calcalf55calcalf55 penrith Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218091Members
make this seen by them and ask them


  • SlackerstuSlackerstu Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217432Members
    you didn't post a question. "ask them" what? If you are asking about an update read a bit, it has been answered 700 times this week and not far down the list of answers here.
  • JebusChrustJebusChrust Join Date: 2016-06-16 Member: 218634Members
    Slackerstu wrote: »
    you didn't post a question. "ask them" what? If you are asking about an update read a bit, it has been answered 700 times this week and not far down the list of answers here.

    Pretty sure he was saying that this is a thread where you ask the admins a question and they answer. Not everything is about the update lol
  • Yargish89Yargish89 new mexico usa Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217575Members
    Hi i was wondering do you admins think the dev's if not the same people will impliment at least 1 of these 3 ideas 1: raising the wrecks makimg them floatimg habitats 2: steal electricity from the ship 3:floatimg long long range energy tranmitter with its own mini propellers to keep it stationary with a small solar panel on it to power said propellers. Be awesome stuff honestly id have done those with his tech
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