Negative Buoyancy.

MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
I read an article in The Times today about William Trubridge breaking the world record for free diving by diving to 124 metres (407 ft) on one breath. It said on the surface he was able to fill his lungs with air so that they were the size of basketballs, but at 124m his lungs had shrunk to the size of lemons. :astonished:

Interestingly the article stated that at 100ft the body achieves negative buoyancy and you'll just sink to the bottom. Made me wonder about having a point of negative buoyancy in Subnautica. If the gravitation on planet SN is different to that if earth then there'd be a difference as to where the point of negative buoyancy is. But wouldn't it be interesting if we had the same in SN and that you'd need an air bladder or one of those hand-held machines (can't remember what they're called) to be able to swim back up above the point of negative buoyancy.


  • DefectiveDelfinDefectiveDelfin Planet earth Join Date: 2015-07-19 Member: 206262Members
    Well,this is a game so realism wouldn't apply here.I don't think anyone would enjoy having to wait 3 weeks for decompression in a base after diving down to 300 ft.

    Most of the time things like these don't get added due to the fact that they are very tedious and no one enjoys them.Maybe a few masochists would but i gurantee that everyone would dislike being dragged downwards after the 100ft mark.

    It would screw up so many things.For example,these could happen
    • Diving down to get a fragment.Toeing the
      90ft line.Suddenly dragged downwards to doom because you went to 100ft
    • New player swims a bit too deep.Gets dragged downwards and drowns
    • New Player is swimming over Grand reef/deep area.Goes over 100 ft.Im sure you know what happens

    Not only would that feature account for 90%of new player deaths,many areas at the start like the Grassy Plateaus,Creepvine forest and even the Safe Shallows have points that are over 100ft.In addition,no one likes being interrupted while doing something (Welding,building,hunting etc.)with being dragged down to the depths.

  • KelfaKelfa Join Date: 2015-05-30 Member: 205084Members
    edited May 2016
    Right now we dont have any buoyancy anyway, no negative, no positive (except for air bladder) if im not mistaken

    As an explanation you could say the characters dive suit tares automatically. Real divers can do that too, just not automatically. Fish also thanks to swim bladder.
    Thats why i dont considder the game less realistic if we dont experiennce negative bouyancy ;)
    And i agree to DefecticeDelfin. It would probably make the game less enjoyable.

    btw i find all these diving mechanics in rl fascination as well.
  • ChimpXChimpX Join Date: 2015-07-25 Member: 206391Members
    edited May 2016
    I'm all for adding additional 'realism' for Hardcore mode players.
    Or perhaps having a 'diving simulation' game mode that more closely mimics reality in various sadistic ways.
    I'd never use it, but it sure would be cool.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    We don't even have simplest pressure physics and you can connect two moonpools at different height. Not even physics for the hardcore mode. I'd accept this level of realism if the game had physics at all. But no matter my or other wishes, the devs haven't posted any plans to include physics for the hardcore lovers. Maybe after release 1.0?
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