Now that's just mean.
Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members

Alright, I know you want to pander to the hard-core crowd before the game is even finished, and removing the multipurpose room from the starting blueprints is certainly going to make them happy. After all, there is only so much you can do with a tube.
However... hiding the fragments for it 250m+ down in the Jellyshroom Caves might have been a bit much. Just sayin'.
However... hiding the fragments for it 250m+ down in the Jellyshroom Caves might have been a bit much. Just sayin'.
There's a LOT you can do with just a few tubes
If they really wanted to "pander to the hard-core crowd", they'd have stuck it in the Dunes wreck or at the bottom of the Blood Kelp trenches. It's not too terribly hard to get into the Jelly caves even without a modified seamoth, and I feel it'd be kind of like the Moonpool diving in the Grand Reef: Get the moth, then dive down to the fragments with your seaglide.
Don't give them any ideas.
Yeah, its not like that's what this forum is here for or anything.
Heh... I doubt they would break the game by making the scanner near impossible to get as you need it to get everything else.
Kinda like how you need a special item to defeat the final boss... but you can only get that item in the very first level of the game... which you couldn't get without a device you can only get later in the game... which breaks the game since you can't go back to the first level EVER.
Or they could just make things you DON'T need to scan.
For now anyway. Weren't they supposed to make the night go quicker if you slept in them? Or is that not being implemented anymore?
I heard they were planning to make the day/night times much longer so we didnt have to eat every 3 minutes. Maybe will scale the night back a bit in that change.
if they made the nights longer but adjusted things so that we can skip part of it/skip it completely by using beds, that would be awesome. I may not represent the majority but i rather love night time in the game. Not only is the whole world much more beautiful with all the bioluminescence but it also feel much more dangerous with all them predators going completely wonkers on me!
Then I crafted the seamoth, slapped in the pressure compensator you get at the Aurora, and went down to explore the caves. I was hoping you could scan the multipurpose rooms at the abandoned base like you could the observatory. Which would make more sense than scanning placeholder fragments down there.
You should really be able to scan the multipurpose room, the observatory, and the water filtration machine down in the shroom base.
i don't mind sleeping on the floor... :^)
I mind sleeping on the floor! its hard and .... and wet. Im sorry
It worked for Minecraft.
No game developer should ever be too proud to steal a good idea.
Also Skyrim. Hell, even Skyward Sword.