New ''power'' system upcoming -- Power Output/Consumers spreadsheet
Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members

While scourring the Trello i fell on this spreadsheet on what the new power system should look like if not enterely accurate to reflect what base piece will provide/drain in terms of energy. Some of those are already update to reflect this some arent and/or will be in the near future im guessing. This is a WIP spreadsheet i think and may not perfectly depict what it will really be in the end but that gives us a fairly good idea on how it'll work in the near future!
What comes to my attention immediately, personally, is the fact that the moonpool structure will consume more energy than what the filtration system uses/will use .... lol
Also since they are in the process of redoing ALL of the power mechanic visibly i'd profoundly wish that they gave us a way to manually shut down any piece that drain power (thru a control panel buildable in the base for example)
What comes to my attention immediately, personally, is the fact that the moonpool structure will consume more energy than what the filtration system uses/will use .... lol
Also since they are in the process of redoing ALL of the power mechanic visibly i'd profoundly wish that they gave us a way to manually shut down any piece that drain power (thru a control panel buildable in the base for example)
Both fuel based reactors look like they are in dire need of reevaluation.
Agreed, also i think that 10p/minute for a single room is a bit pushed, compared to 1p/m for a single corridor ....
I don't mind the moonpool using more power, it's an advanced room that you're likely to not have too many of.
A bit of a tangent, but that sheet also lists the vehicle speeds. The Cyclops at flank speed is still pathetically slow. It should at least match the Seamoth since that speed is intended for traversing the world, we can always switch to a lower speed for caves and such. Not to mention that the Cyclops has a huge engine in the back relative to its overall size.
Nope... Not touching the game until they get their ducks back. Still making tank threads and then attaching them to a skateboard. This is the same garbage that bethesda pulls, ala settlements ala just about everything they did in past decade tbh. Half baked unfinished ideas that never really get finished, hell they don't even try to put bandaids on them anymore, they don't fix anything tbh but that is a different topic entirely. No amount of promises that things will get "fixed" and "balanced" LATER can convince me of anything. It's one thing when that kind of promise is given by a dev studio that has 20 years of patching their products to perfection even decades later and always keeping their word and never going with the sheep flow... and another thing entirely when it's done by an indie studio.
I want to believe. I really do... but that has to be earned first. Not later, maybe.
Spotlights are not cities, turning H20 into oxygen doesn't require a nuclear reactor can be done with a damn car battery, turning water with excess sodium(sea water) into drinkable water only requires heat, 1 pot, 1 cover and one god damn glass... again not a damn nuclear reactor.
And the prawn walk faster than the cyclops in slow !? o.0
It is ridiculous, boost the cyclops speed (except silent running, this one make sense)
Second, each generator needs to be worth the effort. And "build thermals on a vent and pipe the power in" needs to not be the only best solution.
Vehicles all need to have field-recharging solutions. Solutions better than dropping a PRAWN on a vent and switching out the cells, or solar-charging via Seamoths. Give the Cyclops all three: nuclear, solar, and thermal!
So according to the spreadsheet our new power generation devices numbers would look like this:
- Bio Reactor = Poweroutput of 25 energy/min. @ 500 capacity.
- Nuclear Reactor = Poweroutput of 250 energy/min. @ 2.500 capacity
- Solar Panel = Poweroutput of 75 energy/min. @ 125 capacity
- Thermal Plant = Poweroutput of 100 energy/min. @ 250 capacity
Here are some fuel examples:I think with this numbers the power consumption for a MPR with 10 energy/min. makes more sense. At least if those values already reflect the upcoming power consumption correctly.
But even with this increase I think the nuclear rods should get even more energy/rod. With the x5 values you could run a nuclear reactor at max. output for 80minutes. I found a new Trello card that says they plan on doubling the value for each rod to a total of x10 of what they hold now. That would give a full load of 4 rods a runtime at max output of 160minutes. A Bioreactor full of Reginalds could run for 704minutes (11hours and 44minutes). I think even with the tenfold output the nuclear reactor has, it should be able to run longer then a Bioreactor. IMO our "best" reactor should require the least maintenance. I'd still vote for another late game reactor option though. Something that has "unlimited" fuel like Solar and Thermal but with output and capacity even higher then the nuclear reactor.
I still hope though, that we may get a power buffer module or something alike to even further increase our power storage and to have one combined storage for all power producing devices. So that you could in theory load an empty nuclear reactors storage with solar energy for example. Sure without rods it would not produce its own energy but it could at least store energy for your base.
Some more control over your power production and consumption would also be nice. Current production/drain per minute and uptime with current energy stored for example would be nice to know. And maybe a 2nd value for solar input because those are practically only "half" as effective because of the day/night cycle.
EDIT: Added new information about Nuclear reactor rods I found after posting.
Nuclear reactors also need a huge buff in stored energy, and by extension, runtime. IMHO, it should be able to run for a bare minimum of a year of game time at 100% load. Lighter loads would let it last longer (real reactors can be similarly throttled using control rods), but there should be some degradation over time regardless of whether the reactor is in use or not (or even if the rods are just sitting in storage).
Power output also needs to be significantly higher, the PDA describes them as one being able to power a colony, so by that logic one nuclear reactor should be enough to power all but the largest of seabases.
Random Trivia: Animal/vegetable fat (roughly what the bioreactor runs off of) has about 37 MJ/kg, but uranium in a reactor has about 80,000,000 MJ/kg. The game's energy values are off by many, many orders of magnitude.
I'm more worried about them keeping the game-design of "power source = storage" approach we have now, I wish the powercell was the basis of all energy storage, seabase included.
(shameless link to my recent suggestion)
My minibases would have only have a 25-50 energy per minute output and a drain of 15-40 energy per minute, but run out of energy after some time as I rarely visit them and then it depends what happens to the life inside a dead base. Will my fish and plants die? If they do, the bioreactor has a small problem.
And now even more why should I built a nuclear reactor with these values. The nuclear reactor will be the worst reactor in the game then. Longevity of the rods should be drastically increased by factor 100, but compensated by needing dozens more of uranite to build.
Peeper pipe from alien containment to bioreactor.
Dude, deep breaths. This is not a 1.2 update where the changes are final. They're fiddling with it and it'll swing back in another direction in the next update or two. Critical feedback is important, but you seem to be freaking out a bit on us. Woosa, woosa.
Unfortunately I can't put those fish into the bioreactor. I tried but simply couldn't. I can eat them, but not that.
I do agree that some sort of late-game fusion reactor would be a good idea, but realistically, the Nuclear Reactor might make more sense handled as an expensive base battery with tens of thousands of stored units on install, and a maximum output rate of something like 50 units a second.
Make it run off a single rod at a time, make the rods expensive to refine, and make them last a long long time unless you are going buck wild with the fabricator. It really ought to be the last power thing you build except for maybe right before making a rocket to get off the planet.
Thank you for putting that info up here. I wanted to do this search myself but forgot about it. It further backs the argument that even with the tenfold output uranium rods should hold way longer then 16 fish.
No, at this point we have nothing alike for our bases. Just the batteries and power cells the tools and vehicles use. Some people including me, ask and hope for a buildable power storage- module/locker/capacitator to add to the base total energy. In addition to that I think it would be good if you would have a single energy pool instead of several seperate pools (on for each power generating device).
Each reactor has its own capacity differing from energy output. So if it gets night the solar panels capacity discharges until depleted. If you have enough panels and therefore enough capacity the panels will recharge the next day before getting depleted.
Also, some of the faster ships in the US Navy are also the biggest (ask any sailor who's served on one), having 2 nuclear reactors (each significantly bigger than the puny example I used earlier) means being able to literally twist their steel drive shafts on themselves like a candycane. With full up Ion power cells the cyclops should be allowed to do ludicrous speed.
And no I don't think the moon pool power consumption needed to be buffed, at all. As it is parking my seamoth when it is low on power will typically shut down my base, especially if I have a filtration machine running. Granted I don't farm for extra generators so my power supply isn't in the thousand as apparently everybody else does (along with swimming around with six air tanks. The Hell is wrong with you people?) But buffing it further just means I won't use it outside of crafting mods. Why bother when you can charge two power cells in a power cell charger for a fraction of the consumption rate? It's just bad economics. Pack the extra cells, fuck the moon pool.
Don't quite understand you at all here. I get by with 12-16 Solar Panels and 3+ Thermal Plants and that gives me a reserve of about 600-800 and enough output to supply a triple Alien Isolation, 2 Water Filtration Plants, and enough beyond that to power a Fabricator as well as a Battery Charger and some Powercell Chargers. Docking a Seamoth in a Moonpool didn't break anything either.
We don't want to asphyxiate exploring large wrecks. But that's the old tank system and has already been replaced in Experimental.
Now can only draw from the tank in the paperdoll. But there's a new tank, High Capacity Oxygen Tank, which can be made with the Fabricator from the Standard Oxygen Tank with more Glass, Titanium, and Silver, that has a 90s supply. Still need to swap but only need 1 or 2 spares. Still needs a readout of how much oxygen is in a tank with mouse-hover (like batteries and tools) and you need to swap tanks before swimming out to ensure they're filled.
You need the Moonpool to build a Vehicle Modification Station to craft Seamoth and PRAWN mods. And there's no problem recharging either in a good base, at least before Ion Powercells. After is another case I've not yet tested.
Ah well...
I guess I already got my $15 dollars worth.
Seriously, you need more air ? Get back to surface, brain coral, subs, base ..
The game would not be fun if i have air for 5 min, no worries to have ..
I haven't been on that game for long, can someone tell me how important was said rework? I want to know if there was a major change of space/gameplay that went with it.
I've not yet played a game from start with it, so I've not tested it thoroughly, now that I have all the vessels. It's likely to be a challenge but I think it's worth trying.
I used to run with up to 6 extra tanks and now I can get more oxygen with the Ultra Capacity Tanks very soon in a game with 2 spare tanks. However, we still don't have a way to see how much oxygen is in a tank by mouse-hover.
And we really need to prep for a dive by swapping all the tanks so that they fill and we can see they're filled.
So, a couple of irritants I wish were fixed.
To me the planned change and the new Double Ultra Capacity tank is very generous. I always used to carry a Seaglide on me, several battery and tools, so this change will greatly increase what I can carry