What gear/items do you always wear/carry?
Georgia, USA Join Date: 2016-05-22 Member: 217295Members

Unless I have some kind of specific mission in mind (serious breaking and entering in a deep wreck, etc) I use/carry a pretty standard set of gear. I was wondering what other folks choose.
For me, its:
Worn - Still Suit, Rebreather, High Capacity Air Tank, Ultra Glide Fins, Compass, Thermometer, Radiation Suit Gloves (because nothing replaces them automatically)
Carried (HUD slot) - 2nd High Capacity Air Tank, Hardened Blade(1), Scanner(2), Habitat Builder(3), Welder(4), Laser Cutter, Thermoblade, First Aid Kit. That leaves five inventory spaces open for misc gear, if I want to carry my Instant Outpost kit in two Waterproof Lockers (which takes up 32 spaces). I usually leave slot 5 open on my HUD, for Scrap Metal (stalker decoy) or special weapons like Stasis Rifle or Propulsion Cannon.
I only carry the Stasis Rifle if I'm anticipating a fight, or the Propulsion Cannon if I need to yank things out of dangerous spots (vent fishing, stripping wrecks).
Thermoblade is strictly for emergency food gathering, because with Still Suit and Thermoblade, you can avoid hunger/thirst for a long time.
Nine times out of ten, I take the Seamoth instead of Cyclops - except for protection from Reapers and having extra storage/food production, the Cyclops is pretty useless to me. Too slow, too difficult to maneuver.
EDIT: For the Seamoth, my standard loadout is always Mk3 Depth Compensator (for the 900m crush depth), Hull Armor (immunity to most sea life and collisions), Solar Charger (never need powercells again), and Perimeter Defense Field (best offense/defense available in game). In the rare event of an expedition to Jellyshroom Caves (etc) I swap the Solar Charger out for a Cargo module, and fill that with my Survival Shelter kit and a spare Powercell.
For me, its:
Worn - Still Suit, Rebreather, High Capacity Air Tank, Ultra Glide Fins, Compass, Thermometer, Radiation Suit Gloves (because nothing replaces them automatically)
Carried (HUD slot) - 2nd High Capacity Air Tank, Hardened Blade(1), Scanner(2), Habitat Builder(3), Welder(4), Laser Cutter, Thermoblade, First Aid Kit. That leaves five inventory spaces open for misc gear, if I want to carry my Instant Outpost kit in two Waterproof Lockers (which takes up 32 spaces). I usually leave slot 5 open on my HUD, for Scrap Metal (stalker decoy) or special weapons like Stasis Rifle or Propulsion Cannon.
I only carry the Stasis Rifle if I'm anticipating a fight, or the Propulsion Cannon if I need to yank things out of dangerous spots (vent fishing, stripping wrecks).
Thermoblade is strictly for emergency food gathering, because with Still Suit and Thermoblade, you can avoid hunger/thirst for a long time.
Nine times out of ten, I take the Seamoth instead of Cyclops - except for protection from Reapers and having extra storage/food production, the Cyclops is pretty useless to me. Too slow, too difficult to maneuver.
EDIT: For the Seamoth, my standard loadout is always Mk3 Depth Compensator (for the 900m crush depth), Hull Armor (immunity to most sea life and collisions), Solar Charger (never need powercells again), and Perimeter Defense Field (best offense/defense available in game). In the rare event of an expedition to Jellyshroom Caves (etc) I swap the Solar Charger out for a Cargo module, and fill that with my Survival Shelter kit and a spare Powercell.
Still suit, rebreather, 2x high cap air tanks, glide fins, compass, thermometer, rad suit gloves, hardened blade, scanner, habibuilder, welder.
My seamoth, however, has a mk3 compensator and the other 3 slots are just storage. The ones on the top are for salvaging, but the one on the side carries 2 medkits and supplies for, as you described it, an instant outpost kit. I've yet to even build a Cyclops.
EDIT: Forgot to mention I wear a rebreather, woops.
Inv: 1 extra plasteel tank, scanner, flashlight, welder, 1 first aid kit, 2-3 big waters and 2-3 reginalds.
The rest depends on what I'm planning. Drooping stingers? Repulsion cannon. Concentrated amount of annoying predators, crash fish, scanning predators? Stasis rifle. Exploring wrecks, caves, or searching for modules? Seaglide and laser cutter. Collecting? Ditch as much as possible and bring food I know I will end up eating.
I always bring: Rebreather, compass, 2 Big tanks, radgloves, reinforced suit, chargefins, seaglide, knife, scanner, welder, 1-2 medkits and 1 weapon.
As my main strategy is making trips from bases for loot and research, the still suit's supply of water is often unnecessary to me and takes up space I can use for other things. The Floating Island signal is a good orientation point to quickly find it (the beach in particular) and its surrounding biomes, which I regularly visit. My first save file I relied on beacons, but on land they tend to clip through and get lost. Unless I place them on foundations but I don't like how base building currently affects the island landscape.
Depending how Subnautica evolves, I'll return to beacons to mark the island if something can be done about the clipping/ground-reshaping and/or if we can get wall-mounted beacons for bases in which case a mini-hideout without foundation will do. I can see myself using the scanner HUD chip by default once scanner rooms get proper implementation. Any future chance for a day-night/astrological tracker (possibly also tied to a room?) will be a good candidate too. Day-night isn't that hard to deal with for me, but the random eclipses still terrify me.
I always carry with me a knife/hardened knife (1), scanner (2), habitat builder (3), welder (4), laser cutter (5), medkit, and usually I bring along one bottle of +40 water. I used to bring along the seaglide too (alt 3), but since the update and without lithium ion batteries it's not worth it post-moon pool/seamoth console. Post-seamoth it's already not that interesting. I'm currently dragging along a lightweight tank because I had it lying around (I like to make everything at least once, whether I use it or not) and could use the extra air for the trickier wrecks, not because I am sold on stacking. If they ever give us an extra high capacity tank, even if it only goes up to 125 seconds of oxygen, I'll keep to that instead. I never bring along weapons unless I have a special mission like teeth gathering or scanning.
I favor the seamoth as vehicle atm, which probs has a lot to do with the cyclops and its biomes of use being unfinished. (Although it's nice for a relaxed trip to the Koosh Zone and Underwater Islands.) Also I need the narrow bed, because the regular bed fits but not prettily so. For the seamoth, I have the extra hull protection, electricity field, 900m depth upgrade, and energy efficiency module installed by default. I'm considering switching hull protection or energy efficiency out for sonar, but I haven't decided yet.
Seeing so many different load outs, I might as well post my gear, too
First few hours:
Paperdoll: rebreather, thermometer, compass, fins, air tank
Hotbar: knife (1), scanner (2), flare (3), air bladder (4), beacon (5)
Inventory: 2 air tanks, medkit
No seamoth or cyclops
Paperdoll: rebreather, thermometer, compass, ultra gilde fins, high cap air tank
Hotbar: hardened knife (1), scanner (2), flare (3), laser cutter (4), beacon (5)
Inventory: 1high cap air tank (2, if I need to go into wrecks), medkit
I haven't used the seamoth or cyclops in a long time, maybe I build a seamoth now
Thanks for the advice. Truthfully, I rarely use it. I don't like hurting the manageable predators and almost solely have it to make myself at ease when I enter reaper territory, even though my tactic is to avoid. It's a candidate if I can get over my fear of reapers.
High capacity air tank, charge fins and a radiation suit.
Standard knife (5) Seaglide (4) Welder (3) Scanner (2) and Propulsion cannon, (1).
2x O2 tanks, 1x Laser cutter, 1x Habitat builder, 5-10 medkits (for the bone sharks and such) 1x Stastis rifle, 4-5 batteries, and a few bottles of water.
My selection is pretty simple, and thats why I like it
I've honestly never bothered carrying (or even making) a stasis rifle after the first time. Basically the only thing I find it's helpful for is Reapers, and if I get close enough to a reaper to need it, it most likely means I wasn't paying attention.
My Seamoth, the Cousteau, has a Mk3 depth compensator, a torpedo bay, an armor kit and a proximity defense system. The armor kit lets me roadkill Biters on sight with impunity. I consider it a public service. My Cyclops, the Kalpana Chawla, has an energy efficiency upgrade and a chelonian hull module, and that's it. There isn't anything else (yet) to put in it. Plus an onboard fabber and medkit fabber. Never know when you're going to be far from home and need an extra medkit right now.
Things I'd like to have, gear-wise: A synthetic-fiber upgrade for my stillsuit, just enough to make it proof against Biters and bleeders. (Maybe partial damage reduction from Stalker bites, but even if its teeth don't penetrate the suit, being bitten by a sand shark or bone shark is still going to REALLY FREAKING HURT.) A helmet light upgrade for the rebreather helmet. A map or chart. A shock torpedo for the Seamoth. Active sonar for the Cyclops. (I'm thinking "show major terrain features and help locate wrecks", although the odds are by the time I've built a Cyclops I've probably found most or all of the wrecks anyway.) A SMALL (one inventory space) propulsion pistol, with just enough power to punt a cave crawler. (The full-size propulsion cannon ought to pretty near be able to put them into low orbit.)
Oh, and it'd be nice if it were easier to move around on land. Dear gods, negotiating dry-land terrain is awful.
Suggestion: It would be a nice piece of immersion if you could move around a lot more easily on dry land by taking your freaking fins off.