[ IDEA ][ SUGGESTION ] Matter Converter

OldHomelessGuyOldHomelessGuy Washington Join Date: 2016-06-24 Member: 219007Members
edited June 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
This is just thought i had because resources can start to become low with in the world.

Matter Converter Description: Takes Matter collected from the terraformer and converts it into the one of the selected resource.

6x Titanium Ingot - 1000 Matter, 2 in-game days to materialize
6x Silicone Rubber - 300 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize
6x Glass - 300 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize
6x Gold - 500 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize
6x Lead - 400 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize
6x Silver Ore - 600 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize
6x Copper Ore - 4000 Matter, 1 in-game days to materialize

Once selected resource is materialize the terraformer is depleted to 0 and the 6x items are inside the Matter Converter Inventory.

1 upgrade Module to reduce time by 25%


"you can laugh at the photo its just a representation to give a idea of what i'm thinking"

Anyways hope you all like the idea.



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