fish and everything despawning

coldsteelleggcoldsteellegg U.K. Join Date: 2016-05-23 Member: 217374Members
needs to be fixed as when i swim far and then whole games dead NO LIFE ANYWHERE


  • Tlroa893Tlroa893 Join Date: 2016-08-09 Member: 221113Members
    Reboot your Xbox when this happens
  • Kingdolphin510Kingdolphin510 Join Date: 2016-09-11 Member: 222242Members
    are there corals and flora? because if so, in my experience, this just means you have drained those areas of all life and need to follow Tlroa893's advice
  • gojidangojidan Italy Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222386Members
    It has just happened to me. All creautures is disappeared, there are only corals, acids mushrooms, me no fishs, crystals, nothing. It is impossible to survive. You load the previous save, but nothing changes... the sea is lifeless. Tomorrow I try to restart as suggested. Beautiful game, but I hope that this bug does not force me to start all over again :smile:
  • gojidangojidan Italy Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222386Members
    Yes it's correct. Restarting the console all the resources (fishe, metals, crystals, etc.) have returned to populate the game world! Thank you.
  • MayaMidnightMayaMidnight NC Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217074Members
    Been having the same problem. Restarting the Xbox does fix it but I find I have to do it often so I've taken a break from the game until it's updated again.
  • SirFoolishnessSirFoolishness SWEDEN Join Date: 2016-09-19 Member: 222422Members
    You do not need to restart you Xbox, just save/exit back you you dashboard, press the "menu/start" button on your controller and close Subnautica.

    Now launch it again and it will be fine again.

    The important part is that the Subnautica application is closed entirely and launched anew before you load your game.
  • gojidangojidan Italy Join Date: 2016-09-17 Member: 222386Members
    I do not understand why this thing happens. But I believe it is linked by the change of biome.
  • SirFoolishnessSirFoolishness SWEDEN Join Date: 2016-09-19 Member: 222422Members
    You might be right about that, I will do some more testing, I find it mostly happens during lengthy sessions though. Then the close/restarting the game maneuver is needed too "fix" it.
  • JustBurnItAllJustBurnItAll Wisconsin Join Date: 2016-09-27 Member: 222658Members
    Even then it only lasts for about 10 mins before everything dissapears again. On my end it affects ANYTHING lootable, so blueprints and fragments dissapear too. For me it's made the game unplayable until, like MAYAMIDNIGHT says, the next update is released and IF they even choose to include a fix for the bug. Seeing as how little attention such a nasty glich is garnering I worry that it won't be included. I'm no stranger to preview games and the bugs that come with it , but I've never seen a glich like THIS so readily looked over by players. It's a bummer I really love this game and am super anxious to try out all the new stuff but can't progress let alone survive with almost EVERY consumable in the game dissapearing every ten minutes...
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