[Bug] Water leaks on buildings above water

TetrapodTetrapod Wastelands of California Join Date: 2016-08-04 Member: 220973Members
edited August 2016 in Subnautica Bug Reporting
When you build something above water and it gets damaged, water pours in from holes where clearly there is no water.
Steps to duplicate:
1. Build a multipurpose room in shallow water so it is partially submerged.
2. Build a 2nd story with lots of windows.
3. Cause damage to the structure. (Ramming with a sea moth works wonders)
4. Enter structure, water will be leaking in from above the water.
5. Mutter curses about magic water leaks and complain about how cheaply made Aurora structures are* (hey, some idiot designed the escape pod so the service panel can fall off with little effort).
I'd go for the excuse that waves are rushing in but, the ocean is a good 3-4 meters below my feet.

*Speaking from a ficicious point of view as if the thing was real. *All* the 3d models in this game are just awesome.


  • RequiemfangRequiemfang Join Date: 2015-02-22 Member: 201492Members
    Question are you building foundation platforms? MPR's have a - hull integrity. Most of the structures you can build have - integrity and a few items such as bulkhead doors and reinforcement panels and the foundation + hull integrity. So if you build a MRP and JUST a MPR with another stacked on top of one another than of course it's going to spring leaks.
  • TolemTolem Thailand Join Date: 2016-07-05 Member: 219614Members
    Question are you building foundation platforms? MPR's have a - hull integrity. Most of the structures you can build have - integrity and a few items such as bulkhead doors and reinforcement panels and the foundation + hull integrity. So if you build a MRP and JUST a MPR with another stacked on top of one another than of course it's going to spring leaks.

    I think he mean that water leak from over the sea level (sea level reach up to only lower part of the room but water leak at the top part of the room).
  • zimzumzimzum Join Date: 2004-09-02 Member: 31200Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I had the same thing happen before this update. I built two stacked MPR's with the second one being out of the water. But, I had ankle deep water only on the second story that matched the outside sea level. No leaks, no flooding, no water anywhere else, the first floor that was underwater was bone dry.
    I haven't tried to replicate that yet with the August update.
  • TetrapodTetrapod Wastelands of California Join Date: 2016-08-04 Member: 220973Members
    I'll post a pic. It's structure damage where water pours in above water after the rest of the building is damaged. Really kinda funny once you see it :)
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