Gameplay related treadmill

DavidHudsonDavidHudson Azores Join Date: 2015-11-05 Member: 208976Members
It would be cool to recover and become able to build or place a treadmill with some gameplay functionality.
Over time, using the treadmill would slowly raise the cardio of the player, upgrading the player's natural lung capacity until it would cap at +30.
Since it is a game that relies heavily on the cardiovascular system and space travel even with artificial gravity would probably have an exercise area, it would be a cool prop to put in a room, since they are very spacious. Stuff like recovered "vintage" books, ball and other small props for base would be really really well welcomed! Thank you for such a beautiful game


  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    Why would we need to exercise on a boring treadmill when we spend our whole life swimming?
  • DavidHudsonDavidHudson Azores Join Date: 2015-11-05 Member: 208976Members
    Mid game item, while supplies are short and you are charging batteries, i do spend some time on my home base. It would be there for the same reason as the bed. Deliver something cool but with interactivity and gameplay perks. Make your trip to the wc meaningful
  • FluffersFluffers United States Join Date: 2015-05-22 Member: 204749Members
    edited October 2016
    You know, I actually think this could be a cool concept. Maybe using the treadmill increases your base swimming speed at the cost of greater water consumption. David has a good point, it would be something you could do in your base while waiting for batteries to recharge etcetera. I often find myself waiting for things to finish up at my base with nothing to do but just walk around and maybe move a few items around, a treadmill would not only give me a way to stop and wait for things to finish, but could also come with the added benefit of increasing stats.

    In the case of treadmills increasing stats, I would obviously want the cap of increased swimming speed to be relatively low, and for it to take a long time to slowly reach that cap. It would be kinda stupid if you could increase your base swimming speed to faster than a seaglide lol.
  • MiralityMirality New Zealand Join Date: 2016-08-05 Member: 221004Members
    Perhaps you could hook the treadmill to the battery charger to make them charge faster, or at night when your solar-powered base is out of power. :lol:
  • AvimimusAvimimus Join Date: 2016-03-28 Member: 214968Members
    Isn't the crew of Alterra Corp from an amphibious branch of humanity anyway? The player has weird proportions and can swim at great speed, but has trouble climbing/running on land... The ship is equipped for exploring ocean worlds...

    It is the simplest explanation.
  • ookasmcplookusookasmcplookus Join Date: 2016-10-22 Member: 223300Members
    Any of you guys played black desert online? It had a whole 30+ levels when i was playing for 2 different stats that are gained through walking. Something like strength and stamina, one you would just get from running about and it would increase your ability to run about, the other you would get from walking around with a trade pack on your back, and it would influence how much stuff weight you could carry. The difference between subnautica and black desert, at least in regard to stamina stats and not the 120937102 other differences; is that black desert was designed to run 24/7 regardless of whether or not the player was at the computer. This meant people would leave their characters running back and forth in the cities while they were asleep or whatever to level up stats like these (there were actually more than these 2). I think it might have been something to do with inflating the active players figures or some such, no idea really, but subnautica is not like this at all. I could really do without some incentive to perform what sounds like an incredibly boring task; reminds me of sleeping in black desert to get energy back... yes, you literally watched your character lie on a bed (that is until you found out the way to cheat that system).

    Point is, no, please don't do this. If you have to add something for people to do while they wait for stuff to recharge or w/e, add something inconsequential to the rest of the game play like a mini game; maybe a pinball machine or w/e.

    Also to people waiting for batteries to recharge, small tip; build more batteries. Your battery chargers should have all 4 slots occupied so that way you come back, swap your dead batteries for the fresh one, then they charge while you're off doing w/e you are doing (same goes for power cells). I usually run with 2-3 spare ones in my inventory, 1 in each of the equipment that requires one, and every battery charger I have with all 4 slots occupied; you will never have to wait for them to charge this way.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    I suggested a treadmill some months ago, but only to help power the base, not to upgrade the player. I still regularly run into the problem that I have not enough energy to do anything useful (and have my hands full with stuff needing to be processed) and have to wait for my base to become functional again. This would help out a little.

    I don't think adding RPG elements would do the game the well, especially when only done in one respect. But more interactive furniture is something I really want.
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