XBOX one Bugs

buzzbuzzjlinbuzzbuzzjlin Queen City Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217450Members
Reporting the bugs I have experienced, Feel free to add below

-Laggy, especially when entering Life support pod, diving depths over 20m, flora loading, and when coming up to the surface for O2

-No Crash Powder

- Acid mushrooms appeared in sky ~5m above my head

-Swim right through other life support pods

-Game Crashed when building a multipurpose room in shallow waters (Depth ~10m)

-Turned from Day to Night to Day (within matter of seconds) while swimming back to life pod

Will report more as I play. Overall a great concept for a game, looking forward to updates and the future for this game. Fully supporting it with 20 dollars $$


  • buzzbuzzjlinbuzzbuzzjlin Queen City Join Date: 2016-05-24 Member: 217450Members
    5 regular doors, 3 sealed doors floating above the surface of the water
  • AceDynamoAceDynamo Canada Join Date: 2016-03-02 Member: 213737Members
    Day turning to night really fast. Is most likley the eclipse that happens every few game days.
  • SilverWolf150SilverWolf150 UK Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217572Members
    Im sure that the corridors and Bends are ment to lock in either direction and connect to other corridors and other parts like the multi purpose rooms and moon bay rooms i have had issues with corridors and bend not rotating to the positions that there ment to be when connecting the to rooms or the T junctions and cross Junctions
  • EndlessHallsEndlessHalls California Join Date: 2016-05-27 Member: 217599Members
    I am experiencing all the above except for the fast day to night thing. The bigger problem I had was when my lifepod completely disappeared. The beacon was showing it way off in the distance, but I could never get there. I had to start over.

    Also, I am experiencing a "jerky" stick control. I'll be swimming along fine and dandy, then the screen will freeze for about 1 second then resume. It happens about every 20-30 seconds. Annoying when you're trying to grab stuff.
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