Leviathan Reaper Freakout Moments
Guam Join Date: 2016-06-20 Member: 218816Members

Just had one myself. I was on my way to the Aurora. I kept my Seamoth's nose pointed at the sky slightly to keep it above water without actually jumping out of it. Then right out of the blue I heard a thud against the hull, and saw two of the thing's mandibles to the right side of the Seamoth's glass shield. I'm going to take a guess that the thing can't grab me when I'm at the surface of the water (which what it apparently tried to do). Luckily I made it into the Aurora and out without further incident, though I swore I could hear the thing screaming even as I got to my seabase...
Anyone else feel like sharing their own experiences?
Oh... and the thing freaks me out even in Creative Mode...
Anyone else feel like sharing their own experiences?
Oh... and the thing freaks me out even in Creative Mode...
I got inside just as it grabbed the seamoth and I was treated to an excellent, if terrifying view of its esophagus. I'd completely forgotten about the perimeter defense and rode out the storm. I was almost at the mushroom forest near the dunes when one of them caught up and grabbed me again. That time I was able to ward it off. Still a nerve-wracking experience.
More recently, I visited the mountain biome wreckage and was alarmed to see a reaper patrolling very closely. I'd never been so paranoid, especially since it was a hardcore save. I kept darting out for a few seconds with the laser cutter before frantically going back to the cyclops even though the reaper never noticed me.
But it gets better. AFTER I get a seamoth, I go to the far side of the Aurora hunting for minerals and fragment and whatnot. I spot a Reaper, and he's about a hundred yads away or so, so I make a point of giving him a WIDE berth. Well he caught me from behind, turned seamoth to face down his throat, and made my underwaer unclean. Eventually he lets go, I book to the surface, and begin welding my seamoth back together. Well I get maybe another 20 yards before my poor seamoth gets ravaged again by a 2nd Reaper that I hadn't noticed. So I head up, fix her up again, then head to the front of the ship, in the shallowest area I can find under the ship. And of coarse in order to cross the front of the ship, I have to go into open water again, where there is ANOTHER Reaper Leviathan swimming around. So I dive deep, to try and get past him...........and he's chasing me. I open up my seamoth as fast as it's poor little engine will go and try to get to the surface. I hear the damn thing right behind me and CHOMP!!! For the 3rd time in 15 minutes I am staring into the maw of hell, he releases my poor battered seamoth and I try to scramble for the surface when he grabs me again and this time he CRUSHES the seamoth around me and I am in serious trouble I have about 20 health, my seamoth is in fragments heading to the ocean floor and there is a Reaper RIGHT BELOW ME! I get to the surface, swim to the Aurora, swim back to the life pod. And wish the game alcohol in it's programing.
Yikes! I bet you had to turn the computer off just to calm down. Even in creative mode staring at the Reaper Leviathan's face while he grabs my Seamoth is something I find terrifying... EVEN when I know it can't kill me.
This one time I did run into one... I was driving around in the Dunes, using the old Seamoth that could go to 1k meters if you spam depth upgrades... Just kinda skirting near the seafloor and picking up resources while on my way to find the ILZ entrance hidden away in the area. Eventually I saw a Reaper swim over to my seamoth and carry it off. Leaving little old me trapped several hundred meters underwater with only a seaglide at 33% battery and a rapidly dwindling oxygen supply. The reaper never did get me, though I presume he might have returned later to devour my corpse after I drowned on the way back up to the surface :B
Well, they're not really supposed to, but they don't care about the laws of physics. You know how it is.
Pretty much my experience when entering the dunes for the first time, except:
1. I was only in there for a few seconds, thinking it was some sort of in-development biome, when I heard roaring from nowhere..
2. My newly-created seamoth was defenseless, only equipped with pressure, battery and 2 storage upgrades, and was destroyed after my pitiful attempt of escape from his first bite.
3. I managed to make it to the surface, and seaglided straight back to home base in a shock.
Exact same thing happened to me. I'm always very careful of Reapers because everything about them is scary. But once, as I was carefully looking for blueprints in my Seamoth, not too far from the Mountain area, I look left, nothing, look right, nothing, look left again and I'm face to face with a Reaper. He did not attack me but was so close I though he had grabbed my Seamoth. I went to the surface at the speed of light and when I calmed down and came back, I saw what you saw (and explained why this Reaper was so quiet), he was going in and out of terrain like it wasn't even there. So that was quite scary.
Another time, as I was going to the Aurora to repair the reactor, without Seamoth. I was about halfway down the lenght of the Aurora, about 25 meters deep, when I heard the Reaper's cry and saw a big one heading straight in my direction from the depth of the Ocean. I did the only thing I could think of which was dig in the sand as fast as possible to escape. I managed to make a small tunnel in a few seconds (really small, like 1.5 times the player's size) and when I looked up, the Reaper was passing just above me. Since my O² was almost depleted, I had no choice but get out like 5 seconds after he had passed over me and as expected, he was not far away. Still, I managed to grab a couple seconds of air, and then I dived back to dig another tunnel seconds before he passed over me again... I did that another couple of times before I managed to escape. Very unnerving.
"Oh, this place doesn't look bad at all...finally somewhere I can relax and gather stuff.."
Exit the moth. Wander around a bit. Not a care in the world. O2 is more than half, hear a noise behind me.
I turn around, and this giant...awful...THING...HAS GRABBED MY MOTH AND IS SHAKING IT LIKE A DOG WITH A RABBIT
oh. mmkay. Not enough 02 to make it to the surface.
It drops the sub and swims away. Sub sinks to the floor, sparking and bubbles leaking out.
As I head to the sub, I see the monstrosity turning around for another go.
Board the moth and haul SO MUCH A$$ OUT OF THERE.
Best, most immersive moment I have had in a game almost EVER. That's when I got hooked on THIS GAME.
''The Reaper Leviathan scares the crap out you even before you see it for the first time, you hear it in the distance at first and tell yourself WHAA DAA FAAA is this thing i hear roaring in the distance .... then you get a bit closer, very slowly at first of course, then you hear that roar again, much louder
Then bam you see it circling in the distance. You observe it a few seconds then decide to take a closer look, advancing towwards it VERY SLOWLY
Thats when ''it'' notices you and decides to swim towards you at full speed and you (of course) freak the F*** out and try to run away but HOLY SURPRISE BATMAN! that thing swims faster than your seamoth
It grabs you from behind (without lube, of course), making sure to turn your seamoth around so you can admire his face in all its amazing glory'ness while it tears your seamoth in pieces and leaves you butthurt naked in the midnight sea
Welcome Aboard Captain, all systems online
Now that you've got time to kill, how bout sipping on that reclaimed water ... hope you activated that taste neutralization function on yer swimsuit beforehand
The first time I played it, I was swimming to the Aurora to stop the radiation leak. 100% Health, everything normal... Suddenly I was flying and my health went down to 10% and I saw him down near one of the motors of the ship. I went out of the place as fast as I could
The second one was actually today. I was in my seamoth exploring a wreck, trying to find the bed or anything to scan. I was like a hundred meters below the surface. Suddenly I looked up and above me, like 60 meters above me, there was a Leviathan reaper swimming "peacefully" in circles. I didn't moved, maybe he wouldn't notice me. But nope, he went directly to my poor little seamoth and grabbed it, making 50% of damage. Not happy, I was trying to escape when he grabbed me again. He left me with 8% of health. I don't know how did my seamoth survived that.
Man, the ocean is terrifying...
Honestly the Reapers are kind of comical looking though. They were scarier when I didn't know what they looked like.
I bet they're scarier in Hardcore Mode...
I don't even like taking a Cyclops into their territory. But the worst part? They're frikkin' immortal. Came out one time with the Cyclops, stasis gun in one hand, propulsion gun in the other, rest of inventory nothing but acid mushrooms. Froze the bastard over and over, shoved at least twenty of those purple bombs into his face, and he still just swam away.
So now I just grab the terraformer and build little tiny rock prisons around them.
(The captcha asked me to select all images with mountains)
A while ago, I kinda did everything there was to do in the game. I got bored and quit for a while. A few months later I decided to go back to the game, see what they added, it'd be fun!
Me: Hmm.. wonder if they added any biomes or anything.
*Types BIOME in console*
Mountains? I heard something about a second island! Maybe it's a giant mountain range!
*Puts BIOME MOUNTAINS in console*
*Gets scared shitless*
The first thing I noticed was that I was about 300m under the water. Then I heard like 20 Reaper Leviathans.
One of them came up behind me and ate me. I didn't go back to the game for like a week.
Did they add Crabsnakes? o.o
Edit: Got a few pictures, felt kinda brave and went to the lost river. I turned around and saw the skull, which startled me a bit, and then my dog walked into my room and barked and it scared the crap out of me. I need new pants.
One way to take them out is to equip your Seamoth with the Perimeter Defense System. Charge it up (hold the activation key), then release the charge when they're close or when they're grabbing you. You will eventually take it out.
And despite knowing that they still terrify me...
I jumped out of my Seamoth, quickly equipped the Seaglide, and got out of there as fast as the seaglide could carry me. I reasoned that the Reaper Leviathan would be busy with the Seamoth while I got out of its range. And it worked. While being bitten by Stalkers was something I don't enjoy (got bit by one while getting away)
I still managed to get back to base, carried by the Seaglide and the batteries I looted from the Aurora. Probably my only tactical move while being scared witless as losing the mods for the Cyclops AND the Seamoth (which I didn't equip) was what I was trying to avoid.
Still, mission accomplished but now I'll have to build another Seamoth...