Ok I have 2 questions that involve creative first why can't I find the exo suit? Second when will the ship explode I've been on for days and still no explosion? HEEELLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!
The Exo-suit isn't currently obtainable through normal means. However, you can use console commands to spawn a non-working, early version of the suit. (LB+RB+A) opens the debug console, then typing "Item exosuit" will spawn one in front of you. Like I said it isn't functioning in the current build so all you can do is get in and look around, but nonetheless, that's how. While playing in creative, the Aurora will not explode as I believe all story functions are eliminated. Yet again through the use of console commands you can force the explosion sequence by typing "EXPLODESHIP". I haven't tested this so it may not work on the Xbox version. Good luck, and happy swimming!