Moonpool Fragments?
Germany Join Date: 2016-08-08 Member: 221099Members

I don't know if I am blind or just missing something here I just can't find a single moonpool fragment.
I've been everywhere : safe shallows, kelp forest, grassy plateaus, mushroom forest, koosh zone, sparse reef, underwater islands, floater island and inside the aurora and I haven't seen one fragment.
The only places I didn't visit are the dunes and the mountains for obvious reaper reasons.
Can someone please give me a little hint where to look? I am getting desperate here I was searching for 3 hours yesterday.
I've been everywhere : safe shallows, kelp forest, grassy plateaus, mushroom forest, koosh zone, sparse reef, underwater islands, floater island and inside the aurora and I haven't seen one fragment.
The only places I didn't visit are the dunes and the mountains for obvious reaper reasons.

Can someone please give me a little hint where to look? I am getting desperate here I was searching for 3 hours yesterday.

Guess next stop is the Mountain Island.
Though I just got another gray screen of death and it's draining my motivation...
I was near the crash side and was wondering why I don't hear a single reaper. Suddenly that thing popped out of nowhere right in front of me with a massive "ROOOAAAWR".
I was like "nope" and just closed the game (Luckily I saved 5 minutes earlier
Thank you!!! But I can dive only 200 meters deep with my seamoth so I guess I have to build the cyclops first?
I guess I'll be crafting more pipes than usual now...
I really hope the pipes are also updated soon. I use them to explore wrecks as they help save on battery power I'd be using to power my way to the surface instead. I also suggest taking a beacon along so you know where you put them at the surface.
You could even go 500m down the Deep grand reef if the area wasn't Crabsquid infested now.
The advantage of Purple brain corals is working even in deepest depths. Disadvantage is you have to plan 1 day ahead. So theoretically you could use them to dive down to the Lava zone without any equipment other than the builder. That is if you could survive the creatures there. I usually use this method for wreck exploration early on without the Seamoth.
Yeah that's the challenge. I never used the pipes whatsoever because they're a pain to use on xbox. What I did instead was hover the seamoth just over 200 meters and head out, then quickly swim back with two augmented tanks, a rebreather and a gas bladder. Nevertheless, even with all that equipment, I died once because my game was bugged. I didn't get any oxygen warning. I had to swim all the way back to get to my seamoth.
My advice is not to visit the wreck in the grand reef because that place is a death trap. You can easily get lost in it. And the laser cutter takes forever to get through a door, and there's two of them to cut through so that's not gr8 news either.
See my post above - try growing a Purple brain coral bed directly at the wreck. First place one at a ledge and use this one to place another directly at the wreck. Just plan your dives in 3 day expeditions. You could even place a brain coral bed directly under the wreck opening there.
Now (it works for me) i used 4 O2 cylinders and a pair of the flippers. Also a important thing the rebreather to get some time.
We probably commented at the same time 'cause I didn't see your post when I posted. Anyway, that's not a bad idea at all, m8.
You know, I was under the impression I'd read somewhere that Reaper spawns were updated at some point specifically to prevent popping in right in front of the player. But that's happened to me too since the update.
Not cool guys. I guess I should report it. I mean, the thing practically spawned with its pincers on either side of me, no possible way to avoid death there.
I would like there to be a floaty thing like the vehicle builder that is a floating 'compressor' and you swim along and dump it on the surface where you want it then the pipe extends like the dive wreel and you swim down dragging the pipe
They were working fine when I did a hellraiser trip round the 'farside' of the Aurora picking up loot containers (got 10 power cells
I don't recall pop-ins at close range but during daylight you can see far enough that they do pop-in in the distance.
Mushroom forest is particularly bad for pop-in as it is a really resource intensive biome. I thought repears didn't go there though.
If you look on trello the devs are actually working on them right now
Also wow... I didn't know I was actually registered here, the last post I made was a question about the first NS game.
Edit: Here are some visual aids.
The bottom of the wreck where I entered.
The first door I cut.
The second door I cut.
The inside of the room.
The stations I mentioned (that I can't scan.)
Where ARE they?
I don't hate you, only your avatar.
Yes, the moonpool is pretty much required tech. You need it to be able to build the Vehicle Modification Station
Which then lets you build the Pressure Compensators