Subnautica list of bugs - Update 1.0 (No longer updating)



  • gauchobluesgauchoblues calofornia Join Date: 2016-07-19 Member: 220424Members
    Is there a way to use the exterior cameras on the cyclops on xbox? I see the icon but cant do anything with it.
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Is there a way to use the exterior cameras on the cyclops on xbox? I see the icon but cant do anything with it.

    If I recall correctly, those don't work and there needs to be a patch to fix it
  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    @gauchoblues The exterior lights on cyclops do work. The Interior do not. Go to the lighting panel to the right of the naming panel and the lighting panel shows 2 icons. Look carefully and click the one for outside the lights do work. The one on the inside only turns up/down lighting effects on anything you've built inside and as of yet not affect the inside ambient lights.
  • GhostAngelusGhostAngelus USA Kentucky Join Date: 2016-07-10 Member: 220018Members
    It might just be me but has any one else notice that the Predators are more aggressive. I have a stalker that has followed me to my pod. I have hit it three times with a knife but it will not leave me alone. The same for sand sharks.
  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    It might just be me but has any one else notice that the Predators are more aggressive. I have a stalker that has followed me to my pod. I have hit it three times with a knife but it will not leave me alone. The same for sand sharks.

    It does seem like it. Also they don't sleep at night right now.
  • capm28capm28 NY Join Date: 2016-07-09 Member: 219876Members
    i found everything for the cyclopse 3/3 but wont unlock. it does show plans icon in the pda , but can not be build or show that its unlocked. anyway to pass this? also what can i do with the extra pda's found?
  • Mk2Mk2 Join Date: 2016-07-08 Member: 219848Members
    edited July 2016
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    It might just be me but has any one else notice that the Predators are more aggressive. I have a stalker that has followed me to my pod. I have hit it three times with a knife but it will not leave me alone. The same for sand sharks.

    Now that you mentioned it, the predators are very aggressive and want your head on a stick... I'll add that in the post incase its a bug
    Mk2 wrote: »
    Great thread @Luffy490!

    No, thank you and the community for pitching in and helping the main post for growing :)

    Subnautica is a great break from Elite:Dangerous for me. I would like to see this game grow and improve, because I really like the concept (and swimming).
  • CodeMyster003CodeMyster003 Join Date: 2016-07-19 Member: 220449Members
    My waterproof lockers keep disappearing when I go to other areas.
  • JezusOfJordanJezusOfJordan NY Join Date: 2016-07-19 Member: 220429Members
    I made a post in bugs but since its on Xbox one I'll post here too. I got all the fragments for modification station but for some reason the progress bar is still there and I can't make it. Anyone else experiencing this?
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    My waterproof lockers keep disappearing when I go to other areas.

    Just tested that out and had the same issue, adding your find to the main post
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    @JezusOfJordan That is most likely the blueprint bug. You can either delete your save data and start a new game, or uninstall and reinstall without deleting your save data to continue where you left off.

    From now on never quit the game from the pause menu. When you do there is a very high chance the game will forget your blueprints and key bindings. Instead after you save go straight to the dashboard using the home button and press start over Subnautica. Then select quit to close Subnautica, this prevents the game from forgetting anything. Remember, until they patch it, dont use the pause menu to quit subnautica. Its not safe.
  • JezusOfJordanJezusOfJordan NY Join Date: 2016-07-19 Member: 220429Members
    Ok thanks a lot I'll try that out.
  • eprom101eprom101 Vegas Join Date: 2016-07-14 Member: 220211Members
    I've already built the Cyclops and the menu shows I haven't found all of the Cyclops fragments. Doesn't really matter though I can't use the Cyclops because I can't see out of the glass because the Cyclops internal light won't turn off.
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Added a Video example of the main character with unhuman-like movement on his right arm, when tools are holstered under 7/20/2016

    eprom101 wrote: »
    I've already built the Cyclops and the menu shows I haven't found all of the Cyclops fragments. Doesn't really matter though I can't use the Cyclops because I can't see out of the glass because the Cyclops internal light won't turn off.

    Those lights aren't working for me either
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    edited July 2016
    I found a tweet from Flayra replying to someone saying that he believes they found and fixed most of the bugs. Hopefully this means they sent or will be sending the patch off for certification. At any rate its more info than just "we're working on it"

    Also creatures that ive bred and released despawn after reloading or leaving the area. Are they supposed to?
  • sistrcylonsistrcylon California Join Date: 2016-07-20 Member: 220462Members
    Ever since the update (I started a new Freedom game):
    • cannot swap batteries into my seaglide. It says insert new battery() with no control listed in the parenthesis. Pressing A does nothing.
    • I cannot leave feedback from within the game. I can get the onscreen keyboard to come up, type in text, but the text does not show up in the appropriate field, nor can I navigate to most of the fields/options on screen
    • Lots of brain coral noise almost everywhere
  • xxxL3gitRushxxxxxxL3gitRushxxx United States Join Date: 2016-07-05 Member: 219606Members
    sistrcylon wrote: »
    Ever since the update (I started a new Freedom game):
    • cannot swap batteries into my seaglide. It says insert new battery() with no control listed in the parenthesis. Pressing A does nothing.
    • I cannot leave feedback from within the game. I can get the onscreen keyboard to come up, type in text, but the text does not show up in the appropriate field, nor can I navigate to most of the fields/options on screen
    • Lots of brain coral noise almost everywhere

    Go to the controls in the options menu and assign a button to "reload"
  • DOOMDUDE643DOOMDUDE643 Join Date: 2016-07-21 Member: 220510Members
    i have encountered a bug that has made me not want to play until it has been fixed, i'm missing my moonpool blueprint in the habitat builder, I'm also missing all power selections in the habitat builder i did not stay to see if there was more because of how upset this made me. and when i obtain new ores it wont unlock recipes. I hope this is fixed soon i really love this game and it has a lot of potential and i play it daily.
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Edited the main post, as well as quotes, for better readability. The TL;DR sections at the beginning of each bug report should be easy to read. So, you can skim through and see if any bugs, you might have found, are reported. This'll help me alot!
    I found a tweet from Flayra replying to someone saying that he believes they found and fixed most of the bugs. Hopefully this means they sent or will be sending the patch off for certification. At any rate its more info than just "we're working on it"

    Also creatures that ive bred and released despawn after reloading or leaving the area. Are they supposed to?

    I have not even touched breeding, but I don't think they are supposed to despawn

  • Apostle311Apostle311 Dominican Republic Join Date: 2016-07-09 Member: 219927Members
    Im all for updating and hot patches and bug fixes....but really the most important thing is our saves. 24hrs in on perma and it would be a shame to lose it, in any way. New content should not have to be a sacrifice for old saves.
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    Okay i got a new one, it seems ive lost some sounds. I no longer hear the low hum in my bases, stalkers no longer make the aggro sounds or the chomp sound when they bite you and the gasopods dont make their sounds either. Literaly silent but deadly. I still have ambient sound in the cyclops though and the chargers and scanner room still make noise. Worse part is that it stays even after saving and reloading. To sum it up, i lost creature and ambient base sounds. 10 hours in survival, had a 16 hour playthrough before without this bug and it was the current version of the game.
  • BlindGuardianBlindGuardian Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217604Members
    Okay i got a new one, it seems ive lost some sounds. I no longer hear the low hum in my bases, stalkers no longer make the aggro sounds or the chomp sound when they bite you and the gasopods dont make their sounds either. Literaly silent but deadly. I still have ambient sound in the cyclops though and the chargers and scanner room still make noise. Worse part is that it stays even after saving and reloading. To sum it up, i lost creature and ambient base sounds. 10 hours in survival, had a 16 hour playthrough before without this bug and it was the current version of the game.

    My sound is all over the place too...Sometimes I get overwhelming noises and sound effects, other times almost nothing. I don't hear the Reapers anymore which is annoying, it sort of takes something away from them when they are just totally silent. I don't really have a problem with the Brain Coral sound repeating or crazy footsteps when I'm piloting my seamoth, but it all seems very random.
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Thread and recent findings updated, although I have not found anything new lately
    Luffy490 wrote: »

    I have not even touched breeding, but I don't think they are supposed to despawn

    I'm starting to think the game does not really have a pet system, which may be why the released creatures are considered wild and despawn like the others
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Very small update added to the main post under 7/24/2016
  • ZqrkoZqrko Denmark Join Date: 2016-07-24 Member: 220622Members
    Idk if there's a way to fix this, but I have 3/3 fragments for my Mobile Vehicle Bay, it even says 100% under the page with your fragment progress and I dont get anything when scanning a new mobile bay fragment, not even titanium, it's not in my Fabricator either, I know that its supposed to be under deployables but its not.

    I'm on Xbox one.

    (Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English isent my main)
  • Luffy490Luffy490 USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members
    Zqrko wrote: »
    Idk if there's a way to fix this, but I have 3/3 fragments for my Mobile Vehicle Bay, it even says 100% under the page with your fragment progress and I dont get anything when scanning a new mobile bay fragment, not even titanium, it's not in my Fabricator either, I know that its supposed to be under deployables but its not.

    I'm on Xbox one.

    (Sorry for any grammar mistakes, English isent my main)

    I'll refer Wish_4_Wishes's earlier post about the blueprint bug:
    [...] You can either delete your save data and start a new game, or uninstall and reinstall without deleting your save data to continue where you left off.

    From now on never quit the game from the pause menu. When you do there is a very high chance the game will forget your blueprints and key bindings. Instead after you save go straight to the dashboard using the home button and press start over Subnautica. Then select quit to close Subnautica, this prevents the game from forgetting anything. Remember, until they patch it, dont use the pause menu to quit subnautica. Its not safe.

    The latest update made the game a bit unstable, and the blueprint issue is very persistent

  • BlindGuardianBlindGuardian Canada Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217604Members

    is there an issue with the console commands not allowing for blueprint glitch overrides with the newest update? I've been having no trouble outside of scrolling through the list of console commands to find the blueprint I need, and by typing Blueprint insertitemhereblueprint.

    It's been awhile since I've had to do it, but is it not working anymore?
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    @BlindGuardian It no longer works but you can fix the blueprints by uninstalling and reinstalling Subnautica WITHOUT deleting your save data. Avoid the bug in the future by only closing Subnautica from the dashboard, ive posted instructions how on this thread. Just dont use the pause menu to quit Subnautica no matter what.
  • FlamingSkulllFlamingSkulll Join Date: 2016-07-29 Member: 220759Members
    I cant put batteries in the Seaglide, it dont even show a button to put a new one in when its out and i have tried to do it though my invintory but it dont work. Anyone have a idea or having the same thing?

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