Does everyone's FPS plummet when they have a base built? down 60% around arge vicinity
Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222373Members

My base right now has 4 common rooms, several straight pieces, lots of stuff inside the base, and 9 vertical tubes that go to the surface in which I was able to put 3 solar panels on. I can take a screenshot if that would help. So my frame rate was wonderful before I started building. It averaged 60+ all the time. Now, even when I can't see the base, but am anywhere remotely in the neighborhood, the frame rate is abysmal and averages 20 FPS. 20 FPS wouod be livable if not for the very bad hitching.
I know optimization is the last thing done before the game goes gold, but is there anything I can do to help this situation out? Does this happen to everyone?
I know optimization is the last thing done before the game goes gold, but is there anything I can do to help this situation out? Does this happen to everyone?
Best way to test that is to remove the base and rebuild a new one.
Someone said they found that the Thermal Reactors were what was killing his/her frame rate. Get rid of them, or only 2-3 built might be ok...
Personally I don't have any problems even with big bases... Ok computer, i7 4210U, 8gb 1600mhz, mSata 80gb SSD and nVidia 765m. I play on recommended with high water settings, 1376x768, 1gb pagefile on normal HDD.
Is it possible you have low memory somewhere? RAM? GPU? Maybe Subnautica is filling your ram with textures and overflowing onto your page file located on a normal HDD? Just thinkin'....
Some things to look at anyway....
Whats your system like OP?
* Win 10 64x all drivers up-to-date:
* 2 Nvidia 970 in SLI
* Intel i7 4790k @4.4 GHz
* Asus Maximus VII Formula
* 16 Gig duel channel DDR3 RAM 21k
* Sound Blaster Zx
* XBox One wireless controller (non-Bluetooth)
* Usually playing over Steamlink in big picture mode over a wired Cat 7 ethernet cable.
Here are some pictures of my base: