Another abyssal creature.

XxIcarusxXXxIcarusxX France Join Date: 2016-06-03 Member: 218052Members
edited June 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
For some reasons, I was watching an article about imaginary SciFi vehicle in the anime movie "Laputa castle in the sky" from Hayao Miyazaki
when I found this postproduction concept art with some terrifying big sea monters from the deep abyss.
(Sorry for the the picture size, it was the only one avalaible.)

Sadly (or fortunatly), nothing like submarines & abyssal monters appeared in the final product.

These creatures seems to be a crossbreed between the Heterocongrinae species and other abyssal predators but in colossal size. They look pretty dangerous and from far distance they could be confused with a forest in the dark because of their number and their stanby position. It more an inspiration source than anything else.

I have started the game recently so I have no ideas if creatures like these are actually implemented or if they were already suggested (In this case I apologize :p ) .



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