Biome Idea: Rotting Cave

NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
My idea for a Biome is an underwater cavern that has been drained for some reason or another, and is full of decaying plants. I would perfer the cave to have a sickly yellow or green colour scheme, as all of the flora and most of the fauna is dead and decaying. Notice I said most. This biome could hold anything from Rock Punchers to insects to evolved fish that grew legs. The cave itself would have a fog that cuts down viability dramatically, even with a light. There would be small pits the player can't see because of the fog, that don't really do much besides scare the player. But the major challenge this biome presents is a chasm directly in the center of the cavern. It stretches across the cavern, blocking the way to the other side. If you fall in, it falls for a few meters, then you land in a cave with water in it. And also, a very hungry Reaper Leviathan, or maybe a Sea Dragon Leviathan. There will be s tunnel big enough for you, bot not for whatever Leviathan is in the cave. It leads back to the entrance to the Rotting Cave. The only way to cross is to either do parkor across the rocks sill standing in the chasm. Building won't work in the cave, because any time the play tries to place something, it will say something like, "Unstable ground; Unable to Construct" because of all the slippery and acidic decaying plant life on the ground. I think is should be implemented as a challenge to get to either a plot element, (Sea Emperor, ect) or rare materials that can't be found anywhere else. It would challenge the player to do something without using anything they're used to. They couldn't use their Subs, Seaglides, or anything else to get past. They would have to use normal jumping to get from rock to rock to get across, and have only themselves to blame when they fail.


  • DagonDagon Earth Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214648Members
    Sounds neat. I'll draw you some stuff.
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
  • DagonDagon Earth Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214648Members
    Here's some little sketches.
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    Wow. Nice envisioning of it.
  • DagonDagon Earth Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214648Members
    Necrom wrote: »
    Wow. Nice envisioning of it.

    Thanks, man! :smiley: I'll draw you some more stuff if you want me too.
  • DagonDagon Earth Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214648Members
    Wow! That looks amazing!
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    So it does. And you're right about having a Leviathan in the chasm Blackfrog. Maybe just 2-3 smaller predators. But thanks for the awesome artwork guys.
  • civmaxcivmax france Join Date: 2016-04-22 Member: 216047Members
    Hello necrom , so... Look at my idea " giant skeleton in the lost river biome ! " . We can mixed there's ideas for creating a very nice update to this game .
    Please contact me for more information.
    Bye bye !
  • A_FREAKING_DUCKA_FREAKING_DUCK Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215296Members
    edited April 2016
    Blackfrog wrote: »
    How about this?
    Sorry for the poor quality, only had 5 minutes and a pen

    Edit: i like your idea for the mini biome but i personally dislike the Reaper leviathan thing because i find it odd that a creature so big could be found somewhere he cannot even fit in.
    But aside from that the biome idea is original and could be entertaining :smile:

    jesus christ, you are one hell of an artist. I call hacks at life. But in all serious, that is an amazing drawing. And in 5 minutes as well, wow.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    thats nice. (i have a group, thats working slowly on artwork for a biome called no-mans land.)
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    Man, this thing was dead. Thanks for the revive. I still think the idea is great.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
  • WarmindWarmind Connecticut Join Date: 2016-04-13 Member: 215710Members
    Sigmalx wrote: »
    thats nice. (i have a group, thats working slowly on artwork for a biome called no-mans land.)

    No Man's Land isn't happening. It's not even on land.
  • WarmindWarmind Connecticut Join Date: 2016-04-13 Member: 215710Members
    Too much of a focus on land in a sea game. However if you get rid of the chasm full of predators and just change it to a chasm wth something acidic in it, I could see it working. The yellow tinge is a nice idea too.
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    On land? What do you mean? This is an underwater cave, simply without water in it. It'd only really need to be a small biome. But the acid pit is a much better idea.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    Warmind wrote: »
    Sigmalx wrote: »
    thats nice. (i have a group, thats working slowly on artwork for a biome called no-mans land.)

    No Man's Land isn't happening. It's not even on land.

    its an underwater plane with magnetic terrain that disables electronics, its less about the land, and more about the phrase of "no man's land" being a place you dont want to be
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    :P i wish i could draw that cave network... or atleast draw landscapes better...
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    Yeah, those guys up there are great artists.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
  • WarmindWarmind Connecticut Join Date: 2016-04-13 Member: 215710Members
    Sigmalx wrote: »
    Warmind wrote: »
    Sigmalx wrote: »
    thats nice. (i have a group, thats working slowly on artwork for a biome called no-mans land.)

    No Man's Land isn't happening. It's not even on land.

    its an underwater plane with magnetic terrain that disables electronics, its less about the land, and more about the phrase of "no man's land" being a place you dont want to be

    Still, this would probably be added at like 2.0. if the devs ever do add it. Development of Subnautica will slow down immensely once 1.0 is out, so don't expect this for years.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    Who knows, for all intents and purposes; they still may update as frequently as they do now
  • 747snoodles747snoodles United States Join Date: 2016-09-12 Member: 222259Members
    I love the idea of underwater air pockets!!
  • RalijRalij US Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217092Members
    Why not a predator that is unique to that cave? Give it a unique roar and never let the player see it, but if they get too close or fall into the chasm they get torn to bits or some other violent death you can only infer from a panicked camera. Perhaps a unique music set for that cave? A creepy track set on loop with occasional loud shrieking instruments just for fun. Just to give the veteran player a reminder of the fear of the unknown that they first felt in this game.
  • NecromNecrom The Grave Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215444Members
    And this is exactly why I come to the forums. You guys always improve my ideas massively. Just saying, maybe a massive squid in the chasm, and there's a bunch of giant crabs in the cave. So the squid is trapped in the chasm, but it reaches up and drags crabs down to eat. And you have to avoid all of this while parkoring to the other side, while creepy music plays, and you can barely see where you are. Sounds like a great addition to me.
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    Ralij wrote: »
    Why not a predator that is unique to that cave? Give it a unique roar and never let the player see it, but if they get too close or fall into the chasm they get torn to bits or some other violent death you can only infer from a panicked camera. Perhaps a unique music set for that cave? A creepy track set on loop with occasional loud shrieking instruments just for fun. Just to give the veteran player a reminder of the fear of the unknown that they first felt in this game.

  • Nautical_NickNautical_Nick Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members
    This idea is great! I would love to see it in game! @Sigmalx, the game will probably not be as frequently updated as before 1.0 because the devs will be working on Future Perfect or another game. But SN will still be updated after1.0 for sure ;)!
  • SigmalxSigmalx USA Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220132Members
    i mean, this is their current go to game, so they'd want to stay on top of it. I dont think they expected Subnautica to get so popular, though i doubt it'll replace NS as the poster child of Unknown Worlds.
  • awesomeguy101awesomeguy101 Join Date: 2016-06-21 Member: 218886Members
    This is... just plain cool. I'm gonna use my 4 year old scribble drawing skills to try and create this. XD
  • RalijRalij US Join Date: 2016-05-20 Member: 217092Members
    Sigmalx wrote: »
    Ralij wrote: »
    Why not a predator that is unique to that cave? Give it a unique roar and never let the player see it, but if they get too close or fall into the chasm they get torn to bits or some other violent death you can only infer from a panicked camera. Perhaps a unique music set for that cave? A creepy track set on loop with occasional loud shrieking instruments just for fun. Just to give the veteran player a reminder of the fear of the unknown that they first felt in this game.


    Maybe I've outplayed the predator vs survivor part of the game, but with the exception of the reaper you don't need anything to avoid being hit by any of the others, even without equipment. After awhile its just sorta... dull.
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