Exosuit and seamoth O2 problem
Cherbourg/FR Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214918Members
With the prawn suit update, we loose and gain oxygen at the same time. And if you're on the surface, you will not loose oxygen anymore.
And an other thing, the energy is constantly dicreasing even without move.
It blocks so much because I can't do big travels because of the energy problem.
Thanks to fix it as soon as possible !
With the prawn suit update, we loose and gain oxygen at the same time. And if you're on the surface, you will not loose oxygen anymore.
And an other thing, the energy is constantly dicreasing even without move.
It blocks so much because I can't do big travels because of the energy problem.
Thanks to fix it as soon as possible !

I can travel big distances before I have to recharge it and I am not losing oxygen in my seamoth (I play on PC on survival mode).
I've currently 75 sec of oxygen, and when I'm under the sea with my seamoth, my oxygen is 75, 74, 75, 74...
Very strange.
The bug comes maybe from my save, or a mistake from an update in experimental.
2-seamoth (prawn suit) is loosing energy even without moving - if you are inside, oxygen regen cost some. It is not bug and it is not a new feature, and you can still travel a lot.
My seamoth loose approximatly the double of energy.
yep thats exactly what ive experienced as well since the PRAWN Suit update