Subnautica list of bugs - PRAWN update (9/9/16 - updated)
USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members

New update, new thread (again). I'm a little late with this thread (I know, I'm sorry!)
I'm no longer updating the 2.0 thread, so feel free to post any bugs here. You don't have to post here, and you're free to make a topic!
The PRAWN update is now live as of 8/29/2016, so put on your diving suit and get your feet wet.
You CAN use the Dev console on the Xbox One version of Subnautica. Simply press RB+LB+A at the same time, while playing (not paused), to bring it up. There is a list of console commands in this wikia page. Keep in mind that some of them may not work.
*** Possible workaround for vanishing fragments ***
*** Workaround for vanishing fragments ends here ***
- Water still clips through the Lifepod. I even deleted my old saves for a fresh one, and it still happens
- Brain Corals no longer create sounds, until you absorb oxygen through the bubbles it makes Brain Coral sounds are weird now. In the clip, you can hear the sounds of it creating bubbles, when you absorb the bubbles. It does not really make any sense to me, because sound can travel through water. This isn't intentional, is it? Not a single noise is heard from it while close-up. In the second half the clip, I swam into the bubbles for the sound to play.
- Seedclusters can be picked up while your inventory is full : Not even joking on that. My inventory is full and I'm able to pick them up regardless. Unfortunately, it causes any seedclusters picked up this way to vanish in thin air. I have not seen any other resources with this same problem
I'm no longer updating the 2.0 thread, so feel free to post any bugs here. You don't have to post here, and you're free to make a topic!

The PRAWN update is now live as of 8/29/2016, so put on your diving suit and get your feet wet.
Console Commands on the Xbox One reminder
You CAN use the Dev console on the Xbox One version of Subnautica. Simply press RB+LB+A at the same time, while playing (not paused), to bring it up. There is a list of console commands in this wikia page. Keep in mind that some of them may not work.
References end here
Stuck in the seamoth room within aurora,
I saved and quit game after entering the door to the seamoth room, when I reloaded the door is sealed and I have no option to cut or repair it from within the room to get back out.
Darwin-Evolution wrote: »Using the panel to colour my Seamoth is a bit of a pain. It doesn't give me the option to click into it when I'm directly in front of it, and when do I get to use it, the controls are a bit messed up. Normally to switch between the different parts to colour, you use the up & down on the d-pad. However, this also works with the up & down on the left analog stick, so I have a lot of difficulty changing the shade of the colour I want.
Slackerstu wrote: »Falling debris of the Aurora can hit you inside of the CyclopsWhile parked near the entrance of the Aurora inside of the cockpit of my Cyclops I am hit by falling iron and injured. Happened more than once.
MayaMidnight wrote: »Randomly appearing black boxes I'm also having the issue with the black boxes popping up in the distance and quickly disappearing, not too big of a deal but can be annoying.
(Update) - Upon attempting to return to the surface for air with my seaglide just now I had at least 15 boxes appear on screen in a circular formation of multiple colors instead of just black
BlindGuardian wrote: »Randomly appearing black boxes I've noticed sometimes giant black boxes pop in and pop out when I'm moving around. It's harmless and seems totally random but it's definitely happening.
Load crashes The only other issue I had was I got stuck with my survival game (original save since launch) not loading. It would crash to the dashboard or just perpetually load. I have no idea what caused it or fixed it but after coming back to the game later last night it loaded fine. I tried about 10 times just loading and crashing, all I can think of that fixed it was turning off my xbox for a bit? Not sure, but I never faced that problem before.
(I was saved in front of the Aurora if that makes any difference for the devs.)
cant use the key pad in the aurora
SicknTwisted94 wrote: »lack of fish spawning while using the glider Ok, I started a new game but I used the glider to give me a 200m boost. (I was tracking lifepod 7) when I did, all fish stopped spawning. All stones stopped spawning. No limestone, no bladderfish, etc. But when I decided to try to get inside the Aurora, I found no visible entrance besides one blocked of by crates and desks. I tried the back thrusters, but a single flippin reaper leviathan was guarding it (still no other fish besides that and one mesmer) eventually, after refusing to use the glider, they started spawning again. Love the prawnsuit. Love the new names. Caves and tunnels are really hard to squeeze through sometimes. Love the computers sassy updates
Creatures and anything collectible keeps de-spawning. I have had to reload the game 3 times in the last 2 hours because of this. Before this update it happened to me maybe 4 times in all the hours I spent playing. Very frustrating because I've been searching for fragments and I can never tell if they just aren't spawning and I haven't noticed or if I'm just not finding them.
MayaMidnight wrote: »Fragments vanish after awhile of playing Not sure if anyone is having this problem but about 3 hours into gameplay all fragments despawned. I had to use the dev commands to unlock everything after finally giving up searching for an hour and a half.
*** Possible workaround for vanishing fragments ***
Hard resetting the Xbox has fixed this for me every time it happens
*** Workaround for vanishing fragments ends here ***
MayaMidnight wrote: »unrealistic body stretching Every time I press the start button while in the seamoth when I back out of the menu my body gets stretched to unrealistic proportions out of the left side of the seamoth with the start menu still on screen and I can't move or look around. It won't fix unless I press B to exit the seamoth.
Have been having an issue with my total power fluctuating. All my power is through solar panels it doesn't seem to matter whether my seamoth is docked or not. These pictures are take in the same room within minutes of each other. I do have one water purifier. .
Its a bit hard to tell from the pictures, so I'll have to get a closer look at that in creative. I currently don't have a base in my survival game, yet.
The pictures are just showing I have a max power of 250, 350, and 275 (350 is my max power). All pictures were taken in the same room which is why you see the mod box in front of me. All pictures where taken within a short time of each other and I did not add or remove anything to my base between pictures. I have never seen it drop the max power value below the available power so it's never been an issue. It just seems like its not supposed to do that.
Luffy490's EDIT: Link to lethal71's comment with pictures of the bug
Weird interaction after driving a Cyclops over a Seamoth, to pick it up I also just picked up my seamoth while driving my cyclops and it was the best thing ever. However, once I got off the wheel of the cyclops it teleported and did the animation as if I was getting out of the seamoth into the cyclops
- Water still clips through the Lifepod. I even deleted my old saves for a fresh one, and it still happens
- Brain Corals no longer create sounds, until you absorb oxygen through the bubbles it makes Brain Coral sounds are weird now. In the clip, you can hear the sounds of it creating bubbles, when you absorb the bubbles. It does not really make any sense to me, because sound can travel through water. This isn't intentional, is it? Not a single noise is heard from it while close-up. In the second half the clip, I swam into the bubbles for the sound to play.
- Seedclusters can be picked up while your inventory is full : Not even joking on that. My inventory is full and I'm able to pick them up regardless. Unfortunately, it causes any seedclusters picked up this way to vanish in thin air. I have not seen any other resources with this same problem
Darwin-Evolution wrote: »I just noticed a bit of a funny one. You have a moon pool with either a seamoth or prawn suit docked, and you want to upgrade your moon pool (like build a corridoor on the side or have a window or something). So you upgrade it and you quickly turn around and you notice the moon pool picking up the vehicle. But you remember it was already there to begin with. So you buile something else, and you realise that each time you add something to the moon pool, it drops the vehicle inside.
JebusChrust wrote: »Terrain clipping through base :It's been a long time since this has been out for the Xbox and yet I still can't make a base without the terrain refilling and clipping the base every time I load in.
HeartOfTheKING wrote: »Still had to find magnetite to unlock the recipe for the compass, even though the ingredients are now copper wire and computer chip. Minor bug just kinda defeats the purpose of changing the recipe to access the compass earlier.
Finally had some time to take a dive into the new PRAWN update, reporting some of the bugs and issues encountered so far!
- Floating storage disappears after going far away from it and coming back.
- Bases on island showing up in thin air far before actual island does.
- Can't see the whole land mass of isle even when on it.
- Very rough texture pop in, sometimes scenery loads before terrain.
- Terrain looks like floating when it isn't.
- Random black boxes appear on screen for a fraction of a second, sometimes multiple.
- Very low-res player HUD textures and scenery, like abandoned bases.
- Random framerate drops.
- If the arm of the player character is supposed to show the time of day, it's too low-res be to read.
- Inventory slot selection is a bit fidgety and over reactive.
- No pickup sound for titanium Aurora debris, also no sound for picking fruits from island.
- Terraformed terrain by base placement resets to original state when going far away and returning.
- This is just a balancing issue, but we now start without multipurpose room blueprint unlocked; I think this doesn't really facilitate settling down in the beginning, as you need to go as far as mushroom cave or be lucky enough to find the floating island to scan it. Maybe this is intended so players won't settle down immediately, but it sure does make certain easier to find blueprints initially impractical or useless because of not enough interior space to build...
That's it for me! The game crashed after a couple of enjoyable hours with it, and I forgot to save. I think some of the game has improved, for ex. I like the bloom effect, and the sound worked without so much as a hitch. Subnautica on Xbox One is still is very rough around the edges, but being able to play without major save or game breaking bugs was great, or just temporarily very fortunate on my part. Due to the final crash I wasn't able to see much of the new content, but I will restart another game and try again as soon I've got the time. I'm also curious to see if there are bugs across saves, like the dreaded blueprints disappearing one... But enough talk! Thanks for the update and keep it up UW! Slowly but steadily getting there... Like a lumbering but highly explosive torpedo!
PS: @Luffy490 is doing an awesome job with these threads, I hope they get noticed by the devs
The only other issue I had was I got stuck with my survival game (original save since launch) not loading. It would crash to the dashboard or just perpetually load. I have no idea what caused it or fixed it but after coming back to the game later last night it loaded fine. I tried about 10 times just loading and crashing, all I can think of that fixed it was turning off my xbox for a bit? Not sure, but I never faced that problem before.
(I was saved in front of the Aurora if that makes any difference for the devs.)
(Update) - Upon attempting to return to the surface for air with my seaglide just now I had at least 15 boxes appear on screen in a circular formation of multiple colors instead of just black.
Also, the Reaper was waiting for me at the Aurora...
P.S: Updated the thread
Have been having an issue with my total power fluctuating. All my power is through solar panels it doesn't seem to matter whether my seamoth is docked or not. These pictures are take in the same room within minutes of each other. I do have one water purifier.
I am also getting an excessive amount of large resource spawns that I cannot gather.
Hard resetting the Xbox has fixed this for me every time it happens
Its a bit hard to tell from the pictures, so I'll have to get a closer look at that in creative. I currently don't have a base in my survival game, yet.
I thought it was just me... Those fragments are definitely more scarce after some time of playing. I might be getting that bug.
The pictures are just showing I have a max power of 250, 350, and 275 (350 is my max power). All pictures were taken in the same room which is why you see the mod box in front of me. All pictures where taken within a short time of each other and I did not add or remove anything to my base between pictures. I have never seen it drop the max power value below the available power so it's never been an issue. It just seems like its not supposed to do that.
I also just picked up my seamoth while driving my cyclops and it was the best thing ever. However, once I got off the wheel of the cyclops it teleported and did the animation as if I was getting out of the seamoth into the cyclops
-- What was actually happening is when I attached something to the corridor that the solar panel was on top of, that solar panel would disappear upon reloading my save.
@MayaMidnight @Luffy490 I am worried about the fragments though, i couldnt find the MVB fragments in my 2nd survival game. Not even at the wreck i found them at in my 1st new survival game of the P.R.A.W.N. update. Im gonna start up a new game and see if they show up, i guess its worth mentioning that i was unable to find any fragments at all at a large wreck in the grassy biome. Was still able to find seamoth fragments though and on my 1st playthrough i found a battery charger fragment in the grassy biome but it wasnt at a wreck.
No bugs to report that hasnt already been reported. Havent made it very far either though.
@Wish_4_Wishes I have yet to open the Dev Console. I have had to hard reset my xbox to get fragments to spawn again. I have been playing the same survival game I started when I first downloaded the game before any updates.
Yup, I'm having the same issue as well. It seems that the water filtration machine is causing the max power cap to fluctuate. I got back in my base and saw that my max power dropped below 300, but it bumped back up to 300 (happened during night time). I went outside and saw that one of my solar panels randomly disconnected from the base, even though I have all them properly connected (solid blue lines in between, but those lines briefly disconnect).
Its not a huge problem, since the disconnected panel didn't lose its charge. But, it is an annoyance to witness.
EDIT: When the sun percentage reaches 0, it cuts off the connection
Still a game preview