Enameled Glass Base Modules

AegilAegil Perth, Australia Join Date: 2016-03-26 Member: 214833Members
edited April 2016 in Ideas and Suggestions
A simple idea, really, but I would like to see more enameled glass versions of base structures and a tweak to the observatory. As it stands, an observatory requires 3 enameled glass and reduces hull integrity (HI) by 3 units. A glass corridor with a window on the end costs a total of 4 glass and cost -3HI, for almost the same observational ability. Okay, not as much space for planter pots or similar, but still, this enameled glass is meant to be tougher than normal glass, isn't it? I'd like to see enameled glass corridors and windows, with reduced impact on HI and a reduction on the Observatory's HI hit.

Something like:
I-Corridor Glass (2 glass, -2HI) / I-Corridor E-Glass (2 enameled glass, -1HI)
L-Corridor Glass (2 glass, -2HI) / L-Corridor E-Glass (2 enameled glass, -1HI)
Window (2 glass -1HI) / Enameled Window (2 enameled glass, no HI change)
Observatory (3 enameled glass, -1 HI)

With this arrangement, the observatory is no worse than the enameled pseudo-observatory that I described, costs less enameled glass and trades a second access point for greater area. It doesn't even need any new modelling really, except if you really want to make some small color change to differentiate the two types. And it gives us a reason to not slaughter every stalker that we find after we've found 5 stalker teeth.


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