[video]how to convert source engine maps to ns2 manually
Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter

Hi guys, i know this isn't as comprehensive as it should be, however i am short for time and i can only show you, here's from start-finish map conversion, you will need to fix the textures yourself, you will need to manually create the skybox, later on i'll share the automatic conversion for textures so you don't have to convert them, just having a problem with the command line utility.
Hope you can create some nifty maps asap,
for transparency, please use a decal material file as a reference, these can be found in ns2 materials folder.
If you need help converting csgo/dota2 or source2 engine maps to ns2, please post here and if i get enough people asking i'll make a video when i have some more time.
notes2:I know you can fix the texture coords, i used that to fix my first conversion 2 years ago, however i can't remember the name of the program that i used, i think i converted it from css>map>css>ns2 it was tedious
programs used:
BSPSource is a map decompiler for Source engine maps, written in Java. It decompiles .bsp map files back to .vmf files that can be loaded in Hammer, Valve's official level editor.
BSPSource is based on a reengineered version of VMEX 0.98g by Rof, which is no longer developed and lacks support for newer Source engine games.
A toolkit for the Source engine aimed at aiding mappers and modders alike.
vtfedit + craftys tools: (not needed unless you are trying to figure out how to fix textures
context menu plugins i have on my desktop
ImageConverter Plus (allows you to convert, mass convert with profiles images of your choice)
notepad++ (all around awesome text editor)
Really useful, I hope some people utilize this so we can get a lot of new maps on the scene asap.
Anyone here played around and converted anything yet?