Seamoth crosshair counter movement

TentacleTentacle Germany Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215298Members
In the new Oculus Update some changes have been made to the seamoth's steering. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but the pointer/crosshair of the seamoth does not stay where you point and wait for the seamoth to catch up but actually moves back towards the seamoth's Z-axis. This causes unpredictable behavior and the player tends constantly to counter the counter movement leading to an overall supersluggish feel.
Personally I didn't feel there was a need to alter the seamoth controlling behavior as it was pretty good already.


  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    I do agree with you that regular seamoth steering didnt need to be altered in any way. I do believe they did that to make the VR and oculus Rift experience better, which kinda fvcked everyone else not using those lol.

    Keep in mind this is Early Access so this might be changed or reverted back if enough players express their thoughts on the subject, who knows
  • AnarchAnarch Around Join Date: 2015-08-09 Member: 206928Members
    This makes me very dizzy while steering the seamoth to the point that it becomes unplayable, seriously. Needs to be fixed asap.
  • SarkothSarkoth Toronto, Canada Join Date: 2016-01-17 Member: 211592Members
    Yeah the bouncing around does make me a little motion sick. I can't imagine how rift users aren't puking their guts out.
  • JacaraJacara Washington Join Date: 2015-06-11 Member: 205391Members
    I've given up on the Seamoth, its unusable at the moment. I'm using Warps and Seaglide.
  • Recon777Recon777 Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215505Members
    Yes. Please fix the seamoth's movement. It used to be perfect, but it's very stuttery now with the new oculus update patch. Very disappointing.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    I preferred it when the Seamoth was 'fixed' to the player. If you turned left then you turned left; you didn't strafe left and use your mouse to look around. Ugh...
  • KlinnKlinn Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members
    I've given up on using the SeaMoth entirely. I'd rather swim naked through schools of Reapers than put up with it.

    Maybe the player should be given an option of what control scheme to use.
  • Twilight_DirgeTwilight_Dirge Canada Join Date: 2016-04-09 Member: 215528Members
    Sarkoth wrote: »
    Yeah the bouncing around does make me a little motion sick. I can't imagine how rift users aren't puking their guts out.

    Ditto for me, games on the shelf now until this is resolved...
  • frazmifrazmi Kentucky Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214471Members
    Adding my voice to those asking for the "old" SeaMoth control set. Prior to the recent update, driving the SeaMoth was fun, intuitive, responsive, etc. Now it's ugly, herky-jerky and counter-intuitive. I thought perhaps after a couple of hours I might get used to the new feel, but that has not happened. And as others have mentioned, I also get a touch of motion sickness when I try to make very fine adjustments to the position of the craft.

    It's not so bad that I don't use the SeaMoth at all. For long trips in a straight line it's OK. But IMO the new version is a definite major downgrade from the old version.
  • Recon777Recon777 Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215505Members
    I gave it a good long shot today, hoping to get used to it as well. What's the worst is trying to actually explore with the seamoth. You can't make minor adjustments to where you're looking because it constantly fights with your mouse. Moving the mouse will move your vision first (not the craft) and then when you let go of the mouse, it will begin to "correct" your position by simultaneously recentering your vision and then turning the craft toward where you were looking. Note: TOWARD where you were looking - not actually the spot you wanted to look.

    So in order to center something on the screen, you have to try several times. The craft doesn't point where you are looking until you make several attempts to turn it. This is hands down the worst vehicle in a computer game that I've seen in ages, probably since the 90's. Why in the world have the devs done this? It was FINE before the current patch. It was fun and easy to fly around the sea, going precisely where you wanted and pointing where you wanted. There was NOTHING wrong with the way it used to be.

    It's sad because I too might have to shelve the game until this is fixed. I only recently bought Subnautica and I've been absorbed in its beauty and adventure. And the most recent patch actually put all the fragments in good places! I've found the progression to be much smoother than before the update. I was really looking forward to this play through, but even I'm getting motion sick trying to drive the seamoth. And I never get motion sick. PLEASE FIX!!

    Maybe do a hotfix or something that only reverts the seamoth back to the way it was while leaving everything else alone.
  • AnarchAnarch Around Join Date: 2015-08-09 Member: 206928Members
    Well, it will eventually be fixed for non-Oculus players, just need it to be a higher priority since it substantially cripples the experience right now.
  • Recon777Recon777 Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215505Members
    Anarch wrote: »
    Well, it will eventually be fixed for non-Oculus players, just need it to be a higher priority since it substantially cripples the experience right now.

    Would it be so hard to just revert the code to how it was before? After all, the game has two versions anyway, right? One for Oculus players and one for everyone else?
  • TentacleTentacle Germany Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215298Members
    edited April 2016
    Anarch wrote: »
    Well, it will eventually be fixed for non-Oculus players, just need it to be a higher priority since it substantially cripples the experience right now.

    It is even worse with Oculus, believe me. This is shouting for a hotfix.
    Edit: I have to correct myself. At least in the experimantal build with the oculus the seamoth is fine. The control is exactly how it should be: full control over the seamoth with the controller and the oculus only for looking around.
    I had tried the seamoth with oculus directly after the Oculus patch and it was bad then.
  • AnarchAnarch Around Join Date: 2015-08-09 Member: 206928Members
    It is not hard to make a switch between the old behavior and the new, just need to let them keep this in mind as a priority.
  • TentacleTentacle Germany Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215298Members
    The funny thing is that the Oculus behavior is so different that I almost believe the new standard behavior is not related to the Oculus patch at all.
  • RedMallieRedMallie America Join Date: 2016-03-17 Member: 214355Members
    Klinn wrote: »
    I've given up on using the SeaMoth entirely. I'd rather swim naked through schools of Reapers than put up with it.

    I think if you do that, you'd be very brave.

    Klinn wrote: »
    Maybe the player should be given an option of what control scheme to use

    I agree with this.
  • Recon777Recon777 Join Date: 2016-04-08 Member: 215505Members
    Tentacle wrote: »
    The funny thing is that the Oculus behavior is so different that I almost believe the new standard behavior is not related to the Oculus patch at all.

    Well I don't have an Oculus, and in the previous build, the Seamoth handled perfectly. When the new patch came out, it was horrid. Clearly, the patch is responsible.

    What worries me is that this problem is not apparently on their todo list at all. Do they not even playtest before they release? Is the Seamoth somehow working properly for the dev team but not for us? Am I missing something? This needs to be bumped up to top priority. Five minutes to revert the behavior back to the old code and release a hotfix. There's no reason I can see why this wouldn't be on their radar or at least acknowledged by the devs as something they intend to fix. As it looks now, they may actually LEAVE it like this... o.O
  • frazmifrazmi Kentucky Join Date: 2016-03-19 Member: 214471Members
    Dev's seem to be on top of this issue. Please see this comment by one of the devs (Max)
  • TentacleTentacle Germany Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215298Members
    Recon777 wrote: »
    Tentacle wrote: »
    The funny thing is that the Oculus behavior is so different that I almost believe the new standard behavior is not related to the Oculus patch at all.

    Well I don't have an Oculus, and in the previous build, the Seamoth handled perfectly. When the new patch came out, it was horrid. Clearly, the patch is responsible.

    Yes, I actually meant "changes made for the oculus". The issue was of course introduced with this patch.
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