The Creature of the void
Unknown, Last Known Location: Milky Way, Sector B65 (Norma Arm),Coordinates: 16h 36m 08.3235s Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230468Members

Going out the map.
Problem that has persisted from the first release,
Ghost Leviathan is a good creature that prevents you from escaping, But what if it turns out that the Entire map you play on, is precursor way of stopping the carar, by literally having a dropoff into the core of the planet, and a GIANT synthetic creature guarding "The Void".
Ghost leviathan's story I imagine is that: it's near a void because it died (thus the name GHOST leviathan).
I was thinking of a creature that DWARFS the Emperor, A creature who hangs on to the wall for the void, (it changes color so it blends in), [if you get anywhere near the depth, dev's don't want you to go (aka "DeathDepth")] it Releases itself from the wall revealing it's gigantic being, Mouth full of rotating razorsharp teeth (rotating in the pattern of having 4 "walls" of teeth and they are rotating in a disc inside it's mouth),
and its Tentacles used to grap the Cyclops and Quite literally try to tear it in half or 4 giant tentacles grab your Cyclops (or whatever vehicle) and Bring it near it's massive mouth to eat it (If you are just swimming it will grab you by the leg,arm or whatever it can catch and eat you) It's Looks should be so terrifying that you want to scream, (also each tentacle has an extra 4 tentacles to grab smaller objects).
There should be 4 different sounds To the creature:
) But what I am thinking is:
][Precursor Translation][: "burying protocol inizilised, The isolation from the rest of the planet: Successful, Lifeform: Set"
Data Pad contains the following:
[a description of a "beast"]
Precursor data of unknown synthetic lifeform Attempting Decypher and translation:
Name: "The Guardian Of The void"
Purpose: Carar Virus Containment and destruction of indigenous infected lifefroms
Class: Unknown........................................................................................................................(Because it's bigger than any Leviathan)
Threat level: Extreme
Suggestion: Avoid at ALL COST
(No picture of the Creature available only something that looks like a drawing or something and It's not the clear description rather something someone would draw to scare people away)
[]Partially Translated Precursor dialogue[]
"What have we done"
"Are you sure it wont Come up?"
"Run It found us"
"No! Don't go deeper It lives there!"
(Intercom) "Evacuate evacu-" /*Cut off By a Loud sound and A big bang*/
"it was Not worth it"
Feel Free to tell me What do you think of it and Ideas are Always welcome!
Problem that has persisted from the first release,
Ghost Leviathan is a good creature that prevents you from escaping, But what if it turns out that the Entire map you play on, is precursor way of stopping the carar, by literally having a dropoff into the core of the planet, and a GIANT synthetic creature guarding "The Void".
Ghost leviathan's story I imagine is that: it's near a void because it died (thus the name GHOST leviathan).
I was thinking of a creature that DWARFS the Emperor, A creature who hangs on to the wall for the void, (it changes color so it blends in), [if you get anywhere near the depth, dev's don't want you to go (aka "DeathDepth")] it Releases itself from the wall revealing it's gigantic being, Mouth full of rotating razorsharp teeth (rotating in the pattern of having 4 "walls" of teeth and they are rotating in a disc inside it's mouth),
and its Tentacles used to grap the Cyclops and Quite literally try to tear it in half or 4 giant tentacles grab your Cyclops (or whatever vehicle) and Bring it near it's massive mouth to eat it (If you are just swimming it will grab you by the leg,arm or whatever it can catch and eat you) It's Looks should be so terrifying that you want to scream, (also each tentacle has an extra 4 tentacles to grab smaller objects).
There should be 4 different sounds To the creature:
- When you are just entering the void.
- When you are Halfway to the "DeathDepth"
- When you are very near to the "DeathDepth"
- When the Creature releases itself from the wall
- When you are entering It should give Something like a echoing roaring sound, sound that, You know there is something there, but you are not sure what
- halfway you should hear like that Threatening "Keep away" sound, You hear it still echoing but less so, so you know, Whatever that Thing is, It's Huge
- When you are near then it should have the Sound of Absolute Death and Horror, Something that makes you go: "Nobody Nope Nope"
- When the creature releases it should have that muffled suction detachment sound and the Death and Horror Roar
- When you see it it should make the Sound that makes you shake From fear, but at the same time Knowledgeing that, There is NO escape

- SoulBurning eyes (You can see the death and Destruction in it's eyes) and the Sheer size of them (About the size of you) Seems like Gates of hell are opening before you
- Tentacles Behind it's head and behind it's chin (Reaper Leviathan Positions)
- Body that has that bioluminescent (red) dots running from the spine, Under the chin, on the sides and near the Spinal cord that kinda sticks out but is still protected, Well Built Body structure (You can see the strength that it possesses).
- Movement
- Gigantic (see trough Like the ghost leviathan) (Emperor's style bioluminescence, red and More threatening) tentacles
- it has like 2 "Hands" that can also be used for moving, They look Like very Sharp teeth (also can be used for attack)
][Precursor Translation][: "burying protocol inizilised, The isolation from the rest of the planet: Successful, Lifeform: Set"
Data Pad contains the following:
[a description of a "beast"]
Precursor data of unknown synthetic lifeform Attempting Decypher and translation:
Name: "The Guardian Of The void"
Purpose: Carar Virus Containment and destruction of indigenous infected lifefroms
Class: Unknown........................................................................................................................(Because it's bigger than any Leviathan)
Threat level: Extreme
Suggestion: Avoid at ALL COST
(No picture of the Creature available only something that looks like a drawing or something and It's not the clear description rather something someone would draw to scare people away)
[]Partially Translated Precursor dialogue[]
"What have we done"
"Are you sure it wont Come up?"
"Run It found us"
"No! Don't go deeper It lives there!"
(Intercom) "Evacuate evacu-" /*Cut off By a Loud sound and A big bang*/
"it was Not worth it"
Feel Free to tell me What do you think of it and Ideas are Always welcome!

It would make the game better by giving Dev's the freedom to stop you going anywhere they don't like.
Also it would Combat the Emperor's safety, Now the players think that the Biggest Creature in game is there to Protect them, Emperor won't attack you, having a creature to counter that would add a Real danger back to the game.
Also it would be fun to prank youtubers Into going to the places and watch as they Turn pale from fright.