Idea: Allow conversion of titanium ingot x1 to titanium x10

frazmifrazmi Kentucky Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214471Members
I think a fabricator should be able to convert a titanium ingot into raw titanium. In addition to being "realistic" this would allow us to reduce the number of lockers dedicated to stockpiles of titanium, since we don't know ahead of time whether we will need raw titanium or titanium ingots. (Just as a side note, I use the terraformer to dig a deep hole in the ground near my bases, then drop many titanium units in the hole. They stay put because there's no current in the hole.)


  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    edited April 2016
    this idea have been brought up several times in the past year. An idea which i agree to, like most of us do :smiley:
  • iSmartManiSmartMan Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215884Members
    At first this recipe seems obvious, but then I realized that there aren't any fabricator recipes in the game where the result takes up more inventory space than the ingredients. So, perhaps we should discuss what should happen if you try to craft 10 titanium from a single ingot, but you don't have enough room in your inventory for all 10 titanium. What should happen to the titanium you can't carry?
  • LeakingAmpsLeakingAmps Join Date: 2016-02-03 Member: 212527Members
    Either just drop it, or, better, just check if there's room before-hand.
  • DagonDagon Earth Join Date: 2016-03-21 Member: 214648Members
    iSmartMan wrote: »
    At first this recipe seems obvious, but then I realized that there aren't any fabricator recipes in the game where the result takes up more inventory space than the ingredients. So, perhaps we should discuss what should happen if you try to craft 10 titanium from a single ingot, but you don't have enough room in your inventory for all 10 titanium. What should happen to the titanium you can't carry?

    It should probably just fall on the floor, like the titanium does when you scan a fragment that you already have and your inventory's full.
  • frazmifrazmi Kentucky Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214471Members
    As an in-game precedent, if you are in a base or the life pod and you craft a med kit when inventory is full, the med kit sits around in limbo until you drop something, and then it magically adds itself to your inventory (as long as you are still in the base). However, if you do this in a Cyclops you lose the med kit, although there is some anecdotal evidence that this is the cause of the Cyclops getting stuck.

    That said, I'd be happy with a "lockout" where the option to deconstruct the ingot is not available unless 10 free inventory slots are available.
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