
SubGamer1233SubGamer1233 Croatia Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214651Members
Is my computer good for Subnautica. I'm buying it next week.


  • SubGamer1233SubGamer1233 Croatia Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214651Members
    edited January 2017

    BTW- Windows 7 ultimate
  • LeoxideLeoxide United Kingdom Join Date: 2016-05-09 Member: 216560Members
    Seems like the same as my old setup. That CPU of yours has 4 cores which I believe is over the minimum for SN, so that's good.
    Clock speed is fast enough too however i'm not really sure about the integrated graphics that come with it..

    Should be fine from my point of view.
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    edited January 2017
    Hi Subgamer1233 ( I notice you have made a duplicate of this post under another heading. I'll answer your question here and there, but I would recommend you only create one thread on a given question. :smile: )

    I have Windows 10 and it does not have the Windows Experience Index display as you show. In fact, I believe they got rid of it in Windows 8 as it was a useless scoring system anyway; I don't believe it gave an accurate score.

    Anyway listing the same values on my laptop I have:

    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700k CPU @4.00GHz 4.00 GHz
    Installed memory (RAM): 64.0 GB
    System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

    One thing to bear in mind is that Subnautica is in alpha stage now and therefore graphically it is not optimised fully yet. I often have stuttering on my system, and many of SNs players with high end computers get the occasional stutter or pop in scenery. This will continue until the devs fully optimise the graphics of the game prior to the main product release.

    My advice is, if you can afford it, or if the game goes on sale, get it. You may have to tone down the graphic settings in the game via the options menu and the F3 tweaking menu. You may find stuttering and pop in of graphics occurring on your system. It's a marvellous game.

    Are you able to afford the game now?

    Edit: Looking back on other posts of yours I see you are a kid (how old are you?) If your dad is goign to buy it for you then you don't need to worry as to whether you can afford it. Let your dad buy it for you and see how you get on. :smile:

    Edit 2: It appears from this post that you have the game already :confused:
  • SubGamer1233SubGamer1233 Croatia Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214651Members
    Yes, a cracked one. But I will buy it next week
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