Another game but in space. Subnautica+theme of No Mans Sky.
Join Date: 2016-08-24 Member: 221689Members
I love Subnautica it is one of my favorite games ever and I would like to thank the developers for coming up with this amazing idea. Recently I became interested in No Mans Sky but I was watching some youtubers play it and it looked less fun than I thought, epically the price which is a big turn away ($59.99). So then I was thinking: why cant this game be as cool as Subnautica, then I thought: Unknown Worlds should make another game but in space! Inspired my the theme of No Mans Sky by traveling to other worlds and interacting with the other species and mining for resources but include the option to not only build a base on a planet but build one in the middle of space like a space station with a hanger for your ship and defensive turrets to keep away any alien species then you have made an enemy of, and request assistance from the ones who have become your ally, and even get to the point where you can build a huge cruiser just as big or a little smaller than the Arora, with the possibility of multiplayer to help command the ship just sounds awesome. I just thought that No Mans Sky got a bit boring with little story and its just the same thing over and over, no permanent residence or a base or anything. I think it is something that the dev's can do if they wanted too which I hope they see this and think about it. I also see a possibility for a lot of Subnautica easter eggs or references like a water planet that is very similar to the planet Subnautica takes place on or a ship that you can build that looks like the Arora, in face maybe it can be an Arora variant, think about it (I just thought of this now when writing this) this game can take place in the same universe as Subnautica with Altera ships and bases it just blows my mind the possibility of it. I hope this makes its way to the dev's eyes and I hope people agree with me and encourage the developers to look into it, thank you for reading this.
Please reply I want to see the ideas that are good and the ones that are not so good so I may improve upon them.
Please reply I want to see the ideas that are good and the ones that are not so good so I may improve upon them.
And, despite being forced to work on a bulb of water, it is kind of a spacegame. Tech, the Aurora etc.
Its far too early to go into the direction of a next game. Let them finish Subnautica, rest a little bit in its glory and then start anew, either with fresh stuff for Subnautica, which i would strongly prefer, or a new game, following up Subnautica.
If they would decide to do the latter, i think it might be a followup on the prosecurers. Following the strange aliens, trying to learn more about them or whatever.
But this brings problems with it.
Planets can be generated procedural, yes, but NMS is a theater of repeatingness. Different colours, same stuff. To bring the planet to life, like they did it with subnautica, they would need to grab every planet manually, work on different wildlife and its behaviourpatterns, so the planet feels as alive as possible.
Then there are the trips between the planets. Ppl are crying out in SN, that travelimg with the cyclops is a pain. Now imagine that with a Spaceship traversing several Lightyears.
What for should we be able to build a spacestation? Just to have one? We have our Ship, whatever it may be. A single person wouldnt be able to build a whole spaceship. Building the cyclops is hard on the border to unrealism but the constructionplattform softens that a bit.
A Spaceconstructionplattform for whole Spaceships? Sounds too fantastic for me.
Agressive aliens sound like fights and thats a whole new lvl for work in order to make them fun and still hard enough so they don't be a joke, again needin alot of ressources on UWEs end.
It sounds cool at a first glance, but i doubt it will happen.
2. You typed so many letters to describe "all in one dream game" standard(!) concept. Don't want to upset you, but it's not possible today with high quality level and it's more impossible for "Unknownworlds". At least you may fap on "Star Citizen"
"Unknownworlds" are making "Subnautica" in a such right and great manner, that i love it despite on catastrophic quantity of furious bugs, that makes it sometimes totally unplayable like now after "Prawn update".
I see it like a rule at last time for alpha products: if a game being developed as a piece of shit, community wants more fixes, as a good game - community wants more: more content, more playable space, more vehicles... multiplayer obviously(!)... more equipment, more complex mechanics, more, more and more like a very single game should be a fuckin' everyScholarDream' MMO. Take it easy guys and... get a life