Sooooooo Achievements
Join Date: 2016-11-15 Member: 223876Members

Lets be honest the achievements in Subnautica kinda blow. Crafting a air tank and diving to 40 meters, WOAH crazy. Submitting feedback? Chill UWE, chill. So yeah post about some clever achievements names and actions that could become achievements 1.0 or beyond. No achievements that you would get just by naturally playing the game or advancing through the story, they should be something a little out of the way, not stuff like "oh you made a seaglide" or "you visited the precursor gun".
One type of achievement I think would work perfectly would be achievements for scanning creatures and plants, including one for when you scan everything. Also keep in mind this would 1.0 or beyond so include features that are going to be in it.
The only story based achievement they should include is something regarding leaving the planet at the end of the game. My idea was to name it "Goodbye survivor, good job not dying". Kinda a little nod to the beggining of your journey.
One type of achievement I think would work perfectly would be achievements for scanning creatures and plants, including one for when you scan everything. Also keep in mind this would 1.0 or beyond so include features that are going to be in it.
The only story based achievement they should include is something regarding leaving the planet at the end of the game. My idea was to name it "Goodbye survivor, good job not dying". Kinda a little nod to the beggining of your journey.
Aside from cosmetic changes (torch colors, maybe music in the base, posters to decorate walls ...), I'd be all for what we have in Borderlands 2 and DCUO : we get challenges (exploring all the key areas, unlocking all the lore, using all the weapons/equipements expertly ...) and they give us minor bonuses (0.1% to shields, 3 defense points when we already have several hundreds ...). It's a way to make it fun without making us OP.
Now as for what the achievements could be ...
-Exploring all the biomes
-Learning the complete story of the survivors of the Degasi
-Survive 1 or more encounters with the Leviathan (not for killing him though, that would go against what the game is about)
-Build a very large base
-Finding all the lifeboats.
-Finding all the wrecks
Otherwise it's up to the devs to define meaningful or cool achievements. Someone long ago suggested the "Fish are friends, not enemies" achievement that you get for never killing any fish. That's an example of a cool achievement.
My suggestions:
"Aquaman" - finish the game without using tanks
"Subnautica forever" - finish the game without leaving the planet
"Rides with devils" - ride on the back of a sea dragon
General Gameplay/ Storyline
- Survive the crash landing
- Close all leaks in Aurora Engine
Junior Scientist
- Scan any 5 items
Educated Scientist
- Scan 20 items
Dedicated Scientist
- Scan 50 items
Savant Scientist
- Scan all possible items
Junior Veterinarian
- Scan 5 fauna
Educated Veterinarian
- Scan 20 fauna
Dedicated Veterinarian
- Scan 50 fauna
Savant Veterinarian
- Scan all fauna
On down the line with Horticulturist, Metallurgist, etc.
- 5 new biomes discovered
Curious Explorer
- 7 new biomes
Intrepid Adventurer
- 10 new Biomes
Master Adventurer
- All biomes
- 1 base in an especially dangerous zone
- Build something with your habitat builder
- Build an I-compartment and a solar panel
- Build an I-compartment
- Build a multipurpose room
- 1 power source (solar panel, bioreactor, nuclear, thermal)
- Fabricator
- Communication device
- Health kit fabricator
- Achieve minimalist
- Gain all blueprints for tab 1
- Build at least 5 different types of compartments/ buildings from tab 1
- Build at least 15 compartments/ buildings from tab 1
- Build at least 50 compartments
- Build 4 or more bases in as many biomes
- Each base must contain at least 3 multipurpose rooms
- Each base must contain a fabricator
Master Builder
(Base must include:)
- At least one i-compartment
- Scanner Room
- Observatory
- Multipurpose Room
- Moonpool
- Fabricator
- Health Kit Fabricator
- Communications
- Bioreactor, or Nuclear Plant, or Thermal plant
- Batter charger, Powersupply charger
- 1 bed, 1 chair, 1 poster, 1 large indoor plant bed
- Build everything for Master Builder, and also:
- 1 poster, 1 aurora figurine, 1 arcade toy
- 25 compartments of any type from tab 1
- 20 windows
- 20 reinforcements
- 3 outdoor growbeds
- desalinator
- modifier station
- vehicle modifier podium
- 2 upgrades in scanner room
- 10 floodlights
Permanent Resident
- Build everything for Megalomaniac, plus:
- Achieve Overextended
- Cyclops with 1 upgrade unlocked
- Prawn suit with all upgrades unlocked
- Seamoth with all upgrades unlocked
- All items for fabricator unlocked on every tab
- unlock all fish in the fabricator
Just the Basics!
- Unlock all Basic Materials in the Resources tab
Getting there now!
- Unlock all Advanced Materials in Resources tab
This is getting complex!
- Unlock all Electronics in Resources tab
Personally Equipped
- Unlock all of the personal Equipment
Just Tooling Around
- Unlock all tools
Aren't you just Deployable!
- Unlock all deployables
- Unlock & build the Seaglide
Finding your way
- Unlock & build the Seamoth
There and Back Again
- Upgrade the Seamoth
Sea Stroller
- Unlock & build the Prawn Suit
Advanced Sea Stroller
- Upgrade the Prawn Suit
- Unlock all arms for the Prawn Suit
Throwing Down
- Use propulsion arm once
Rule the Sea
- Unlock and build the Cyclops
- Achieve Rule the Sea
- Upgrade Cyclops
- Add a fabricator to Cyclops
Going Down!
- Upgrade depth of Seamoth, Prawn, and Cyclops
Getting brave, aren't you?
- Take Cyclops to maximum depth
Misc. fauna interaction
- Use repulsor cannon on Reaper Leviathan
Misc. food use
- Eat a raw fish
Sushi Connoisseur
- Eat 20 raw fish
Chicken bone
- Blood loss detected
Tastes like Chicken
- Eat at least 1 of every edible fish
Almost vegetarian
Plant one each of:
- Melon
- Bulbo tree sample
- Lantern Fruit
- Chinese potato
- Build water separator
Energy Master
- Run a desalinator for a day without running out of energy
Plant misc.
- Pick up seed or sample from all flora in game
- Pick up all seeds or samples that can be planted indoors
- Unlock 7 items from Misc. tab of the fabricator
Okay, okay, okay. I could just go on and on all day long. I'm annoying already, I just know it.
I'm stopping now, I'm stopping now! *Fingers twitch spasmodically*
Hopefully UWE before 1.0 is like "Alright we need achievements, oh hey look a thread full of achievements......... ctrl c + ctrl v.
(And before anyone says anything I know implementing achievements into a game is not that simple.)
I keep thinking up more. It's really a lot of fun!
Hold it a little longer
- Capture 5 gasopod pods without injury
Blown away
- Throw a gasopod at least 10 meters with propulsion cannon
Pinball win
- Bounce a peeper off of two rock outcroppings
All blade all the time
- Break 5 knives
Well... I doubt they'll even notice the thread, but it's a lot of fun for us to play with in the meantime.
A) you can't extrapolate any knowledge of the game from looking at the achievements. Some other game, you can sort of tell where the game is going based on the achievements. However, one of the greatest things in subnautica is being surprised by exploring something that is entirely new
B ) If you have the game on steam, you can get it "100% complete" really easy, and that's nice...
Playing video games itself achieves nothing... except fun, which is the point for playing for many folks. Achievements are just more options to extend the fun and time spent playing. Achievements may not be for everyone, but they are far from a waste of time, as video games themselves can be seen as a waste of time... and television... and music... and anything really.
I went years without even really considering achievements, at all. Once I started messing around with them, it became fun in a checklist sort of way. Like collecting trading cards, or Pokémon. Gaming itself still takes precedence over achievement hunting, for me, but they can add something.
Achievements aren't something they care about right now, I'm sure they have plenty of ideas for achievements, as they guy you replied to said they're just tests to see if achievement triggering even works.
Don't worry, they will surely have a long list of achievements by the time the game is ready for official release.
Hey I'm swimming here! - Get run over by your own Seamoth because you get out while it is moving.
Let's do the time warp again! - Get warped by a Warper.
"Have you tried turning it off and on?"
Deactivated the Precursor Gun
"This is Major Tom To Ground Control"
Completed the Escape Rocket and beat the game
"The Big Bang Theory"
Witnessed both the Aurora and Sunbeam explosions. (Gotta be looking directly at them when they go off.)
"Gotta Swim Fast"
Completed the Main Story in under 2 in game weeks (14 days, first day does not count as a day)
"Tactical Aquatic Espionage Action"
Complete the Story without being attacked by a Warper
"Gypsy Dangerous"
Construct and fully upgrade the Exosuit (All 4 upgrade slots, plus both arms)