Cyclops 2.0 feedback
Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members

I'm working on an overall "Voice of the Deep" + general "for V1.0" feedback post, but it's going slow and since this is the longest section of it, finished, and a focus topic, I'm cutting it out ahead. Community commentary appreciated.
General thoughts:
Balance thoughts:
Post-V1.0 thoughts.
A (small) round of postivity to end with because I can only imagine all the complaining must wear UWE down.
General thoughts:
- The Cyclops’ main weak point remains the split up control model between bridge, wheel, and cameras. Like, you can’t turn the engine on/off when not on the wheel, floodlights from the wheel mess up visibility, you can’t see the compass or proximity warnings when in camera mode, and switching around is hiccupy. If nothing else, this should be streamlined somehow. More info on the camera screen, more buttons in the bridge, and please reconsider the floodlights' working.
- The regen shield is an appreciated addition, but it's odd to me that it only recharges at full health. Any other game I can think of with a regen shield has it regen at whatever health as long as it gets the time/energy to do so. (TVTropes circumstantially informs me that the current SN model indeed is rare.) Some need to rebalance aside, I don’t think it’d be out of place with the Cyclops. Mainly, it’d give some additional use to turning off the engine (which is a new feature I love).
- I like the changes made to flank speed and silent running because it makes me work with slow and default speed where before I had no reason to consider either. But as far as further improvements go, the engine overheating is something I’m informed of, while having a gauge to keep track of it myself would be more user-friendly. A lot. Additionally, I find that after the safe period the chance of the engine catching fire should build up rather than everything hinging on one cutoff point. I also suggest making the engine overheating environment-dependent, with ~20 safe seconds becoming the norm for the LZ, but anything cooler getting extra safe seconds. A cooling module’d be nice too to get more out of this aspect of the Cyclops. Silent running confused me the first few times I used it because you have to infer from circumstantial cues that silent running has gone off while the button still is ticking. There’s no info given the rest of the button is cool down time. This could be better communicated. I also would prefer silent running and cool down to last half the button each, whatever time it would come to represent; spamming’s no reason for silent running to be this short and cool down to be this long.
- EDIT: @Who_needs_Armor suggested that silent running lasts longer on slow speed. This seems to me an excellent way to get more gameplay out of it.
- Speaking of slow and default speed, there's a certain "eh" that comes from the Cyclops informing you of the noise you're making no matter what speed you're on. Gives a sense of "then what am I supposed to do?". I'm not sure that message should exist in the first place and if it does, then not be the same for slow and default. (Flank and default being the same is fine.) It might be worth considering for the warning only to come when there's potential attackers on the radar because it only matters then anyway.
- Maintaining the Cyclops remains inefficient, which is not good in terms of making it feel like an extension of yourself. I’d appreciate a suit chip that a la the scanner room HUD chip points me at all ouchies of the (last visited) Cyclops. The hologram is great, but bound to the bridge and I can only memorize so many hot spots when I go deal with them. Swimming and running around looking for damage makes it feel like I'm always one step behind. Another thing is that for the longest time I’ve wanted to see fire extinguisher hooks be replaced by something that also charges. Especially in regards to the Cyclops, if you deal with fire manually you find that extinguishers empty really quickly. The fire suppression module is awesome, but it should be an option and right now it’s closer to a necessity because the alternative is stocking extinguishers (which cost glass!) and not bothering with anything below 30%. If the ones on display can be recharged, that’d cut down on extra needed (I’d also like a third one in the room below the engine, or at least somewhere on the lower deck).
- There’s not all that much use for the lower deck as is, so no need to hold back on locker content. Whether 2x6 or 3x4, 12 spots is nothing and at least that amount should be doubled. Some lockers on the opposite wall would be nice too; just let the hauler be a hauler.
- If there aren’t any plans for the horn, might I suggest it can make lava larvae and floaters let go? Maybe if timed well (right before impact?) even dissuade an incoming small attacker for a good bit (while attracting big ones).
- I still would really appreciate the cameras becoming drones to serve as scouts in some low-visibility areas, like the ILZ. And to have a button to make them immediately face forward. That split second (or longer!) I lose trying to figure out which direction I’m facing compared to the ship is a buzzkill worse than the stutter when turning with the PRAWN mid-air.
- I'm not a huge fan of the beacon spawning when the Cyclops goes dead. Because the Cyclops also can, in theory, be destroyed in an inconvenient spot, my preference would be for the option to blow up the wreck if you so wish. That way, no separate beacon'd be necessary.
- I know the radar's there to warn you of hostile creatures, but would it get in the way of that function if it'd also show large non-hostile creatures? Like reefbacks and sea treaders, maybe rock punchers one day? I don't have a particular reason for this, just feel like it'd be nice if the radar could ever tell me about pleasant stuff.
- I kinda feel like the smoke from a fire should hit either the player health bar or the oxygen supply. Doesn't have to be a heavy drain, but it takes me out of the moment hearing the character cough deeply and see the Cyclops fill up with smoke but it all has no consequence.
Balance thoughts:
- The computer chip recipe from quartz + silver to copper wire + gold is the absolute worst "solution" I've seen to the silver(/chip/quartz) problem so far, and there's been some "solutions". Not going too much into detail here (apologies for the resulting rudeness), but what in particular gets me is how copper used to be an accessible material for cheap tech that has now been piled on as a basis for nearly every bit of tech in the game by virtue of being part of the computer chip recipe. Aside from how it is plain not fun, it makes cheap tech expensive. This has been the first game during which I didn't make a single sign for my bases when I used to have them all over the place before. Also didn't make any beacons because I've got computer chips to make. In regards to the Cyclops, where before I thought "battery + copper wire" was expensive but fair for the decoys, now decoys are 100% off my radar. That's three pieces of copper I can spend on non-disposable stuff. Electronics have been in need for rebalancing for quite a while, mostly on less need for computer chips, and now also on not making one high-use component an ingredient to the other high-use one.
- The Cyclops's interaction with the Seamoth and PRAWN is not ideal, as one can't manage a docked vehicle's modules or storage. The modules only require a second panel to be added to the bay, so that's not huge, but storage space between the PRAWN and Seamoth isn't in one spot. Maybe have a console somewhere EDIT: (room below the engine? It's empty right now and you need to be below for the lockers and vehicle repair anyway) through which storage management can be arranged? (Seamoth might remain difficult with its 4x16 storage space.) Oh, and parking with the PRAWN remains a bit of a hassle. Having a light or two shine down to help tell where I should stand for a clean docking would be great.
- EDIT: After reading the other comments and giving things more thought, I feel a console as described above and referenced in the next section would be better suited for the empty wall next to the ladder up to the bridge. What would be fancy for the room below the engine are a sizeable locker on each side that can be accessed from both the inside and the outside. That might make collecting more in tune with various wishes.
- I reckon this might be controversial, but I don't like how harmless reapers are to the Cyclops. That a pack of bonesharks is more of a problem works for me in the same way I rather deal with one sandshark than a pack of biters, but encountering a reaper is not actually worth acknowledging with as little damage it does and aggro it has atm. I have to persistently bully the poor thing to get anything out of it.
- I'm chill waiting for a fancy dock until after V1.0, but maybe a recharge pillar as part of the power transmitter system could be implemented? Would be great for outposts and at least for V1.0 would spare people the whole managing of six power cells all the way in the sub's back unless they park near a heat source.
Post-V1.0 thoughts.
- In regards to people still calling the Cyclops useless, perhaps the bay’s use could be expanded with dockable installations, comparable to how the PRAWN has its arms? Over here it was suggested the Cyclops to get its own drill and I like the idea. I don't think it'd conflict with the need for the PRAWN's drill either because there's enough small spaces the Cyclops can't reach, while the reaper-infested open spaces are not ideal for the PRAWN. Working from this idea, an installation I’d love is if the Cyclops could generate a stasis field below it so I can create a safe work area in areas that are everything but. Like, I still haven't found a proper strategy to loot behind the Aurora and this'd work. Another thing -- and this is just throwing stuff out here -- with the occasional request for a quartz (or other material) generator (by means of partical collection), maybe partical hunting could be an active gameplay component expanding on gathering the way drilling does. Could be a new use for the terraformer, but also for a Cyclops installation. If there'd be a console to deal with vehicle loot transmission, it could double for any item gathering the Cyclops'd be capable of.
- I know UWE considers more routes to the LZ a no-go, but I really don’t like the way the PCF polarizes the PRAWN and Cyclops. Reaching the PCF opens up the world to the PRAWN, but all there is for the Cyclops is back exactly the way it came up to the BKZ like it’s on rails. I seriously debated just leaving my Cyclops down there and building a new one, which is not a wanted sentiment, imo. Least there could be is a warp gate for the Cyclops. A level higher would be a tunnel from the LZ directly to the surface that needs to be unlocked from the LZ side. Could be something in the tunnel, could be not, it would just be nice to have a new way out. Alternatively, if the concern is that people would miss the DRF if there'd be more routes to the PTPG, one extra route can be afforded if there'd be a portal in there that takes one straight to the DRF. With how much trouble I had finding the DRF until my fourth playthrough, something like that can't make the odds worse.
A (small) round of postivity to end with because I can only imagine all the complaining must wear UWE down.
- Like I said above, I love the whole engine on/off thing. I thought I'd be bothered by the delay, but I'm not and I find myself turning the engine off even when I don't have to just because it feels like responsible Cyclops ownership. I also like the experience difference in starting it up in safe waters where it just feels powerful vs unsafe waters where it's well here we go.
- Even though I'm currently not using them, I do like the concept of the decoys. Mostly on the whole "eat this, not me, bye!" humor of it.
- All the little details on the Cyclops are just so damn pleasing. From the hologram to the radar to the docking bay to the decoy bay to the engine and the module station with that nice convenient display. Sometimes I like to walk around just to enjoy all the creativity put into it.
- Recalling the Cyclops's speed from before the updates, thank you for making it faster!
- And thank you for the regen shield.
I haven't had a chance to play with the new Cyclops much, yet, but a couple of the things you mentioned have bugged me for a while. Namely the lack of information on the cameras, and switching between cameras and piloting.
I almost never run things from the helm when I'm driving, I'm looking through the keel camera 90% of the time. Having more information on the camera HUD, and yes an auto-center, would be highly useful.
Also, backing out of the camera backs you out of the helm, too?! Am I doing it wrong or what, because that's really inconvenient.
re: Copper vs Silver
Before that change I was swimming in copper, and silver was a seriously rare commodity. Now it's the exact opposite. I kind of can't believe I have so much trouble finding /copper/ of all things. And I thought outcrops would re-spawn but I guess not? That big coral tube near my base was covered in Limestone outcrops but is now barren of them.
Cyclops storage/minisub management/power management has always seemed like huge problems to me.
I would like to add my feedback as well as a recent purchaser of Subnautica. I finished the current content in about 40 hours and really enjoyed myself. Using the cyclops was similar to using an aircraft with a poor view out the cockpit. The sub had to be rotated to get a proper view most of the time, and required camera usage to navigate effectively (well known bug with camera view and exiting drive mode). I really like the sound/aggro approach with the engine, and would like to see this further developed. The cameras might be more effective if: They had more HUD, could zoom in, had more powerful lights, and could be upgraded. One of the more interesting ideas I had would be a Cyclops perimeter defense system that is manually controlled via the cameras. Besieged by bonesharks? Well just aim a camera at the shark and zap it to cause it to go into a catatonic state for X minutes (zapper is on a cooldown for each camera and costs power). This would allow players to react to persistent threats without simply turning off the engine and playing the waiting simulator to get silent running back up. you could even have a tracker on each camera that allows you to see where threats are, think the turrets on the millenium falcon, similar to the sonar on the cyclops already.
Allow the Cyclops to charge via solar power, but make it so you have to surface and deploy solar panels before charging. This would allow you to charge up but only during day while not moving and surfaced. I would like to see the shield able to be managed, like the amount of total power in the ship would impact the strength of the passive shield. It would add incentive to upgrade the power cells to ion power once this is available to the player as the larger power pool would add to the shield. Also I think the decoy launcher should fire the decoy out more powerfully, or be able to be upgraded to do so. Simply popping out and floating doesn't seem satisfying, I would like the decoy to zoom off while beeping wildly with all the local fauna wildly chase after it, which would make the above headaches with copper worth it for the decoy cost.
In regards to the great copper shortages of 2017, I found that the Sea Treaders left an almost 90% copper drop rate when you farmed the ore deposits they drummed up, filled my inventory and Seamoth all the way with copper in one trip in under 5 minutes.
In closing, I love this game and the discovery and story parts of it are great and made me itching to find out more and explore! I am ashamed to say, but you may be pleased to know, I played those 40 hours in a weeks time...
To fully kit out your first base you need something like twenty copper right now, and only eleven gold and eight silver. Most of that comes from needing nine computer chips and four wiring kits. Maybe if a couple items had their computer chip requirements replaced with a wiring kit instead (I nominate the battery charger and the medical kit fabricator) and a couple plain computer chips got replaced with advanced wiring kits (probably one or both of the two chips for the vehicle modifying station) it would help a little, but if computer chip was changed to one copper and one gold rather than copper wire and one gold you'd be looking at needing eleven copper, eleven gold, and eight silver. Then you'd just swap out one of those two computer chips for wiring kits and I think you'd be good (10/10/10).
I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling the situation with copper is off. And while I appreciate the advice/think-along, neither of these qualify as solutions in my book. Sea Treaders are late-mid game, and though I accept them as a steady supply of materials, I have no interest in "being forced" to visit them all the way in the SW corner every once in a while. Same for when fertilizer gets implemented - I'd be okay if Sea Treader poop is a resource for the best fertilizer, but I don't want it to be my only option.
And that's aside from how copper shortage messes with early game when beacons are most necessary, as well as how it makes signs, a QoL feature, and picture frames, a creativity feature, unwise until later. Reducing the copper needs of computer chips only helps so much (I'm still struggling with quartz) and ultimately would be patchwork #X ever since UWE decided to simultaneously remove sandstone from the GP (for reasons that still elude me) and implement numerous tech (mostly modules) that required silver. And I'm done patchworking; it always creates new problems (more copper need -> increased lead acquirement -> only use is nuclear reactor -> UWE just added glass to the reactor rod recipe -> I'm not touching the nuclear reactor anymore and I've got all this lead from being forced to look for copper; this is gold 2.0 without gold 1.0 actually being dealt with) and it's taken away a lot of the fun I got out of collecting & fabricating.
Bottomline, cheap tech materials should overlap as little as possible with advanced tech materials and making copper part of the computer chip recipe is a bad move all around. I'd much rather silver and quartz/glass would have been made more accessible.
However, just because it's accessible doesn't mean it's a sufficient solution. Without reading about it a ways back, I wouldn't have know about the "Basalt Outcroppings" left behind the Sea Treaders, which quickly disappears beneath the floor of the ocean if not harvested, which aren't regular "Basalt" at all but Copper or Lithium in about a 2:1 ratio.
1. Those outcroppings should be renamed.
2. Something still needs to be done about the Copper shortage.
I don't know if the Sea Treaders as a source of Copper is mentioned in one of the Degasi logs, but it should be. And perhaps the consumption of Copper needs to be reduced. It made more sense to have Quartz in the Computer Chip Blueprint than Copper Wire.
These ideas stuck out to me for one reason or another. I'll address them individually.
I'm not entirely opposed to having silent running as it is now - a temporary "buff" - but I also miss the old system. It was realistic. It was ACTUALLY how silent running works in real life, and it was a lot of fun to activate it, have the red lights come on, and slowly creep past enemies. What I propose is keeping the current system, but making it so if you're going the slowest speed, you can just have silent running on indefinitely like before. More than anything, I just want to be able to turn off all non-essential systems and slowly stealth past enemies. It's just such a cool feeling. I felt like it just needed a buff before, not a rework. This would also give us a reason to use the lowest setting, which we currently have nearly no reason to use.
Conflicted on engine overheat being environment dependent. Because you have to realize it goes the other way too. If we're overheating in 20 seconds at the surface, imagine having the cyclops in the 50 degrees Celsius Inactive lava zone, which is about 4x hotter. Flank speed overheating in 5 seconds? Screw that. Making it harder to use the cyclops's defensive measures (speed-wise) in the inactive lava zone doesn't feel like the best move. And while adding something like this in the game COULD be managed well, at the moment it just feels like it'd be another arbitrary value bouncing back and forth trying to find a balance point. Maybe a future endeavor, but right now I think we're better off fixing/balancing the cyclops's already prominent balance issues, as opposed to adding more variables to an already messy equation.
I got the same feeling with the cyclops telling me I'm "Cavatating!!! Excessive Noise!!!!" Like, 'okay.' I'm going ahead standard in the shallows and kelp. There's really nothing I can do about that, and it doesn't actually matter in this area, so it's just annoying, useless information. Like, do you want me to use ahead slow through the kelp forest? Not a chance in hell, computer.
I really despise that illusion of choice. Like you said, with the fire situation, the fire-suppression upgrade is basically mandatory.
I think you're correct in the sense that it should just be a hauler, But I've never really needed to make THAT big of supply trips. My inventory and the inventory of my seamoth have always been enough to collect however much stuff I need before going out for my next venture to unlock more things to make. I mean, I love collecting stupid amounts of supplies for later, but only if I actually will need to use it at some point. filling all those lockers with a material would probably have you set for the whole game realistically, except for titanium. I figure maybe It'd be good for endgame things that'd need huge resource dumps, but those things aren't really in the game yet, besides the cyclops itself.
The horn idea is actually amazing. We need a good way to deal with lava larvae in particular if the devs want the cyclops to be ever brought into the area. I guess there's the thermal energy upgrade, but still. I want to honk the horn and have them run away. And then regret it because the sea dragon heard.
reefback radar +1 for also no particular reason other than why can the computer automatically know which life signatures are hostile and which aren't? Show them all!
- Love the greater speed
- horrible accessibility to stored vehicle (a problem shared with the moonpool in some case)
- the Cyclops floodlight REDUCE my visibility, I'm always better turning them off and using the camera
- the Cyclops tell you too often if your are making noise, I wonder if it's even necessary to tell, it's obvious.
- I like the idea of using the horn to get rid of pest would be nice, in term of gameplay they are a recurrent low-level threat in late game so you might as well give the ability to make them flee (with the risk of attracting bigger hostile).
- I like the idea of Surface-deployable solar panel
- I support reefback radar +1 (show all creature, that way you might introduce friendly creature that are stealthy but are nice to chase after)
Opinions I disagree with:
- I never thought the Cyclops to be useless, even destroyable it's a wonderful mobile base.
- So NO to the Cyclops having arm or mining itself, we have the prawn for that.
- Against camera becoming drone, I like the Cyclop being like a big whales. However if you could take control (from the Cyclops) of camera made by the scanner room... now we are talking
Personal wish:
- Using a module to give a Cyclops a storage accessible from both OUTSIDE & INSIDE, I would love that for a mining run.
- Some friendly creature LIKE you using the horns and will sing with you.
- I wish for some minimal strafe capability, not to make the Cyclops too agile, but to make it look like a very sophisticated vehicle, not a clunky van with missing-feature.
- For fire to be linked with different mechanics making it very rare but critical to put out. making it Environment based is nice, but other idea could be good.
- A hatch atop the Cyclops would be nice and open the possibility for just a longer moonpool model.
- More module for all vehicles, we are already gated for getting them late game, and frankly I don't think it would unbalance the game.
I'll try to get a "gathering and crafting" post up today or tomorrow so any of this has a place to be discussed in detail. I strongly agree on #1 and I hope the fact st-basalt hasn't had its model updated along regular basalt means the devs are looking into making it a new sedimentary rock. And obvs I agree with #2. Glad to hear I'm not alone in (logically) favoring quartz over copper wire as computer chip ingredient.
Glad to resonate! In regards to sr and flank, why I'm generally positive towards the change is that in the previous update those two were all I used. Flank gave me speed, sr safety. Slow and standard didn't either, so I never selected them. I don't know where I read it, but I did get from somewhere that this particular problem wasn't just mine and that's exactly why those two became special modes. I do actually use slow from time to time if I see multiple spots on the edge of the radar, but if all creatures respond the same way to the same loudness (ie, a reaper isn't more sensitive to noise than a boneshark; I'm not sure if this is the case or not), I could do with the radar reflecting what my range is.
Speed-dependent sr time seems like an amazing idea to me! Maybe not forever on slow, because sr is 100% safety, but definitely a significant boost. It's the kind of function interplay that the Cyclops, imo, needs to get the most out of it and give people a shove towards developing personal strategies for different terrain. (I'll add it to the OP for better visibility if that's fine with you.) My proposal for flank changes is based on the same interplay principle, and I did say ~20s (15s is the minimum I'm willing to go) should become the default for the LZ with everything cooler granting >20s. I have no clue what a good temp-time balance would be, but offhand 35(LR)-20(LZ) could work. The engine is connected to the outside, but the Cyclops also has good insulation, so I think a mere functional difference is sufficient to communicate that temperature matters. In any case, if engine overheating is going to be a thing, I do think it has to be a thing that's not static because that's boring.
I'm a base builder and the Cyclops would be ideal to get materials to the building site in approx. one go. But 60 isn't enough for that, the lower deck doesn't lend itself well for placing more lockers, and going up/down the ladder too much gets tedious. Right now, the Cyclops and Seamoth are tied in the transport department. I think it'd do the Cyclops good to get boosted to the better choice.
I don't think the Cyclops is useless either and love driving it, but fact is that a lot of people do think it is. There's currently a pretty nasty thread over on Steam to confirm that. And we might as well think along on ways this sentiment can be amended (the recharge pillar is similarly something I don't need, but know some people could use because they somehow drain their Cyclops fast with UWE testing to find a fair middle ground). I like the modules + arms system of the PRAWN because it expands choice without being overwhelming, so it's the best I could think up for the Cyclops. I don't know if the installation in general is against your wishes or the drill specifically, but in the latter case it's just a possibility for one.
Most of your wish list seems good to me. Def would want a horizontal jump boost for the PRAWN so escaping a reaper wouldn't be so "give me a chance to run, will ya?!" And the horn to sing with friendly creatures would be awesome. The Cyclops's development currently is aimed at managing it and it could do with some development aimed at enjoying it.
"Managing" the cyclops is the key word.
It is a mobile base with low agility, even if I suggested slow strafe myself it was purely for maneuvering it better than an old truck (with the beeep beeep beeep when you back into something). But even then it would be a pain to maneuver it to mine anything, and solving that painfulness would definitely encroach over the Prawn.
So really no point giving the Cyclops any sort of mining capability.
I believe the Cyclops already have most its "big features" (docking someday?) So I'm only interested in the finer details to make full use of them.
Like a BETTER FLOODLIGHT, or ability to modify the Seamoth/Prawn, if it's to hard, then let those have more modules.
At best I might support a "builder module" with along what said, a storage accessible from both inside/outside, but let's be crazy: an integrated "habitat builder", hover above a place, and using the camera give you access to the construction menu (using said stored resources)
That way you can mine in the Prawn, and store the resources staying outside (dream: not even leave the Prawn just use the arm) then you can take control of the Cyclops and build. And since the cyclops would (logically) have huge storage: less inventory cluttering, you could change the layout of entire base easily.
WE SHOWED UP TO THIS GAME IN A SPACESHIP. Maybe, just MAYBE they have technology that can do cool things. Like pretty much any given tool in the players arsenal already.
However I am really sorry to have (keep) phrased it in such an harsh way (because we had discussed a similar topic between us).
Realistically, yes MHD (and MHD-gas for aircraft) is likely to be the future of propulsion, what with creating frictionless plasma that allow untold speed?
However it does assume a beefier power-sources and at some point you need to keep the game balanced.
Lets be honest, this isn't a drill issue. This just ties back into how much of a pain it is to get in and out of the cyclops just to collect a few mineral deposits. Climbing down a ladder to get out, getting your stuff, getting back in, putting it in the lockers which are awkwardly placed out of the way from everything else, going back up the ladder, starting the engine, and moving again. As opposed to a seamoth or prawn, you press E to get out. you get your stuff. Then you press E to get back in and go immediately.
Fix the accessibility of getting in and out quickly, and you won't need a drill arm for it, which would probably be too easy to use, or entirely too awkward given the cyclops's limited maneuverability.
That's a great list of feedback! Wow! Good job. I think there are a lot of great points in there, but not all that I agree with. I'm going to add my two cents on the points (and maybe add some suggestions of my own), but don't take any of it as criticism to you. You put up a great post!
General Thoughts:
1. I would love it if they let you go to Silent Running, Deploy Decoys or change speeds from the camera views. Seriously I would. But in my head, it makes sense that you can't do that. The Cyclops is rated as a craft best piloted by 3 people, and to me, that explains a lot of the way the controls are all split up.
2. I understand this criticism, that the shields should come back, regardless of current health, but I'm not critical of this point. I sort of like that you have the 'grace health' and then once you start taking actual damage, you see leaks on the ships and things get more serious. This isn't that big of a one for me.
3. A lot of this I think is good feedback. Some indication of engine heat, and some, maybe auditory, indication that Silent Running has ended would be nice. Not huge points for me, personally, but it would be nice. On the flip side, I don't really feel strongly about this one. I'm not a fan of cluttered UI and so I feel leaving this off is fine. But if we had it, it'd be okay too.
5. This one is more important to me. I hate the cavitation warnings. Especially when I'm on slow speed. It seems like, when you try to move vertically and horizontally (ie, go straight AND go down) at the same time, it trips this cavitation warning. On the slow speed, that's super annoying. I'm going slow specifically not to make noise, why does the sub then make so much noise? The same thing happens with standard speed but it's just worse. If you go straight for too long at standard speed, you cavitate. Is that really necessary? I feel like... okay, on standard speed, maybe you should be quieter by either going straight, or up and down, but no matter which one you do, you cavitate. It's just... super annoying. Really hope they address it.
6. This one I don't have as much of an issue with. I think looking at the hologram of the ship, remembering the damaged parts and then swimming outside is okay. As for the fire extinguishers, I haven't encountered that problem a lot so I can't say.
7. I also think there's a point here. I personally never use the lower deck. All my lockers are above on the main deck. More space down there would be cool but, meh. I'm good either way.
8. Really like this idea! Make the horn do something!
9. I don't really agree with this as much. I think the cameras on the Cyclops are fine. For those low-visibility areas I use the sonar. I will say that I'm annoyed that the sonar overlay doesn't persist longer for how much energy it costs. Like... it's clear my ship just mapped the nearby area... why do the wireframes have to fade away?
10. Never blown up the Cyclops but I like the idea of having a beacon to find it, so I guess I just disagree on this one. I like it the way it is currently.
11. I think there's a bit of a point here but I'm fine with it just showing potential ship hostiles.
12. I do like the fact that the character will cough during the smoke, but I don't feel like they need to add the element of being oxygen deprived. But if it did, meh. Fires are dangerous anyways so it'd make sense if they depleted your O2.
Balance Thoughts:
1. I don't really agree with this criticism. Some minerals are going to be insanely useful, like copper, and I feel that part of the game is finding resources you need. Once you have the drill arm, getting lots of copper feels like something a building-type player should have to do. Same with gold and silver. I just don't agree with this criticism, sorry.
2. I think these are all fair criticisms. I would LOVE to be able to modify the Prawn or Seamoth while inside the Cyclops. I've wanted to just... get a ladder in the lower bay and climb up to unload it, but... no. It is a bit of a hassle, that's for sure, but I feel it's manageable. It doesn't really hurt the experience for me. The fact that you have a mobile base that can cart around one of the other vehicles is pretty powerful already. Now, what DOES piss me off is that you can't reach the Prawn storage while it's docked in a Moonpool. That's a little weird to me.
3. Don't know if I agree here. I like that when I'm in Silent Running they ignore me. But the few times they have dinged me, I was surprised they didn't do more damage.
4. Some kind or recharging station for the Cyclops would be nice. Not really necessary for me. I think the idea of having to manage a base where you come to recharge and switch out power cells isn't too much to ask and adds to the fun.
Post-V1.0 Thoughts:
1. I really don't think of the Cyclops as useless, but it's a command and logistics ship. It ferries your stuff and your vehicles around so you can conveniently work at a point. It's a mobile base and trying to turn it into a mining vehicle I think is a bit overkill? That said, I would like to be able to deploy or look at camera drones inside one. Like... that makes sense to me. Having some kind of dock or way to quickly transfer materials would be great, but I feel like the survivor in Subnautica might just not have access or true need for that. I dunno. I guess I sum this comment up as: I like the Cyclops. More stuff for it would be cool tho.
2. I do like the idea of there being some 'gates' for the Cyclops. Like, one that lets you go from say, the Lost River, to some Grassy Plateaus. Just, a way to make it easier for players to get back home once they've got there. For me, this would've helped because I needed nickel in order to get the MK2 pressure upgrade, and when you get it, it's not like you can pull out your current pressure upgrade to use it on the workbench, your ship will pop like a balloon! So, going all the way back, surfacing, creating the new piece, then going back down was kind of a pain. That said, I think little bits like that do add to some of the adventure, but... yeah... one or two Cyclops sized gates would be cool.
Additional Feedback:
1. There's a bug or... something where you'll get flung out of your Cyclops... and I hate that. I'll be messing around, making another coffee maker on the bridge, then suddenly I've taken 40% damage, my Cyclops is flying through the water in another direction and I'm out in the ocean. That sucks. I'd like it if that wouldn't happen. And if it's Warpers that do that? Sad face.
2. I seem to get a lot of lag in the Cyclops? I don't know if that's the large amount of stuff I built inside it (a dozen planters, two dozen wall lockers, 8 large lockers, trash cans, vending machines, coffee machines, workbenches, etc.)? But, it'd be cool if it didn't lag so much.
3. Could we tint the lights INSIDE the cyclops? That'd be cool.
4. Could you make it so the Cyclops internal lights don't drain any power? They don't drain my bases power and I always end up walking around in darkness to save energy.
5. I think someone else said this but, could you make the main headlamps of the Cyclops... good? They almost obscure more than they reveal. They're not really helpful.
Alright, that's all I have to add there. Sorry for the wall of text but I just wanted to give my own opinion on the topics. Thanks for reading!
Some new thoughts occurred to me and I wanted to share. One of the frustrating things about the cyclops is the restrictive style of movement it uses. IE in order to navigate the X axis I need to turn the entire ship. Even now in 2017 the Navy has ships that use lateral water jets to move side to side to navigate cramped spaces and dock. I would love to see the ability to move laterally, but only in SLOW mode. This would make slow mode useful, more useful in tight spaces, and more *realistic* (not too concerned about it being like real life, I just feel like its not that advanced of tech since we have it now, might as well have it on the premier submersible in the galaxy.)
Love a lot of the points mentioned above and criticisms, I like the back and forth. One issue I see with a docking station for the cyclops in the current game is the sheer size of the thing. Placing the moonpool right now can be a headache, requiring you to branch off with more parts to make the appropriate space for it. The Seamoth and PRAWN dock INSIDE the cyclops, the cyclops station would have to be 5 to 6 times the size if not more of the moonpool. That's taking up a big chunk of a biome. some "solutions" I thought of are as follows: The cyclops docking bay floats, allowing the cyclops to have the size it needs without impeding the environment, or the cyclops does not get a full docking system, but rather a partial system just for power sharing with the base, charging, resource transfer etc.
In relation to the cyclops docking and the poor storage use below-decks, which many have stated is almost useless (I agree, mostly make storage lockers on main deck along with fabricator etc.) You could make the lower storage A: More extensive, B: directly transferable via cargo conveyor to Cyclops docking station. This would allow for quick resource dumps, make going below decks *worth it* and make the inevitably large cyclops docking station a centerpiece to the base and a hub for crafting and storage (like a real dock would).
Please let me know if any of you think implementing these changes would be hard or if there is a simpler solution I haven't thought of. These are just random "shower thoughts" and I haven't really thought them out, so have at em!
Once again, love the game and would always love to see more map expansion and explorations added in addition to the story/atmosphere. It's all great and I look forward to playing more.
I was one of those people that defended the new cyclops but after I played with it some more I realized I was wrong and the new cyclops just isnt that good, its frustrating to use and a lot of things about it make little sense.
1. You cavitate all the time no matter the speed thus attracting every single living thing out there which leads me to point #2 (whats the point of slow speed if you still cavitate? Slightly reduced aggro range doesnt cut it). I wont even talk about how cavitation works in real life ...
2. Aggro range is way too big. Even in slow speeds I seem to be aggroing everything my radar picks up.
3. Silent running lasts way too little. There is just not enough time to avoid or outrun danger.
3a. You get no message when silent running finishes its cycle which is not a problem if you are in first person but when you are looking at the cameras you cant tell if its still up and running or not.
4. Internal storage is useless. I always put wall lockers over them.
5. You should be able to access sub controls without having to first use the steering wheel.
6. Engine overheat on flank speed is ... well not good. I run flank speed for a few seconds and my engine goes up in flames, why?? Why cant those engines work for more than a few seconds? I almost never use flank speed since you dont achieve much and if you are not careful you can even start a fire in the sub.
I think that covers most of the things Im annoyed with.
Overall I think the cyclops sucks. With all the technology we (in-game ppl) seem to have (see aurora) you would think the cyclops would be something amazingly good or do cool tricks but atm its even worse than modern era subs. Makes no sense to me. I understand its a game and not real life but cmon, the sub is next to useless atm. If it werent for the Prawn Suit I wouldnt even use it.
Alas, a lot of the changes being suggested here, no matter how good, are unlikely to be adopted by UWE just because they require too much work for a game getting close to release.
The lateral thrusters are a good idea and could be an easy fix. As well, I'd prefer a permanent Silent Running. I think the current Silent Running + Ahead Flank are just too gamey a change.
New storage, including the interesting idea of storage accessable from outside and inside, are likely too much to get. Likewise changing things so we can access the mods and storage of a docked vessel too.
I put in 32 Wall Lockers in the forward lower deck and can still access all 5 of the stock storage. Don't bother with the rear lower deck as it is an awkward location that wouldn't take many lockers. I put more on the bridge and aft on the upper deck.
BTW, thinking of Wall Lockers, which I like because of their builtin sign, made me think of a change that should be made to the Sign. It should be created from 1 Quartz and 1 Titanium in line with the blueprint for Wall Lockers. That would help the Copper shortage for people who want to indulge in Signs.
But I understand if the devs are more motivated to RELEASE a good game first, then start improving.
I mostly "agree". The only points I consider myself personally invested in are smoother control scheme, proper seamoth/PRAWN interaction, better flank speed/silent running gameplay (that doesn't rely on power usage (alone) because that's boring), and some new way out for the Cyclops at the PCF. However, I'm an experienced player who knows what stuff there is, where to get that stuff, what a good order of course is, and how the AI works. I'm guessing this goes for you too and this is not a mindset to work from.
Again, I have no investment in the Cyclops getting a drill arm, but consider this: it's possible for new players not to find the drill arm or the PRAWN (or aerogel or the grappling arm, the latter which is very important to driving the PRAWN). I've test-played that scenario a while back (and many others; my Cyclops doesn't get damaged unless I do it on purpose) and it seriously bites into the experience. A Cyclops drill installation could be a backup. Furthermore, I keep track of (Steam) threads on the Cyclops and while you can always put those away as complainers, fact is they are fellow players with their own experiences. If they say they are too afraid to use the Cyclops and/or don't have any use for it, it's time to question what can be done because no one says these things of the Seamoth and PRAWN. (Heck, the Seamoth has a defined role as scout. The PRAWN has a defined role as multi-terrain worker. Does the Cyclops have a defined role as mobile base? Regular bases allow one to customize layout and can fit functions the Cyclops can't. They're also a lot cheaper to get started. Just saying, only function is open to change.)
As @Jacke said, it'd be foolish to assume UWE'd bother with the whole list (as per Checkin, lockers are now 3x6, SR is now thrice as long and so's cool down, and the "Warning: Cavitating" has been either removed or reduced), and forts I didn't put it together for that reason. I put it together to offer something constructive from as newbie a view as I could, whatever that's worth. And, "Community commentary appreciated." notwithstanding, I would appreciate if this thread could follow that spirit. If you don't think something has to be/could be better, great!, but is that the experienced player talking or someone who still needs to be impressed? If you don't think a certain solution'd work or be a good idea, okay!, but plz give it the effort of coming up with your own. And with problems I didn't even spot, do bring them up!, but know I'm as interested in hearing about the problem -- how it affects your game experience -- as I am about the solution.
Repeating myself: it would require the Cyclops to get the agility to finely maneuver over mineral, frankly I don't see why you would NOT reject it outright. It could only and only lead to thousand complain about how it's impossible to maneuver right or how it's pointless when you do look for the drills (having clear clues that some resources need to be mined another way).
And yes, the cyclops is a mobile base, I don't see why you would call it anything else. It carry other vehicle, you keep it away from trouble, it is bad at getting close...etc.
Calling the Seamoth a "scout" is a bit reductive as well, this is an all around exploration/transport vehicle, early game it is also your first mobile base. I say that despite my lobbying for it to only store (lot of) O².
And then the Prawn sacrifice mobility for utility. If (stupid idea) the Seamoth gained a drill "for backup" the only things saving it would be having more upgrade and not requiring to get out to grab things.
Your last post really is puzzling Drownedout, I don't get how you think at all.
Heh, I'm afraid the sentiment is mutual. No hurt taken or meant; perspective's just funny like that.
The drill thing is a point of contention that puts me in a spot I dislike: defending considerations while having no own investment. Now if we'd be talking that stasis field installation, that I could use big time for reaper territory (ie, 1/3rd of the surface map), while particle hunting would mean a lot to me when resource gathering is greatly hampered by "no, this is pretty here and it won't come back, I'll find another". The linked-to discussion about a drill is what started my thoughts about installations and I'm both honoring that as well as adhering to my own merit rule of "don't suggest new variables unless you can come up with at least three choices".
I'd like to make this the last time I say anything about the drill, although we'll see how it goes. In overview:
I hope this clarifies things, even if it is likely not to convince.
Myself I did not see many people believing the Cyclops was THE "do everything" main submarine, but it's easy to imagine why some do, the trailer focus on it and it match our current-days expectation of deep-sea submarine.
I too can get the Cyclops anywhere I want, I navigated through the tunnel to the Deep grand reef down to the Lost River, it doesn't mean I expected it to do more than bring me here and act as a de-facto base.
"fine maneuver" to me is in the tone of "be a sophisticated machine" rather than a 2nd hand truck with a bad gearbox. I would appreciate it for the sake of immersion and comfort.
Yes the PRAWN can't reach everything but it's still better at that and mining, even at said places. I'm willing to argue having the Grappler as an upgrade to the normal arm, or the Cyclops having a remote-control and a winch... (brainstorming here).
At least we (seem to) agree a better solution is to find the PRAWN's drill more easily.
It is a progression "gate" in game design, the players is NOT meant to mine large node without it.
And if you have the drill but not the Grappler? You've likely saw other place to mine the same mineral.
I also don't share AT ALL your concern about seeing "too many of the same piece", I can't/haven't see ANYONE having concerns about that either. It's a wonderful design choice !/
It's realistic !! There's not only one Legendary drill-Arm in the furthest deepest Wreck-shrine (yet conveniently marked for you).
it's enjoyable !! You get a motive to methodically explore Wreck despite the limited O² (I'm lobbying myself for larger reserve)
It's not frustrating !! If you already have it you are still rewarded with metal, you didn't lose anything you just found free-metal.
It's self motivating !! Don't have it? It mean there's a Wreck somewhere.
Improving the Cyclops must not make other feature like the Prawn nearly-pointless.
1st List
• A module that gives another version of sight unlike Sonar—Infrared, it would literally be useless for the “Heated” adventures later in the game --Sonar excels there anyway--, but it could feature a farther view distance unhindered by day/night, as well as help hunt down Wrecks and Thermal Vents early in the game. Aside: could also add tension when charging at thermal vents because it would take away visibility completely from the player that is missing sonar :>
• More polish on the flood lights for the Cockpit and the Cameras; maybe could be avoided with above mentioned changes.
• Move the Camera buttons to their own individual buttons—relative to their own actual location on the Cyclops-- on the small GUI of the cyclops between the HP Bar-- Hull integrity-- and the Noise Bar
• Remove the Keybind for Right-click floodlights, it is not useful. Instead, put floodlights and Interior lights as "Parenthetical" buttons around the Engine-Off UI-button. If this change is made, then this Suite of buttons should be also be added to the Camera GUI.
2. Add a module for that? It is an improvement, so why not? I think it would also be neat if the shield charged faster when the lights/engine were-off. Like power-usage automatically reroutes. This would mean the cyclops would be a bit better off when left alone. Why not also give the choice between the two natures of shields from the Modification Station VIA a branching choice for the Barrier Module? (Like the Thermal Knife vs Durable Knife)
• Another choice is a version of the Barrier that lasts a little bit longer, causes the Cyclops gain less heat from Flank Speed—letting you use it longer--, and will “un-encourage” enemies that attempt to attack/approach the hull—a lot like Seamoth Perimeter Defense System.
B ) Silent Running: I think the cooldown is fine, maybe reduced by a few seconds, but the “Rerouting” Module proposed above (#2 bullet 2) could do that for us. However—the Silent Running button could definitely use the same Orange active indication while in use, even if it is cooling-down. It would be nice to also see a duration added to its indicator. Like Counter-Clockwise rotation while Orange would be perfect if it then transitioned to the normal Clockwise rotation indicating cooldown period has started.
4. “EDIT: @Who_needs_Armor suggested that silent running lasts longer on slow speed. This seems to me an excellent way to get more gameplay out of it.”
Sounds beautiful. Let’s do it. Silent Running at Flank Speed never made any sense to me anyway.
5. Agree, anything above Ahead Slow shouldn’t mention this effect, unless the game has hostile entities on the radar. However, Cavitating should be a real concern, as it would literally leave a loud trail for predators to follow, a jet of agitated water much like Peepers leave! It is an addition of little known physics of real life submarines. Plus, if you are going at Maximum Speed, you probably acknowledge the volume of noise.
6. I do not see this problem from your perspective of the Cyclops being too hard to manage, but from some enemies being able to damage a Titanium Brick too much. I feel like the patching of holes after a desperate escape or fight lends a lot to the atmosphere and should remain. But, the Cyclops simply needs some defense options, or the PRAWN needs to be able to stand on top to defend the thing.
| Not-recharging fire extinguishers; but, a stock-ability to flood the engine compartment with water or extinguisher, after forcing closed the hatches. This ability would recharge every minute, and could belong somewhere below the Holo-Read-Out of Hull-Integrity. Adding to some of the panic of a bad situation, requiring you to leave the wheel for a moment, but would also only solve some of your problems. This ability would also have the added effect of reducing engine heat for a short-amount of time, and maybe could be improved by a Cyclops module. (The logic for the upgrade is that it would vacuum-seal the engine compartment to choke the fires out instead.)
7. Different idea, same concept. Remove those lockers that are down inside the Cyclops, and give us the space to play with. Might be nice to be some actual size Lockers or some Aquariums down there. (Read-onto PostV1.0 #1 for more) If the lockers remain their size should be tripled in my opinion, they do have at least x3 the volume of the normal locker inside the hull, the inside of the cyclops has basically no room for you to use.
8. I disagree of your proposed use of the Horn because I feel like Floaters and Lava Larvae, are two unique entities that add special concerns to special zones, however I think the Cyclops should tell you when a creature has attached to the hull, and where—like Hull-Breaches. Take your Cyclops “Interfacing-Chip” idea and make it better! Why not let the player remotely activate Sonar and the Horn at the same time? This would help the player dive deeper into caves, or help them find their way back. Not everything in Subnautica has a use though, think of the figurines or the posters, some of this game is just a little goofy.
9. I don’t have the problem, at all. I disagree completely, I use the hull of the Cyclops to orientate myself. Then again, I also play “Visually-Peculiar” games like Space Engineers, where cameras are at like 60-FOV and put everything through a blue filter. The Cameras of Subnautica are a welcome change by comparison.
10. I do not know about blowing-up the wreck, maybe salvaging it with the habitat-builder would be a nice change. Alternatively, I would like the GPS/Waypoint Tab of the PDA to include the options to remotely rename, and remotely detonate beacons.
11. Meh. I do not feel that is necessary. My idea is to not create more work for the Devs if it doesn’t really have a purpose. Though, it would be funny for the PDA to warn you about massive life-forms incoming on the Radar just to have it be Reef-Backs. One thing from earlier that I think would be a welcome change to the “Noise-stealth” mechanics for the Cyclops would be an addition of a radius around the Cyclops on the Radar for Aggro range, with distance rings as well. This change would fix some of what I was talking about in #3A, and give room for the proposed Heat GUI-element. I also feel that enemies should not appear on the radar until Scanned! That would a lot of tension to new areas in the beginning of the game, and add more reward to the frightening task.
12. Seconded, maybe double the intervals for starving with both Oxygen and HP depleting. That would add a lot more danger to the Cyclops being on fire, make use of your upgraded Oxygen Tanks, as well as balance out the ability the proposed ability of Flooding the engine room from #6.
Balance Thoughts Response:
2. Completely agree, I was immediately disappointed when I docked my Seamoth moments after building the Cyclops. I think a similar panel to the Vehicle Modification bay that shows the inventory and upgrade modules would be appreciated. | A comically easy fix for both vehicles would be to have them dock upside-down, while removing the hatch before the decoy tube. Also, red-blinking lights on the corners of the Cyclops’s opening vehicle-bay doors might fix your problem with minimal effort.
3. Seconded, Maybe the Reapers should get a cooldown attack where they latch onto the Cyclops, getting dragged in its wake with its Face-Mandible-Things penetrating the hull. They would have to slashed/or pushed from the inside to get it to release. This however would probably need to be implemented with the ability for the Cyclops to continue forward thrust without the Player driving.
4. Simple idea, Cyclops interacts with Power Transmitters like bases do. In the mean-time, I find myself making huge bases every 2km in the often-visited zones with the express purpose of recharging the Cyclops Power Cells.
Post-V1.0 thoughts Response:
That being said. I would love to be able to build modules onto the Cyclops, trade some speed and Cave-Diving potential to get some more mechanics that are exclusive to Stationary Habitats, and maybe some new ones all-together. I imagine that any of the larger modules would be built like Foot-Ball-shaped Pod-arms that attach to the base of the Cyclops but are entered/Interacted with from the exterior, or small interior panels. Examples would be:
• Exterior Grow-bed Pod
• Extra Vehicle Dock
• Mass Storage Pod: A detachable strong box that player could move using the hand-held Propulsion gun or PRAWN arms respectively.
• Habitation Pod: Just empty space for you to enter and fill as you see fit
• Missile Pod: Load with torpedoes or decoys for additional fighting options.
• Propulsor Pod: Somewhere between the Gravity Sphere and the Propulsion Gun. Through the Point-of-View of the cameras, it would the operator pull-in or launch-away entities much like a tractor-beam. Helping get rid of pests, or prime resources for harvest. This would help with the hard-to-reach drillables
• Turbine Pod: Exclusively must be used in both slots for Pods, it would greatly increase the speed of the Cyclops, but their fragility limit its depth.
• Alien Containment Facility Pod
• Desalinator: The more you travel, the more water it creates, using the forward motion of the Cyclops and special membranes inspired by the Blatterfish.
And if no other changes are made to the game, please-- a hatch above the Cockpit, I am so tired of that ladder. I hope that I slip on it one day while wearing my dumb sea-fins and break my neck on the battery charger below.
I would also like to take the moment as DrownedOut did and express my feelings wholly. Subnautica is a game that is unfinished by nature but still remains an Adventure. That word was capitalized on purpose and not habitually. It retains a beautiful environment, sounds & effects that grab the player, and profoundly strikes a of fire forlorn wonder. In my honest opinion Subnautica deserves recognition for the effect it has while feeling completely original and swimming against the tide of current gaming trends. I will spare the personal details, but Subnautica has a special place in my heart for the role it plays in my life.
The game just isn't that deep.
I mean, there's a large distance down to the bottom, but at the end of the day, it's just single player. There is no economy, no persistence, no faucets and sinks for resources, no money system. Just one player character, building stuff.
The entire question is: how hard should that be? Too easy, and it's trivial, and the top end blasts through the game too fast to enjoy the ride. Too hard, and the low end never even reaches the end. There is no one answer that will completely satisfy everyone.
This is what world-generation sliders and checkboxes are for. One person might want easy harvesting and respawning nodes, plus an automated drilling drone for the Cyclops because the drill arm is annoying. Another might want to touch every single resource item themselves, draw the experience out as long as possible, and be forced to risk resources to retrieve scarce resources from dangerous zones.
And IMO, both should be able to play the game and have fun. Sounds reasonable to me. Resources sliders, optionally respawning resources, and optional equipment to make things easy.
I agree that the current sub controls are clunky and definitely need refinement.
I doubt that I would use a drill arm on the Cyclops as I have enough trouble manoeuvring and trying to figure out whats around me without trying to hit a target with a drill arm. The Cyclops is a hauler/mobile base and I'm fine with that.
The whole thing with Silent Running, noise and Creatures needs a lot of work. All of which has been well laid out in the comments above. While I don't like it, the feeling of being a small fish in a big pond is kinda cool. I can't just blast my way out of things. Instead I have to be careful and watchful. That's a neat spin on game play that I'd like to see stay, so adding weapons doesn't appeal to me.
- I find the light pollution from the background lighting as well as the sonar and other displays when operating the sub to be very annoying. I have the same issue with the green panels in the Seamoth. I'd like to see an option to dim all of the interior light sources so that I can see into the dark exterior world around me without the glare from the interior. The Cyclops sonar display should be moved further back from the front window so that one can see out the lower half of the right window too.
- As a base builder I find it very tedious to have to make frequent trips in and out of the sub to access all the material I've hauled to a site. Accessible storage from the exterior would help. Or create a docking port so that I can just run to and from through a connecting tube. No more ladders please. Just a straight run from a sea base through a docking port tube into the lower section of the ship would be the best.
- Better lighting of the sub entry hatch would be helpful in dark situations. I envision a lighted ring around the Cyclops hatch or light up the interior of the hatch doors to make it easier to find a way in without needing a flashlight.
- More storage space below deck is a must have. I don't use the built in lockers provided on the one side and have instead setup lockers two high over top of these in the Cyclops to improve storage.
- Add Solar recharging for the battery banks would be a nice feature if sea base docking is not an option in the near future.
- Install a scanner onboard so that I can look for materials from the sub instead of having to build a scanner room in each Biome.
Overall, I really like Subnautica and can't stop playing it. Someone earlier mentioned "Shower thoughts". Ya me too! I look forward to seeing how the finished product will turn out.
"Made Reapers and Ghost Leviathans more aggressive against Cyclops; removed ability to attack Cyclops from Bonesharks, Lava Lizards and Spine Eels; added ability to attack Cyclops to Shockers"
A.) I wasn't crazy when I concluded ampeels don't attack the Cyclops! Go me!
B.) All things considered (and assuming this'll stay), this is probably the best investment-reward move UWE could've pulled with the Cyclops. Not ideal (ie, what even is there to do in reaper territory?), but reasonable.
Good changes though. Seems kind of odd the bonesharks wouldn't be able to do anything to it logically, but at the same time as long as they can taking the cyclops around is a pain.
(This paragraph went pretty off topic from Cyclops but eh, happens.)
Maybe there will be more to do in reaper territory in the future. I have mixed feelings about how much player-reaper interaction there is. I like avoiding them if I can... but the thing is that you pretty much ALWAYS can. There's nearly no relevant reapers in the game. The only one somewhat relevant is the reaper on the east side of the Aurora, which - if you know what you're doing - is entirely avoidable. The rest just roam the big open areas with nothing to do in them.
I don't want to be forced to go into reaper territory often, but I feel it's important that we are at least slightly so they aren't, to be honest, an irrelevant threat. The only time I've had trouble with them is when I didn't know what areas they were in, or I purposefully came nearby to provoke them. And if we aren't forced into their territory, there should be some REALLY rewarding blueprints to find in those areas as incentive. Because right now there's near no reason to get anywhere near them.
And I get some of the areas they are in are kind of used as "developer walls," but I really want the reapers to have their own fleshed out biome at some point. I want to have to explore in fear a dangerous area with reapers in the same way the player does with the Sea Dragon Leviathan in the lava zones. But the reward has to balance out the risk too, you know? I wouldn't hate if things like the water filtration machine was in a biome like that. But off topic. I digress.