto the game. It is early access so I expect there to be a few snags along the way. I think people are too quick to throw out hate about it so I just thought I'd say great work the game is amazing and when it is complete I'm sure it will be beyond amazing keep up the great work guys
  • dexter397dexter397 U.S.A. Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218486Members
    shane154 wrote: »
    Ok I'm glad to hear that there's still progress, but how long do the people who play subnautica on Xbox one have to wait?

    He said they won't be able to give us an estimated time on the wait.

  • JAMS0JAMS0 USA, VA Join Date: 2017-05-17 Member: 230585Members
    Thank you very much for an update on the game's progress. It's nice too hear the truth from the developers point of view. I play XBOXONE and this is the first time I have seen a blog that tells the hole story about the EXTREMELY BAD performance issue on XBOXONE. It's grate that the team is dedicated to the end game. I don't know what i'll do when you guys/girls fix the performance issues. I think I will find myself rapidly pausing and unpausing the game at random times just for nostalgia's sake. Keep up the hard work and thank you for all you do.

    P.S. I would pay more!
  • JAMS0JAMS0 USA, VA Join Date: 2017-05-17 Member: 230585Members
    shane154 wrote: »
    Ok I'm glad to hear that there's still progress, but how long do the people who play subnautica on Xbox one have to wait?

    I think Hugh asked if you can read.
  • SeanKHSeanKH Severn, MD Join Date: 2016-10-20 Member: 223263Members
    Hugh. no apology needed. You guys are making all the right moves. As long as Subnautica fans remember that this is pre release software and your great development team keeps the community updated as you have been, you guys can take the time you need to make this game great! Other developers, take note!
  • KainSteakFriesKainSteakFries Degasi Seabase #YES Join Date: 2017-07-25 Member: 232054Members
    Time is only elimination, therefore you have almost nothing to loose friend. We only worry when you worry. You shouldn't be apologizing, WE should be thanking you. Juat think, you've. made a game that expands creativity and allow players to do the impossible. I fairly certain most of us are afraid of the ocean. (Markiplier) And it's because of the unknown. You've allowed us to help or conquer thos fears, curiosities, an our creative aspects. Personally. your one of the best survival /crafting/sandbox games, as is. There isn't. much that can make it better. As a (younger) child, I wanted to be an aquanaut, discover. the unknown. Highschool (specifically knowledge) changed my perspective and made the ocean terrifying. Subnautica made it into a beautiful inigma, so I think I speak 88for all of US, Thank You, Danke, Tak, Kiitos, Dékuji, Dank je, Je vous Remercie, Go raibh maith agat, Grazie, Gratias tibi, Takk skal du ha, Tapadh leat, Gracias, Tack, AND Tesekkür ederim. Have a great day.
  • GaaraTheRedGaaraTheRed USA Join Date: 2017-07-26 Member: 232075Members
    edited July 2017
    In sync:
    : in a state in which two or more people or things move or happen together at the same time and speed.

    So how is it the two are in sync with Xbox being 3 updates behind? If staying in sync was the true goal, one WOULD think the logical thing to have done wouldve been halting steam progress as soon as "the bug" happened. Yes it delays both platforms that way but it enables more manpower than the ONE GUY you had tackling it. Seriously? How many consumers lost because of this? PC users would be more lax imo because it's the norm in PC culture gaming/updates. I think your hearts are in the right place, and the team is doing AMAZING work (don't get me wrong) but the root of the issue may have been setting the release date prematurely. As of today, that leaves just over 2 months to "finish" the game/story AND catch Xbox up which (no offense) doesn't seem plausible to me based on the issues you listed having to deal with. I own it on both so don't take me for an Xbox fan boy >_>
  • Sabastian23_Sabastian23_ Join Date: 2017-07-27 Member: 232081Members
    good luck werk hard and have fun we are not mad we still have fun heven with out the undate what you did m
    making the game is amazing. all that hard work mad this game perfect thanks. for making our lives better bye
  • Shamrock7463Shamrock7463 Join Date: 2016-11-17 Member: 224026Members
    And I will always love you!
  • skyreaperking211skyreaperking211 Tennessee Join Date: 2017-03-06 Member: 228672Members
    Keep going I for one kinda having to understand that for some reason steam favors subnautica than xbox and hopefully you guys can get the game running smoother, even a little helps.
  • cutefishleviathancutefishleviathan United States Join Date: 2017-07-22 Member: 231975Members
    I believe in you guys at UW. Playing this on xbox has taught me great patience and I can apply that learning to your progress!
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    JAMS0 wrote: »
    I think I will find myself rapidly pausing and unpausing the game at random times just for nostalgia's sake.

    lollin' at this.
  • cutefishleviathancutefishleviathan United States Join Date: 2017-07-22 Member: 231975Members
    They progressed pretty far on the B75 (silent run) and B76 (voice of deep) for xbox one and were possibly thinking about releasing them unless they put it on hold to work on the B77 (rocket) so they can release it with them. My question is can they use the progress they made on the last two updates for xbox one to make the release of the B77 quicker? From what I remember they said they have to build the updates to run on on the system xbox's operate on because they are of course two different systems.
  • rpnprpnp Join Date: 2017-07-29 Member: 232125Members
    Improving performance of the game on Xbox One is indeed critical. The game is awesome, but we've had to abandon it for now, because it goes into "slideshow mode" so frequently that we can't make any further progress.
  • londonsmartlondonsmart anderson south carolina Join Date: 2017-05-26 Member: 230782Members
    i cant wait for all the new features for the cyclops it looks si high-tech in the pictures
  • JakyaJakya Join Date: 2017-07-30 Member: 232142Members
    I think an update to improve the performance on xbox is much more needed than another content update. Its almost impossible to make progress with how laggy the game is. Other then the horrible performance the game is amazing!
  • Anti_ViruS_R_8Anti_ViruS_R_8 Join Date: 2017-07-30 Member: 232143Members
    thank you for the effort you have put into Xbox updates. i come home everyday and turn on my xbox to see if a update been released :D just keep on doing what you do!!

    -Anti ViruS R 8
  • DarthOmnisDarthOmnis United States Join Date: 2016-12-15 Member: 224970Members
    Jakya wrote: »
    I think an update to improve the performance on xbox is much more needed than another content update. Its almost impossible to make progress with how laggy the game is. Other then the horrible performance the game is amazing!

    Being an early access title generally means content first optimization later.
  • GerogeRomeroGerogeRomero Join Date: 2017-07-31 Member: 232164Members
    DarthOmnis wrote: »

    Being an early access title generally means content first optimization later.

    While I dont necessarily agree, its not my choice to make, even though I would rather be able to enjoy the game's beautiful sights and exploration as if I was there rather than in pictures.
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