Seamoth Steering

WhiteFox77WhiteFox77 Minnesota Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217564Members
I for one am very happy the Seamoth steering has been fixed. It's very nice to be able to steer with precision.


  • scouttsscoutts Victoria, BC Join Date: 2016-07-28 Member: 220747Members
    Did you start new? I suspect that once you build a second base and the game gets logged down you will have the same issues. I have seen a fairly steady degradation.
  • WhiteFox77WhiteFox77 Minnesota Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217564Members
    I'm not talking about lag, or the fact that game performance gets worse the longer you play which I'm familiar with. I'm talking about the fact that the cursor now stays in the center of seamoth view without built in drag between where the caracter is looking and where the seamoth is pointed.
  • scouttsscoutts Victoria, BC Join Date: 2016-07-28 Member: 220747Members
    Did you start new? I had all sorts of weirdness. Still lots of bugs but starting new seemed to solve 80%.
  • SkidmarkSkidmark Join Date: 2016-08-22 Member: 221584Members
    Never noticed that the seamoth had a steering prob. but i would kill to be able to roll and stabilize manually. also all the maneuverability in the world won't save you if the land mass renders in your face while zipping in the shallows.
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