Why Do N00bs Always Want To Go Gorg?
V-MAN Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6217Members, Constellation

This annoys me cos it slows the res going to the gorg saving for the second hive. What I want to know is why do they all go gorg?
Has anyone else had the pain of seeing a n00b gorg run off to attack the marines base right at the start? or go around building OCs on res nodes? or even building a sensory tower as the first upgrade?
Has anyone else had the pain of seeing a n00b gorg run off to attack the marines base right at the start? or go around building OCs on res nodes? or even building a sensory tower as the first upgrade?
when cl_autohelp is on you will get the folowing message :
Aliens can evolve into new lifeforms <b>Try it</b>...
Worse still are the people that aren't newbies, but they still go gorge just so they can get enough RP to evolve to lerk faster. Anyone that uses that tactic should go play Quake. Damn glory hounds ...
PS, I guess my "people skillz sux0rz" .... shame on me.
A n00b usually lacks the capacity to learn or even think. A newbie can think and learn, he just still needs to do both a lot more <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
"Wow, 13 cost alien. That must be an upgrade from my skulk! Ooh, cool, I can shoot acid, I r0xx0r!"
I will however say that the impact of a newbie gorge isn't quite as bad as you think it is.
Gorges get three times the resources as other aliens, but on a 10 alien team that's not as major of an impact as you think. Consider 1 skulk takes 1/3rd
as much as a gorge does. That means that one gorge, to you, is basically just three skulks.
The real income comes when the skulks have filled their resource bars and are overflowing resources. That won't start happening until midgame anyway.
F4 to release resources is an exploit.
There's actually tactical advantages to having several gorges. I look forward to 1.1 which will supposedly give added incentive to having more than one from teh start.
It's a simple solution, and 'expert servers' seem to be quite common lately. I use ASE, and I've got at least a dozen 'experienced players only' servers bookmarked.
Sometimes I enjoy playing on servers where the majority of players are new. I'll join in, I'll answer questions, I'll give suggestions if they're a new commander, or I'll explain what the chambers do if they're a new gorge. If I encounter an inexperienced player on an expert server, I'll kindly suggest they try another server where they'll hopefully meet someone like me that'll be willing to show them how the game works.
The way I see it, there's far more people who would willingly bash a noob in-game due to his inexperience rather than answer their questions. All it takes is one person to provide an answer and it won't be asked by that person again, so why not just answer it? The most common reply I'm expecting is "it wastes too much time in-game to answer it". Fair enough, but at least inform them that there are numerous threads on this message board that can answer their questions for them.
The constant presence new players are inevitable - it's the sign of a damn good game. It's the players that bash the noobs that will most likely turn them away from it during their first NS experience.
How much slower does res come in with two gorges instead of one? I haven't really thought about it much, as I'm to busy when I'm a gorge to pay attention.
after 5 minutes (3 really sudden deaths) I turned gorge not really knowing what I do.
I found a res node kowing it is important so i build an offense and defense chamber without any orientation.
then I build a ressource chamber - i thought its needed to stand ON the ressource node, how else could it be places right on it.
Of course i got stuck. Build 2 more defense chambers and died.
Then I read the manual.
The people in the server got kinda mad and started yelling at me, so I played a game where I did better than 1/2 of my team.
Just to be on topic however-- newbie gorges should straight out tell the team that they're new at gorges and should ask for advice. You'll be surprise at how many people actually likes to help out new players if asked.
N00b gorges are those that go gorge and cuss out their teammates and *thinks* they know what they're doing.
even out the resource thing so that its not "detrimental" to have Gorges, whatever you need to do... let Gorges be Gorges <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
How about you <b>ask</b> people on your team whether they mind you going gorge or not? Works for me.
and when i finally did i died and then i couldn't find my way out again... it was a hard time, but my second game went much better <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
If you don't know what you're doing, you should <i>ask</i>! Damage caused by inexperienced gorges is multiplied many times over if the team isn't aware until too late.
Many times when I've played, there was one gorge on a pretty large team, as it's generally accepted that 1 gorge is more effective than many, so no one else went gorge. But then the gorge turned out to be a newbie and we were screwed w/o even knowing it. If the newbie gorge asks for help or at leasts lets people know he's new, there's an opportunity for another person to go gorge as well so that the newbie's experimenting doesn't screw over the rest of the team.
Now, I advise this only because I know we can't stop newbies from going gorge altogether. Many people care too little about the team.
If I had my way, no newbies would <i>ever</i> go gorge, because a bad gorge is about as bad as a bad commander. Now can one honestly say that it's ok for an NS newbie to hop in the chair? For the love of crumbcake, no! Before anyone goes gorge or attempts to command, they should play many many games first (ok, many many to be a com, just several to try out gorging) so that they know the ins and outs of NS.
Being the commander or the only gorge is too important a position for the team for newbies to try. It's downright inconsiderate.
Asking only helps at the moment you ask. Later on when you have been playing gorge and doing well then your team gets 2 more gorges the whining begins even tho you asked to play gorge earlier. And you know what? Those two new gorges will be the first to yell for you to get off gorge.
It doesnt matter how good of a gorge a person is, it doesnt matter how long the person has been playing, it doesnt matter how polite the person is, you go gorge and you are gonna get yelled at by idiots on your team that dont know thier a** from a hole in the ground.
Wait until my skulk collects 33 resources.
Then gorge.
Then build resources.
If there's not that many other gorges on the team (say less than 1/6th of the team is gorges) I stay gorge and reinforce defences. That's because I'm a good gorge and I know what I'm doing. If people whine, I ignore them.
Course, I usually play on 8-10 player teams, so a second gorge (or even three if you have some resource nozzles down) isn't a really big deal on those teams.
If anything, encourage them. Meaning, no rude gesters.