An Unexpected Suprise. (WARNING This Is Related To PETA. I Hate Peta.)
The Grand Reef Gubtorial Election Or Something. Join Date: 2016-11-12 Member: 223824Members

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You must be kidding.
They've attacked several video games. Pokemon, mario, digimon, they don't care.
...and now I'm curious to actually do a vegan run of Subnautica.
Quite a few of us managed it well before they introduced re-spawning of fish. We found we made the world a barren place after eating everything, so set out on new games to see if leaving the food chain alone was feasible.
You'll want to swim your ass off to an island to gather fruit ASAP.
Only thing I can figure is it's a mental defect.
I think he's just young and stubborn.
I bet that his teachers hate that combination.
I was thinking a mind thing too, but dude, "defect"?! Not cool. Not cool at all.
Not sure if this is real or subtle humour.
My younger brother has pretty severe Asperger Syndrome and he never used caps so liberally.
Any way, as far as spelling and grammar online goes, I'm willing to live with it. You have to pick your battles.
You are aware that autism isn't a checklist of behaviors but a general trend of personal logic people with autism have in common? When I was a little younger than OP, I insisted on writing every noun with a capital because I'd been taught names were to be written with capitals, so I reasoned that, like, "table" is the name for that particular piece of furniture. It amused me to learn years later that Germans do write that way and that capitalization rules are regularly unclear for the same reasons they were unclear to me. I also had a time in which I insisted on writing a "j" after "ij" (ie, "blijj" instead of "blij" - Dutchie here) for convoluted memory reasons. So capitalizing every word, while I agree to be unpleasant to read, strikes me as very much an autism thing.
And for that matter, being (harshly) told time and time again that the way you prefer to do things is not good is really bad for your selfesteem. So if peeps could plz be a little more constructive rather than mobbish, that'd be nice.
Yeah, no kidding. I wasn't saying I didn't believe the dude, it just interests me the many ways it can manifest in different people. But it's hard to read my tonal infliction online.
Yeah, no kidding.
Believe me, it was seriously out of character for me to say "I'm willing to live with it. You have to pick your battles." I was getting a little frustrated by people berating the guy, too.
Cut him some slack people.
Or else I'll start doing it too, then you'll see. You'll see.
I would attack Subnautica if I were them.
Where is my Reaper steak?
Why I can't bake Stalker?
P.S. I am autistic and about the same age as you
While I Agree That This Is A Strange Way Of Typing, And One I've Seen Many Times In Many Places, IT DOESNT MATTER. ITS NOT THAT DIFFICULT TO READ, aNd, nObOdY iS bEiNg hUrT oR aFfEcTeD iN aNy rEaL wAy.
BUT... it is everyone's right to be outraged, offended, and bothered by every little thing these days, especially on the internetz. Perhaps, that means it's time for you to take a break from the web and go help out a kitchen feeding homeless folks.
Heck, evn ths way of typng can be easily sortd by your brain.
It was only in this thread that he actually claimed to have a "critical thinking" condition.
As I have already pointed out in another thread, his way of being "COOL" is mostly just annoying and he needs to at the very least, attempt to reevaluate that decision in the context of how he plans on interacting with others, for the rest of his life.
I'm sorry, I won't condone such silliness, but I will simply point out that being a "rebel" is fine and dandy, as long as one realizes that it usually won't get you very far in the "real" world.
(unless you're Donald Trump, but based on his Tweets, even he somewhat realizes the importance of good grammar)
And that is a lesson well learned at any age, including ten.
Aside from all that serious "life" talk...
if he's doing it to be a rebel, well, he seems to have succeeded, as it offended other folk's good sense and got their dander up, LOL.
But really, what's the point in my response, even? *shrug* Got me. Of course, if we want to get all existential, what's really the point in anything. As I read once: "what does it matter if anything matters? What does it mean if everything means nothing? 43, perhaps? Who know's. I like Subnautica, though.
Being a huge fan of language, an avid reader, wanna-be aspiring writer, arrogant grammar-Nazi and someone who supports the spread of proper use of English whole heartedly it's hard for me to see bad usage. It's true that it is easy to read (though not for everyone, I must stress) we've developed proper English for good reasons, because it works. But then it's always changing and evolving. (Though in this technological age it's evolving far too fast for us old-timers, we can't keep up. Language has always changed very slowly over years, now it changes monthly it seems.)
Having said that, I also have a brother with AS so understand how someone may well get comfort and calm from writing in a certain way. I think exceptions can be made in such cases. The uniformity of each word having a capital, the order and regularity... yeah, I can get that.
I think as long as you make sure, in the nicest way possible, that a person knows that's not generally the way people write, and they will probably come up against resistance or even ridicule for it, then your job is done, your obligation fulfilled.
Besides, "What you resist, will persist."