Line Of Sight And Sieges. 1.04



  • SoBe_DragonSoBe_Dragon Join Date: 2002-12-04 Member: 10465Members
    edited January 2003
    i agree with bart 100% on this. Siege and marines really did take a beating this patch, which I dont think was neccessary, and it doesnt address any balance issues. Uping the cost of phase gates and IP's, reducing the HP of phase gates, uping the cost of scans...and on top of all of that, one of the marines best tactical weapons was nerfed in <b>2</b> different ways. Its not like sieging a hive is by any means easy (yes the issues with Processing and the Engine room hive need to be addressed, but this isnt the way). I mean, you gotta setup a phase gate, get youre team there, a TF, turrets to protect it, upgrade, then finally drop the siege?? If this is in a hostile area, and the aliens are communicating, then this is no simple task my friends.

    I say, if you let you're hive get sieged, then you deserved it. You/you're team was:
    A. Not communicating effectivly
    B. Not actually LOOKING for siege
    C. Are bad and cant kill the 2-3 marines setting the siege up

    The way it works on the server I play on is this...Everyone is always running around, in and outside the hive to keep an eye on things. The SECOND a phase gate is where it shouldnt be <i>someone</i> is on voice comm saying "phase gate outside of maintance, the team needs to get there" or something like that. Once I, and the team hears that, we all change our routes and attack that area where the marines are setting up. If the first wave doesnt work, then when we re-spawn and get carapace, the second wave almost definitly kills them. If they have set up turrets and stuff, then it was OUR, THE TEAMS, fault for letting the hive get sieged. Not "faulty coding" or a "balance issue" that did it. Again, it all relies on team play and communication, thats what this game is about.

    By changing the way siege works aliens will not have to be as paranoid about watching their hives (which they frickin should be), and they will barely have to communicate about hive attacks. If things are as much of a pain in the butt as Bart says they are, then sieging has lost pretty much all purpose. 25 for TF, 25 for upgrade, 25 for siege turret, and mebbe 9 resources for a jetpack, or 9 resources for 3 scans. *makes fart sound* I would rather spawn 2 JP's and 2 HMG's and tell my men "may the force be with you".

    One more thing, when i play on that map with the Processing "double siege" area, the regulars on the server and my clanmates are ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS checking that area to make sure the marines arent building there. That area is more important than the other hives! Also, our gorge will built about 3 - 4 O chambers in that hallway. This way if a marine is going to build there, he's gotta take out that stuff first, and that will alert us. Also we (meaning server regulars and clan mates) build O chambers in the vent where the engine room hive is. This way it cant get sieged from there. See? Very simple to counter these "bugs" without nerfing the marines. Its called Player & Team Intelligence!

    Dev's, i think you should listen to what your players are saying. You're not making the correct decisions over there... <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • GekkoGekko Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3471Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Sub-Sider+Jan 14 2003, 01:56 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Sub-Sider @ Jan 14 2003, 01:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->how about this idea:
    if an alien structure is spottet, the siege knows the position, that it is there, and start locking / firing. But if the line of sight is lost, the siege continues to lock and fire for about 20 secondes. perhaps less ... 15 seconds. If the LOF is re-established, the timer starts again.
    That would solve all these problems, and i think this is very fair for both teams.

    what u think?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    yea, i think this is a good idea, some kind of buffer for 5 - 10 seconds
  • ZifnabZifnab Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6062Members
    As Flayra said, the siege cannons should snap to the correct position and fire as soon as LoS is established.
    I think that's the best possible solution, and apparently is what the devs intended to begin with.
    It's what is going to be done, and that's that. There's hardly any reason for further discussion, really.
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