RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members

Yup! Its finally here! It isnt fleshed out yet (no plants + creatures) but the skull and ribs are there.

Go to the new bloodkelp biome and enter the cave.
Coordinates are -721 -574 1089.

Youtube video:



  • TheJewelOfJoolTheJewelOfJool Southwestern Ontario Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211261Members
    edited April 2016
    I can't find it at those coordinates.
  • LeonDOGELeonDOGE France Join Date: 2016-01-16 Member: 211525Members
    WARP -456 -756 -3 for the LR's Bones Field.
  • LightdevilLightdevil Austria Join Date: 2015-06-10 Member: 205381Members, Subnautica Playtester
    edited April 2016
    Wait... Depth 6m?? For some reason i thought it would be deeper than that :D
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
    Lightdevil wrote: »
    Wait... Depth 6m?? For some reason i thought it would be deeper than that :D

    Thats because i used freecam to get that screenshot i think.
  • Iron_FoxfireIron_Foxfire Join Date: 2016-04-13 Member: 215718Members
    edited April 2016

    This thing is gigantic. Love that the biome has some light so you can see everything. Though with the bad pop in right now, don't expect to see it right away.
    The entrance is at the bottom of the Blood kelp trench, just below the wreck there. I included the Seamoth and Cyclops for size comparison.

    Good to job to RevivedShadow for finding it and posting it.
  • badgerfrothbadgerfroth Darlington UK Join Date: 2016-04-10 Member: 215599Members
    Hmm, someone needs some dental work.

    Looks good though
  • RevivedShadowRevivedShadow Australia Join Date: 2015-07-28 Member: 206468Members
  • j0ndavj0ndav Bristol Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214373Members
    Is this in the stable build now too?
  • ShuryCZShuryCZ Czech Republic Join Date: 2015-07-07 Member: 206047Members
    Eww... Why is the skull in such a weird angle? :'( I mean, yeah, it's great, but...???
  • ShuryCZShuryCZ Czech Republic Join Date: 2015-07-07 Member: 206047Members
    Eww... Why is the skull in such a weird angle? :'( I mean, yeah, it's great, but, I guess I liked the concept art more. Things change, right...
  • Darwin-EvolutionDarwin-Evolution France Join Date: 2015-06-07 Member: 205310Members
    @ShuryCZ I actually like the fact that it's laying on its side but there is a problem. If you look closely at the concept art and at the Sketchfab model, you'll see that there is some "grass" drooping from the teeth of the skull. That is a cool effect, but now that the skull is on its side, the grass is also drooping sideways. You can see it in the pics and vid above. This is only a small problem and an easy one to resolve, but it's really bugging me and I want it to be fixed.
  • wolfie1897wolfie1897 Greencastle Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215865Members
    Just found this place, and to think i thought i had just run into a giant sea creature that was going to skin me alive...
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Hey, why not place some buried fragments inside the giant creature skeletons where its stomach would have been. Some cyclops fragments maybe. So we know a sub was eaten by that giant.
  • starkaosstarkaos Join Date: 2016-03-31 Member: 215139Members
    That jaw looks like the perfect spot for a base. Not sure if a subterranean base or a giant tower would be better. With a giant tower, I could make it look like the creature is biting a stick.
  • MoodsWoodsMoodsWoods Join Date: 2016-04-16 Member: 215831Members
    "Hey, why not place some buried fragments inside the giant creature skeletons where its stomach would have been. Some cyclops fragments maybe. So we know a sub was eaten by that giant. "
    I think that would only be plausible if the planet got more often visited from your own species in past.
    Assuming Aurora only crashed by accident there, it would be weird, because the creature would had to be alive when you crashed in order to eat some fragments, and would have to rotten quite verrry fast so you only find the bones any more... :) i guess.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    MoodsWoods wrote: »
    "Hey, why not place some buried fragments inside the giant creature skeletons where its stomach would have been. Some cyclops fragments maybe. So we know a sub was eaten by that giant. "
    I think that would only be plausible if the planet got more often visited from your own species in past.
    Assuming Aurora only crashed by accident there, it would be weird, because the creature would had to be alive when you crashed in order to eat some fragments, and would have to rotten quite verrry fast so you only find the bones any more... :) i guess.

    You forgot the story: The former Alterra expedition with logs around the abondoned bases and all their former activity. And the strange precursors.
  • CommonaffinityCommonaffinity CA Join Date: 2016-06-15 Member: 218624Members
    Soooooo....I've been searching in the trench for a while now, and can't seem to find a way into the LR Biome. I'm on xbox1 s it makes a difference. Only on PC?
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Soooooo....I've been searching in the trench for a while now, and can't seem to find a way into the LR Biome. I'm on xbox1 s it makes a difference. Only on PC?

    The X1 version hasn't been patched up that far yet, but it shouldn't be much longer :)
  • CommonaffinityCommonaffinity CA Join Date: 2016-06-15 Member: 218624Members
    Oh poo! I figured as much haha
    Thank you!
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