ech0gh0stech0gh0st CA Join Date: 2016-05-11 Member: 216637Members
Say you kill a bone shark. I think we should get an item called bone plating (takes up 4x4 space) if we keep hitting it that can be used to mod a reinforced dive suit or mod a blade to make it last longer/repair it. Or for the crab snake get a bio-luminescent jelly that can be used to make a small lamp or something. And the gaspods should let us make small gas bombs that can be used to make fauna leave us alone or even kill them if they stay in the gas for long enough.


  • A_FREAKING_DUCKA_FREAKING_DUCK Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215296Members
    I definitely agree. Right now, killing medium sized creatures such as gasopods and stalkers is a complete waste of time, as your not gaining anything. I think they not only should drop these items, but also a bit of meat as well. It only makes sense.
  • ech0gh0stech0gh0st CA Join Date: 2016-05-11 Member: 216637Members
    Yea meat would be prett
    I definitely agree. Right now, killing medium sized creatures such as gasopods and stalkers is a complete waste of time, as your not gaining anything. I think they not only should drop these items, but also a bit of meat as well. It only makes sense.

    Generic meat that can be cooked in the fabricator? that seems pretty cool to me!
  • nineonetwonineonetwo Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215452Members
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