Knife keeps disappearing

MalacathMalacath Wales Join Date: 2016-05-17 Member: 216874Members
Since the latest update i've noticed that my knife keeps randomly disappearing even if I'm not using it.
So I keep having to make a new one.

I've had it disappear after dying
I've had it disappear after loading a game
And i've just had it randomly disappear for no apparent reason.

Before the update this never happened.

Anyone else been noticing this?


  • SaladExistsSaladExists Canada Join Date: 2016-07-06 Member: 219747Members
    Nope never had it. problably the thermoblade will have you keep it
  • MalacathMalacath Wales Join Date: 2016-05-17 Member: 216874Members
    Happened again. Saved the game. Exit to main menu then turn off console.

    When I powered up console and loaded game the knife was gone again.

    There is definitely a bug as before switching off I checked to make sure the knife was there.
  • derMechanikerderMechaniker USA Join Date: 2016-05-18 Member: 216981Members
    I'm having this issue as well. The knife will disappear from my hand, but still appear in the action bar. When I switch to another device, the knife then disappears from the bar and inventory.
  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    You just gotta get yourself a proper knife mate, so you won't lose it :tongue:
  • cas61cas61 U.K Join Date: 2016-07-16 Member: 220306Members
    I'm also having the same issue. I had to remake it four times now.
  • KaysifKaysif Bristol Join Date: 2016-07-17 Member: 220366Members
    I am having this issue as well. I found from the PDA that the knife has durability. So I don't think it's disappearing. I think it's breaking, but it's just not working properly so it stays in our inventory after breaking until the game catches up with its own mechanic.
  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    agree, it seems to be the durability. I have broken many and just spawned another but... after reloading my game I had 5-6 knifes now all with 0 durability left. clicking on them just makes them disappear.
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    The game tell you that the knife broke doesnt it? I swear mine did i cant remember if it was text or audio though. I just drop the 0 durability one and make a new one, maybe they will add reparing?
  • BrokenGamez77BrokenGamez77 United States Join Date: 2016-07-26 Member: 220689Members
    I haven't had this happen to me but i've had similar cases, like my waterproof storages vanishing and my solar panels vanishing as well.
  • EndoChickEndoChick Manchester, England Join Date: 2016-07-29 Member: 220764Members
    I have had this happen to me 3 times in the space of an hour. I am playing on the PC. I don't think it's breaking cause i only had 1 of the knives for 5 mins and hadn't used it before it disappeared. :neutral:
  • Wish_4_WishesWish_4_Wishes USA Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217569Members
    @BrokenGamez77 The solar panels disapearing can be avoided by not placing them until your done making or renovating your base. Currently it seems that building near them may cause them to vanish. You can also place them on the terrain near your base.
  • blueimpbblueimpb Join Date: 2016-08-17 Member: 221445Members
    Yup, me too. Knife just disappears out of inventory. I'm quite certain it's not run out of durability.

    Every time this happens, I craft a new knife, then I find myself with *two* knives.

    Only happens when loading a save. Is there an outstanding bug about this?
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