New creature idea
Panama City, Florida Join Date: 2017-02-27 Member: 228333Members

I think if there was like a glowing jellyfish type creature it would be amazing. In the night to see one just swooshing along giving off precious light aswell. I mean has anyone seen some videos of some of the jelly fish in the world, they just swim along minding there own business all majestically. It would be pretty intense to see something like that ingame.
Cool idea
It's not too Alien, though, so it would probably need to look quite different than a normal jellyfish...
I actually know quite a few species which have some special characteristics.
Aegia citrea: this one is special because its tentacles don't dangle under the bell, but actually grow on the top of it.
Amphinema turrida: this again has 2 tentacles, but what makes it interesting is the complex anatomy of the bell.
Atolla wyvillei: as you can see in the video, the bioluminescence of this species is quite unique.
Bathykorus bouilloni: like aegina citrea, the tentacles grow on the top of the bell; what's funny is that the common name for this one is the Darth Vader jellyfish (you can see why XD).
Cassiopea andromeda: this one spends its time upside-down on the seafloor because it has developped a symbiotic relationship with algae that live in its tentacles and feed on sunlight.
Cephea cephea: I don't know much about this one, it just looks morphologically interesting.
Chrysaora plocamia: like many species in the chrysaora genus (which is one that @SlinkySlim666 gave in his pic), this is considered one of the most beautiful jellyfish because of the lacy mouths that dangle under the bell in between the thin tentacles.
Cotylorhiza tuberculata: this is one of the most colourful jellyfish out there.
Cyanea capillata: considered the largest jelly, it also has a multitude of tentacles which is almost impossible to avoid; despite this, you can see some juvenile cod in the pic that are actually seeking shelter in-between the tentacles as few animals dare to approach this jellyfish.
Erenna richardi: this is a siphophore meaning it's not an animal but a colony of polyps; there are two different kinds, one who swims and helps the colony move, and one who stings and catches food for the colony.
Linuche unguiculata: these ones are tiny, about the size of a thimble (hence its common name), but form vast swarms that can cause the seabather's eruption when in contact with humans.
Nausithoe punctata: this one is also quite beautiful and extremely alien-looking because of those orange bits that look like brains, although they actually are the gonads of the animal.
Olindias formosus: this one has tentacles all over its body, which makes it very successful with catching food.
Pandea rubra: this one looks quite appealing because it reminds us a bit of a chinese lantern.
Periphylla periphylla: a very interesting jellyfish for two different reasons; it's bioluminescence is so intense that its entire body lights up when disturbed, and it's also the only known species to independantly move each individual tentacle to bring food closer to the mouth.
Physalia utriculus: again, a siphonophore, but the difference to the previous one is that the polyps that move have changed into a floating gas bladder that erves as a sail, and the wind transports the colony.
Pseudorhiza haeckeli: I don't know much about this one, it just looks like it has a leaf dangling from the underside of its bell.
Stygiomedusa gigantea: this one is massive, and its tentacles can extend like curtains, trapping anything that becomes caught in them.
Thysanostoma loriferum: this is a bit of a funny one because its tentacles look like churros (man, I haven't eaten any in ages)
Tripedalia cystophora: I've purposefully stopped myself from showing any other species of box jellyfish because in this pic, you can clearly see the eyes near the bottom of the bell (yes, box jellyfish have eyes).
Dang man kudos.
Cool idea! I would like to see a giant squid type of creature other than the crab squid. As cool as it is, I think it would be awesome to have this gigantic squid critter swimming around. Possibly leviathan class creature? Maybe found in new biome? Biome it would spawn in idea: Off the coast of the Dunes. Unlike the dunes, there's not much life. Just a few small fish and maybe a sea urchin type creature. The terrain would be flat until the player reaches a large cave opening in the side of a hill. The player heads inside. Suddenly, a terrifying screech is heard. A gigantic squid swims down and grapples the seamoth. It can physically tear it apart in seconds, faster than a reaper can. However, the Prawn suit would be able to fight it off. The squid would not be able to destroy the Prawn easily. Maybe even have a cinematic where the squid fights a reaper? That to me would be awesome to watch. Anyway that's just my two cents on a new leviathan. Thanks for reading!
"Big creatures" in the places where theres no depth, Yes i go all the way through the ocean in the bottomless
place when you get away from the map, i would be COOL AF that in that empty bottomless place you put a ENORMOUSLY GIANT creature, im talking about like 350 metters size that eats all players to avoid them to get out the map!, and before that a Warning messenge that says "Entering unkown area, Something of huge size is crawling on the bottom" and a Creepy, loud & badass creature noise.
And dont do eateables fishes anymore there are much of them right now, focus on Normal sized animals like the Gasopod, some more passive animals to look at cause you guys make sea animals very awsome to watch to the point that i built my house under a reefback place, Some giant animals like the reefback but harmless and impossible to kill
Make the ocean feel even more alive and mercyless
I mean your game is one of the most alives ocean i ever felt, but i was thinking that it can be upgraded to feel the ocean more real
like masive battles between creatures, (that is nearly impossible now because of the few creatures) but is early acces i know is a really awsome game for being EA
animals going to differet places not only where them spawns
Vegerarian creatures eating from the plants
Designs for animals
I know you guys really love to make colorful animals but
Make some animals with their skin as a camuflage reskin for animals depending on the Biome where their at
or new animals like the stone fish that is nearly impossible to see and is poisonous, well is the fish with the most toxic venom in the world
or a octopus that can change the color of the skin depending on the area he stands on something more realistic and awsome
Venom Animals
poisonous animals i didnt see a animal in Subnautica that injects you venom and that woul be great
just imagine:
You get touched by a venomous animal and you need a antidote that you can craft, if you dont have it you have 6 minutes to create one and heal with it, something like that will add a very challenging thing here the be careful of venomous animals hidden in rocks, Aurora parts, Abandoned seabases
Have you been to the sides of the Aurora? Have you dealt with AMPeels, Crabsnakes, Crab Squid, or Bone Sharks? Have you explored the Lost River? Have you been infected with the strange disease? Have you been to the deepest point in the world? If you answered no to any of these, go find them! There is sooooo much to see in this game and I would highly recommend seeing everything the expansive world has to offer! Rare resources, scary creatures, new tech! Its a great game and I don't want people to take a look at the surface biomes alone and think, "Oh this game is cool, but theres not much to it." Explore every nook and cranny. You will find some interesting things along the way. Good luck. PS Respond when you go explore the crash site to its fullest.
Even though I do agree with the game having a lot of cool things, theres not much diversity ATM. Most of the creatures just bite you and run, and only a handful are interesting to avoid. The game could benefit by having a lot more variation. I posted a thred a while back talking about the addition of more creature variation and I hope the devs deeply consider the easy task of reskining some fish.