Avoca's Heroic Dose
Just a mod that I've been working on almost daily for almost 3 weeks now. Actually, all year long from December-May I worked on original writings that I now imported into this mod in a fashion which i'm trying to make not overwrite ns2 lua files, to withstand cdt updates. I would also argue these writings contain that of as much information as I could gather from September 2014 onwards when I began ns2siege.
Today is 6.28, just barely. But i'm going to post that of 6.27. Not the video changelog because I mumbled over it, I do have a playlist of videos detailing many daily changelogs with vocal commentary and video format on my youtube channel. Today I just want to share todays version of github and todays devtest videos as I feel extremely closterphobic holding any of this information in.
Basically, the format is that of no commanders. Instead, a Conductor, Imaginator, Balancer, working automatically on formulas to auto give waypoints, automatically research upgrades, drop structures accordingly.. combined with the payload concept being merged from Team Fortress 2 and 'Siege', where the marines 'Payload' the arcs with a timer (this time a dynamic one!) - but the arcs can also fire dependent if its a 'Hive' payload or an 'Mainroom' payload and which targets are around it. Im not sure how well im doing explaining this. It's quite complicated to explain it in lua and then english back again
But that about explains it. I guess. For now anyways. I could go on and on, but I would rather let Github and youtube fill the rest of this post. Thanks.

Today is 6.28, just barely. But i'm going to post that of 6.27. Not the video changelog because I mumbled over it, I do have a playlist of videos detailing many daily changelogs with vocal commentary and video format on my youtube channel. Today I just want to share todays version of github and todays devtest videos as I feel extremely closterphobic holding any of this information in.
Basically, the format is that of no commanders. Instead, a Conductor, Imaginator, Balancer, working automatically on formulas to auto give waypoints, automatically research upgrades, drop structures accordingly.. combined with the payload concept being merged from Team Fortress 2 and 'Siege', where the marines 'Payload' the arcs with a timer (this time a dynamic one!) - but the arcs can also fire dependent if its a 'Hive' payload or an 'Mainroom' payload and which targets are around it. Im not sure how well im doing explaining this. It's quite complicated to explain it in lua and then english back again

But that about explains it. I guess. For now anyways. I could go on and on, but I would rather let Github and youtube fill the rest of this post. Thanks.

I made a reddit post on /r/ns2 as well with the server IP. Basically the server is in the "Arcade" section. I like having 12 bots with 6 slots for players.
Here is a video of all of these changes in action: Most notably off the top of my head: Major overhauls of spawning formula - now way better on perf and balance, even consumes tres. Powerdrainers timers merged on a repeating cycle with GUI so players can strategize around the concept. Hive payloads healing and nano shielding marines nearby, airlocks correctly scaling to all the accurate locations required to be in, im just typing things off the top of my head that I made.. I cant get into every detail.
Anyway, the video... results of playtests on said server
I have purchased another server for this mod, using a kind donation from FrozenClaw. The server is set to expire sometime in December. So I have 3 months of writing on weekends to entertain myself with. Using the computer parts that J. donated for siege.
While writing Siege this year I was actually writing content for Avoca's Heroic Dose. So within these past 2 weekends I've spent much time organizing everything and making an actual playable game. The plan is to use everything from Siege in one form or another. Such as the format of a written out round behind the scenes on how each minute should be spent, rather than a front and siege door, having a phase 1, phase 2, phase, phase 4.
But i'm not there yet. So far I've cleaned up the writings I meant to have before being poked in my eyes. The server IP is avoca.game.nfoservers.com:27015 so just type "connect avoca.game.nfoservers.com:27015" in the console. Someone joined last night and two people made a 33 minute round that resulted in a red plug hanging us up.
As usual I will post the youtube videos and github links. Sometimes I try to analyze my footage with comments because of a very fortunate game engine which ns2 contains, allowing very diverse and easy to implement additions and modifications. 6 slots and small group communication is way more fun than Siege with mass communication, and artificial intelligence always do what they are told...
In this video I play as a marine with a bit OP alien settings. Near the end gets laggy so the week after I focus on performance optimization and such. But this demonstrates a fun potential round nonetheless
9.8.17 - Check out the description for a long typed up message.
9.10.17 - Long description and lots of comments. Myself as marine pushing arcs to alien spawn where they have about 4 hives and the aliens spawns so fast. Somehow feels similar to siege in that concept of having no where else to go, of course missing bits and pieces of action such as humans would attack marines base.
9.16.17 - 20 minutes of myself playing with smooth performance and bots only, reaching a conclusion a round is not capable of being ended given the circumstances
v9.16.17 - Latenight laggy error - The 33 minutes round mentioned above, with some random dood who joined the server. Showing 2 players with a scripted round playing KF2 style gameplay can be as fun if not more fun than a 24+ slot siege server.
Here is the github comparison of 9.17.17 and 8.10.16
I'll see you on the server one of these weekends. You can join, play with me, and through this playing I will stream on twitch and highlight on youtube and analyze this footage for the next weekend of mod updates. Or I will do this all myself if no one joins. Either way i'll post back here.