Seasonal Plankton Blooms

Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
edited May 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
Wouldn't it be cool if a plankton bloom could happen occasionally in a certain biome such as the kelp forest?


  • NikonthenetNikonthenet UK Join Date: 2016-05-12 Member: 216680Members
    I would like to see some changing and variable 'weather' ... I think this kind of thing is like underwater weather :)

    Imagine a 'Floater' bloom all over your would be great running around trying to repair everything!

    Heres some idea I posted:
    -huge swarms of floaters drift in, damaging bases, subs etc
    -vast fields plankton drift, clouding vision, attract big feeders
    -water spouts/whirlpools/tornado(in shallow water)
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    How about doing this with the Rockgrub? It is such a minimalistic life form that many people don't know about it. This will be the perfect opportunity for them to get noticed.
    Maybe this time they will get the rrrrrrrrecognition they deserve!
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